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Opleidingen - Mindfulness

Wat is Mindfulness ?

Tegenwoordig krijgen we het steeds drukker. Een drukke, veeleisende baan, een gezin, vrienden, hobby’s en sport eisen allemaal een plekje in onze drukke schema’s. Vaak hebben we het gevoel zelf geen controle meer te hebben en geleefd te worden door onze agenda, door anderen of door alles wat ‘moet’.

Door alle drukte en problemen verliezen veel mensen het contact met zichzelf, hun eigen waarde, wensen en waarheid. Met een cursus Mindfulness leer je weer dichter bij jezelf te komen en te blijven, zodat je minder invloed van alle drukte ervaart, dichter bij jezelf blijft en beter in je vel gaat zitten.

Leer jezelf beter kennen
    Jij bepaalt wat je belangrijk vindt, wanneer, en hoe. Zo heb je meer aandacht voor jezelf en kun je beter bepalen wat je nu écht wilt.

Ga ‘mindful’ door het leven
    Door aan te sluiten bij wie je echt bent en wat je zelf wilt, en door die aspecten te gebruiken om je leven voor jou zinvol te maken. En door je te leren hoe je een vriend van jezelf kunt zijn. Door milder voor jezelf te zijn, minder te ‘moeten’ en meer aandacht te hebben voor het leven van hier en nu.

Sta sterker en rustiger in het leven
    Als je jezelf goed kent, sta je sterker en laat je je minder beïnvloeden door stress en drukte van buitenaf. Zo wordt je leven rustiger en sta je sterker.

Overzicht cursussen Mindfulness

Doelgroep: U heeft geen specifieke vooropleiding nodig om deze cursus te kunnen volgen...

Bedrijf: Laudius     Duur: 4 maanden     Richtprijs: €179    

Deze cursus biedt een nieuwe en verrassende benadering van het begrip Mindfulness. Leer hoe je de kwaliteit van jouw leven verbetert en (weer) kunt genieten van “het moment”. Alle lessen staan volledig in het teken van zelfkennis en zelfinzicht om jou in staat te stellen een leven te leiden dat veel meer..
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Bedrijf: NHA     Duur: 6 mnd     Richtprijs: €199.00    

Heb je het super druk met je werk en/of je gezin? Wil je minder stress ervaren, maar vind je het lastig om tot rust te komen? De Mindfulness cursus helpt je in balans te komen. Lange werkdagen, sociale verplichtingen, een druk gezinsleven en misschien wel zorgen over je gezondheid, relatie of financiën. Dan..
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Bedrijf: Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs     Duur: 6-9 maanden     Richtprijs: €209.00     

Het moderne leven is druk en hectisch. Rustmomenten zijn schaars. Een adempauze, dat is waar mindfulness om draait. Je leert tijdens deze cursus op een bewuste manier aandacht schenken aan wat er zich rondom jou afspeelt. Je geeft richting aan gedachten, indrukken en emoties. Je leert doeltreffend omgaan met st..
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Bedrijf: NTI     Duur: 3, 6 of 9 maanden     Richtprijs: € 30,38 p/m    

Vind jij het belangrijk om bewust en ontspannen te leven? De praktische NTI-cursus Mindfulness leert je bewust worden van de activiteiten die je uitvoert. Wil jij graag bewuster in het leven staan en meer aandacht besteden aan het heden? De praktische cursus Mindfulness van het NTI leert je bewust te worden van..
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Doelgroep: Deze opleiding is perfect als je jouw aanbod als coach wil uitbreiden, of zelf een coachingpraktijk wil beginnen. Ook als je je eigen levensstijl wil bijsturen, ben je hier aan het juiste adres. Na..

Bedrijf: Centrum Voor Avondonderwijs     Duur: 111 lesuren     Richtprijs: € 1490.00    

Geloof jij sterk in complementaire en natuurlijke behandelwijzen? Wil je cliënten door middel van een individueel coachingstraject begeleiden naar gezondere leef- en eetgewoonten en hen helpen zich beter in hun vel te voelen, meer energie te hebben en hun leven meer in balans te brengen? Dan is de modulaire opl..
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Doelgroep: Deze opleiding is perfect als je jouw aanbod als coach wil uitbreiden, of zelf een coachingpraktijk wil beginnen. Ook als je je eigen leven in evenwicht wil brengen, ben jij hier aan het juiste adr..

Bedrijf: Centrum Voor Avondonderwijs     Duur: 6 lessen     Richtprijs: € 295.00    

Leer doeltreffend omgaan met stress, pijn, slapeloosheid en depressie door specifieke mindfulness- en aandachttechnieken aan te leren en over te brengen op je klanten. Focussen op en genieten van het "nu" is het doel. Zo bereik je een gelukkiger en vrijer leven. Dat voorkomt ook burn-outs. Miljoenen me..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 75 colleges - 7 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Students who complete this Mindfulness Certification will receive an official life coach CERTIFICATION from Transformation Academy. This course is also accredited by internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency (Provider No: 50134), and 15 CPD or CEU credits are available upon reques..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 39 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

★★★★★ "Absolutely brilliant course! Patrick's knowledge and insights opened up a whole new approach in how I am wanting to develop my own life coaching and meditation practice!" - Jennifer ★★★★★"I would give this course 10 stars if I could, I absolutely loved it!" - Tanya★★★★★ "I loved th..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 13 colleges - 5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

This course by renowned Tibetan Buddhist teacher and writer, Pema Chodron, is designed to help you break free of old habits and negative patterns. These lessons will assist you in accessing your ability to make better choices in your daily life. You’ll understand not only what it means to be hooked to old patterns a..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 159 colleges - 27,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Mindfulness is a ‘fully-conscious’ state of living that enables us to relate to our experiences with higher accuracy and clarity. Much of Western society perceives mindfulness to be ‘emptying one’s head of thought’, whereas the exact opposite is true.Mindfulness involves being acutely aware of our thoughts, ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 47 colleges - 4,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 159,99    

One of the most painful and pervasive forms of suffering in our culture is the belief that “something is wrong with me.” For many of us, feelings of deficiency are right around the corner. It doesn’t take much--just hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 14 colleges - 5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

In part two of the "Freedom to Choose Something Different" program, Pema Chodron, a respected and popular Buddhist nun, helps students transform themselves for the better. If you’re interested in evolving into the best possible person that you can be, you’ll need to be brave enough to recognize your own negat..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 46 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

We are the World’s number one provider of Self Development and Arts Therapy Courses, with more than 180,000 students in 192 countries.FULLY ACCREDITED MINDFULNESS DIPLOMAOn completion of this course you will be eligible for full Accreditation with the CPD Standards Office, which is a prestigious profession..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 26 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 59,99    

If we are suffering, we’re believing something that is limiting and untrue. Many of us have a cluster of core beliefs that bind us in fear and feelings of deficiency. These beliefs lead to harmful habits—addictive behaviors, conflicts, avoiding risks—that get in the way of our productivity, our ability to enjoy ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 79,99    

This course, taught by Thích Nhất Hạnh, a world famous Buddhist monk, poet, peace activist, and teacher, will teach you how to find happiness and access the “Kingdom of God” in the here and now. You'll practice mindfulness techniques, including meditation and simple breathing methods, so you can concentrate f..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 11 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

As a Christian, we are bombarded with challenges that face us everyday both externally and internally. Though we have a great handle on the external challenges, the internal ones are a bit more difficult. I am talking about our emotions. How much impact do our emotions have on our spiritual lives? A lot! As..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 22 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 59,99    

We all have some undercurrent of fear running through daily life. We may worry about losing our health and mental lucidity; losing others we love; losing our job or reputation.  In our daily trance of fear, our mind can spin endless stories about bad things that might happen, and how to avoid them. Often we try t..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 26 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 109,99    

Ken Wilber is a renowned philosopher and author who created this course to guide you through a deep mindfulness practice towards “waking up” and “growing up” your own spiritual evolution. Every great spiritual avatar of the past, from Buddha to Jesus, experienced freedom through a contemplative practice. But i..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 33 colleges - 6 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

This one-of-a-kind course is taught by Zen master Thích Nhất Hạnh, who is accompanied by two of his senior Dharma instructors, Brother Phap Hai and Sister Lang Nghiem. Throughout this program, you’ll work on broadening your understanding of, as well as your training in, the practice of mindfulness. As you move ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 14 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Thank you for your interest in my mindfulness sound course! It's a taste of a more extensive, larger course I am currently working on. That's why I could really use your input. Feel absolutely free to send me your feedback.This course is more than just theoretical information. Instead, yo..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 29 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Welcome!This course has been ranked Best Seller in Self-development on Udemy. My name is Peter Torok and I would like to welcome you to my Mind-mastery course. This combination of lectures and training was designed to let us learn how the mind really works so that we can access a higher aspect of ourselves and leave b..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 94,99    

This is a Professional Diploma Course that is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our Mindfulness for Children course is aimed at parents or teachers who have children or students between the ages of 6 - 10 years old. The course is full of techniques to confidently..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 16 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 99,99    

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do Not Purchase this course if you already a student of my Authentic Happiness Certification Course (AHC). JOIN MY > 32,000 HAPPY STUDENTS FROM 166 COUNTRIES WHO HAVE ALREADY TAKEN MY UDEMY COURSES AND GAVE ME OVER 1,000 5 STAR REVIEWS!As a Prominent Online Instructor and the Authority Fig..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 18 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

By the end of the course, you will know exactly how to use the power of your mind, to focus, allow, visualise, release resistance and get into the flow... to manifest the things you seek." It makes me very glad that through some `coincidence` I clicked here, because well... the feeling I had while listening was like p..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 20 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 169,99    

Do you want to create lasting change in your life and lay a solid foundation for happiness? Do you want to take back control over your emotions and state of being? What would your life look like if you were able to let go of worries, fears and judgments? Learn to remain peaceful and positive in all situations, benefit..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 32 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 124,99    

What are people saying about this course?"I really loved this course. This isn't just sitting and mediating, it's learning how to make meditation a part of your everyday life. Highly recommended!" – Adam Domine"I’m happier now than I’ve ever been before because I use the mindfulness tools taught to me by Jeremy ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 35 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Being fully guided; the programme in this course is designed to accelerate the experience of mindfulness meditation for individuals, as well as laying the foundations for a life time of practise. All you need to do is set aside time and follow the guidance given in daily exercises. Improve your ability to relax, ga..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 99,99    

Learn the powerful foundations of mindfulness and mindfulness meditation to help with stress management and personal developmentHow To Cultivate Mindfulness & Spiritual Meditation  Mindfulness is a powerful tool to help people develop themselves, understand and work with stress, anxiety and life's super highw..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 17 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 94,99    

Fully Accredited Mindfulness Diploma. Accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Easy Techniques To Guarantee Calm & Peace in Each Moment! Use For Yourself Or To Help Others As A Mindfulness CoachExplore all elements of Mindfulness with our fully accredited course. This course i..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 39 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Do you ever suffer from anxiety?  Do you get stuck in worrying thoughts about the past or the future?  Do you wish you could learn to relax and enjoy life more? This course is designed to help you feel calmer, safer, and more secure. If you are new to the world of mindfulness an..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 11 colleges - 43 minuten     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Mindfulness. This word recently is all over the places and, when this happens to a topic, it is difficult to understand what it really is about. This course teaches you moving meditation, an holistic approach to mindfulness, that will guide you through mindfulness training your body and mind t..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 24 colleges - 4,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

This unique course is taught by world-renowned Zen and Buddhist master, Thich Nhat Hanh. You’ll also be exposed to teachings by two of his senior Dharma instructors, Sister Lang Nghiem and Brother Phap Hai. As you move through the lectures, you’ll go on a journey that will allow you to deepen and expand your mindf..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 16 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 94,99    

This is a Professional Mindfulness Diploma Course aimed at Teenagers & those in school. It is aimed at children between the ages of 11 - 16 years old. The course is also fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.As adults ourselves, we lead very busy lives and so do ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 32 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Are you frazzled? Do you feel you have no time to accomplish your goals?Is Multi-Tasking draining your energy and focus?Is the world spinning faster and faster and all you want to do is get off?Do you feel more tired after sleeping? Are you go-go-go 24/7?Do you say 'Yes" when you mean "No"?Do you worry about ever..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 149,99    

Why take this course? This course is intended for you if you are looking to relax, be in your body and enjoy your life.  When you are mindful of your breath and grounded in your body it makes it much easier to navigate everyday tasks and the nuanced dance of relating to yourself and others. Mindfulness is the abi..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 18 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Through personal struggle, dedicated study and thousands of people served, Dr. August Leming brings his unique approach to teaching us how to be the best version of ourselves. Many of us feel our lives flying by, mostly out of our control - unable to understand how or why we feel the way we do. This course sets out a ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 26 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 29,99    

Do you want to be... ✔  A more focused language learner? ✔  Develop your self-awareness of unhelpful thinking habits and learn strategies in how to manage these thoughts better?✔  Learn simple breathing techniques to help you regain focus and calm the body?Did you answer YES&nb..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 25 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 29,99    

This course will be about Mental Models, Thinking, Behaviors (especially automatic behaviors like habits), certain learning techiniques (like the route method), how to adjust your behaviors and simply think different and see things in a new light. Some short descriptions here. Waiting things out, don‘t let restles..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 17 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 24,99    

Is your mind so FULL of thoughts you find it hard to be MINDFUL, focused and calm? Do you find yourself getting caught up in thoughts of the past, the future, or what-if-ing? Do you find it hard to release stress and anxiety and keep you attention focused on what you are doing? If you said 'yes' to any of these..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 23 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 139,99    

Hello, My dearest students and meditation enthusiasts. At the onset, I would like to offer you a short introduction about myself. My name is Pallabi Bhagawati. I am a spiritualist and a life coach from India. I am here to share my experience and knowledge with all of you with great honor. So, folks, LET'S MEDITATE. Me..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 39 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 89,99    

Curiosity, kindness and calm–oh my! Learn how to teach simple mindfulness exercises to children, especially children who are having some anxiety. This course takes the mystery out of mindfulness and gives you the tools to teach short, safe exercises to children.Master the Simple (and Fun) Skills of Teaching Kids Min..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

“It is Quality rather than Quantity that matters.” [Seneca]"Freedom to Choose Your 'Starting Point' courseTakes the words written in the BibleAnd resurrect them from "Wisdom" [Quantity] To the Creator of the Universe "Speech" [Quality], Which appeals to every one of the people in our worldAnd guides us how we..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 35 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 99,99    

This course by Tony J. Selimi, a TEDx Speaker, an unshakeable optimist and an authority on the psychology of maximising human potential, is designed to help you use mindfulness for higher Productivity, Performance and Profits. In the course Tony shares his transformative mindfulness principles that people around the w..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 colleges - 34 minuten     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Work alongside your horse, a friends horse, or if you're local to us you can even work with our horses. This course will teach you how to work with these horses to be mindful - you will obtain skills to use at the barn and at your day-to-day life. If you're an animal lover who is looking to better your mental health, ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 28 colleges - 3,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Nowadays, hyper-connectivity and our fast-paced lives have reduced the quality of our attention and fractured our minds. We are overscheduled and constantly distracted, leaving no room for us to find more intelligent ways to deal with the challenges presented to us. Quality time for basic leadership behaviours such as..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 18 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

Discover A Simple Guide to Shifting Your Mindset To Attract Anything You Want In Life! In This Course, You'll Find Out How To Gain A Winners Mentality!  How Would You Like To Rid Yourself Of Stress And Fear And Get More Of What You Want In Your Life… Even Faster? Pay Close Attention...Are you ready to improve y..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 94,99    

This is a Professional Diploma Course that is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our Mindfulness in the Workplace course has been designed specifically to aid training and development of employees within the workplace, either in a one to once coaching style session or as pa..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 24,99    

Mindfulness in Business has been updated in 2018, and offers you the opportunity to find your unique potential, discover your purpose in life and career, foster better communication in the workplace, and experience greater success and productivity.  You may have noticed that there are others you know who see..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 37 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 74,99    

This course will help you to start to make sense of your emotions and anxieties, master your fears and worries. Become more engaged with your life, more energised and more relaxed. Explaining the science of mindfulness through to the guided mindfulness practices of the body scan, breathing meditation and the loving ki..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 13 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

The Art of Witnessing was inspired by the teachings of Enlightened Masters. This a simple and powerful method that teaches you how to live consciously in the present moment. This program introduces practical techniques that can be applied in today's fast paced society. You can apply the concepts of witnessing to all a..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 57 colleges - 5,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 149,99    

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal development category. Our courses have been taken by over 70,000 happy students from 190 countries.If you want to get CERTIFIED as a life coach to use this material with your clients or workshop participants, look for..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 24 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 79,99    

LASTED UPDATED MAY 2018(Español Abajo)Videos subtitulados en español (perdón si hay algún error)Videos mit Untertiteln auf Deutsch (bitte entschuldigen Sie eventuelle Fehler)Video sottotitolati in italiano (scusate se c'è un errore) Mindfulness is one of the least understood, least practised ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 29 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Making SPACE for mindfulness is a course designed to help you establish a mindfulness meditation practice in five practical steps. Each step has a guided meditation to help you embed the principles in your deep subconscious. Each step also has a soundscape designed to enhance the listening and learning exper..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 41 minuten     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Welcome to the Mindfulness Masterclass! This is a 4 in 1 course, meaning you'll learn about the following four aspect of mindfulness.The Science of Mindfulness We'll delve into quantitative and qualitative scientific research that supports the practice of mindfulness so you can stay up to date with the concr..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 43 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

This course will teach mothers how to feel connected content and calm on their motherhood journey. Motherhood is a roller coaster of emotion filled with moments of bliss but also moments of intense frustration. Mothers are dis-connected, over-whelmed, stressed and often exhausted. This course is about how to practise ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 25 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

Learn a simple and powerful technique that will radically change your life. Whether you are new to Mindfulness or want to do a refresher course, this program will assist you to anchor this wonderful tool into your life.  Reduce stress and tensionManage insomnia. Get a good nights sleepFeel calmer and mo..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 7 colleges - 36 minuten     Richtprijs: € 89,99    

In this course titled 'Mind Power Techniques- 3 Steps To Break All Bad Habits' By Pradeep Aggarwal , you will learn that-Breaking a bad habit is not as easy as we think; smokers and drinkers are best examples of this. Choosing a correct way of programming to break or change habits is very important. This course is des..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 63 colleges - 4 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Now earn your Internationally Accredited Diploma in Mindfulness accredited by The CPD Standards Certification Service, which is an independent body that ensures qualifications are in line with the most current professional standards.This means this course comply with universally accepted principles of Continual Profes..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 16 colleges - 44 minuten     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

Mudras are hand positions used in meditation that redirect the flow of energy (chi) in the body and call over fresh energy from outside.  It's great for mindfulness practice because once you start focusing on your hands and listening to energy, you automatically become quiet inside.   You don't have to ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 66 colleges - 11,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

​Whether business or personal life, mindfulness helps us to become aware of our tendency to live in the past or the future. Often missing out on the beauty that is around us in the present. This training is geared for coaches and others client facing professionals who want to learn how to be more mindful in the..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 26 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Guided Meditations - Love, Money, Creativity & Consciousness are professional Guided Meditations sessions, providing relief and expansion to the most important areas of life. Four powerful guided meditations take on real-life challenges and teach you how to enhance intimacy, strengthen finances, boost creativ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 99 colleges - 8,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 104,99    

Are you ready to become something better? Something more than you are now? What I’m talking about here is embarking on a journey of self-discovery and self-transformation that will leave you smarter, more confident, calmer, more capable and better able to conquer and succeed in every aspect of your life.  Am I ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 86 colleges - 4,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 189,99    

Feeling worn out, emotional, overwhelmed, gritting your teeth, unable to enjoy time with your child, no time for yourself?  If you answered yes to just one of these then maybe mindfulness can help you. Parenthood is a most precious gift, yet all too often with the demands of modern day life, we are unab..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 7 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

This course will give you essential knowledge and key tools to reach the Mindful state in a simple and straightforward way, as taught by Laurentiu Marga. He is currently holding Mindfulness retreats, teaching people from all over the world. Here are some testimonials:"Laurentiu is an amazing and unique teacher. His wa..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 11 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 159,99    

Anxiety is a state of fear and confusion when we live in the fog of our mind.Anxiety is only a sign that we live in our mental world rather than in The Reality, which lies right in front of our eyes.This course is created to show you another way of Living Life by becoming more and more aware of each moment.Meditation ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 colleges - 31 minuten     Richtprijs: € 89,99    

All of us have an inner voice, and most of the people have an inner voice which is negative and criticizing them, which stops them from achieving their goals and it becomes a mental block which stops them to achieve their desired success in life and they under perform. In this course you will learn powerful NLP tec..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 30 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 24,99    

If your busy & want to live a calmer & happier life, these really simple tools allow you to gain clarity of thought & a physical calmness without having to spend hours in meditation at a physiotherapist or in analysis of your life - then this is for you. The 7 class topics are: Mindfulness ( if you can'..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 13 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 169,99    

Mindfulness is bliss... everywhere bliss.The more you dive in, the more it will be revealed to you.Mindfulness is right here, right in front of your eyes, as the most intimate part of your life. Yet you cannot see it, you cannot live it, that's why you suffer, you feel confused or feel that something very close to you..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 23 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 149,99    

Master the art of mindfulness.  Stop worrying and start living.  Create the space to retain a peaceful mind even in a busy life.  Learn how to bring Mindfulness into your life to make you happier, calmer and more effective.  Achieve better stress management and resilience and realise the benefit..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 25 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 99,99    

See what my students feel about this course…“Fantastic course. I like it very much. Madam you know how to engage the audience. And also your experience shows.” By Rajen“Good advices for working with the law of attraction.” By EmilLearn mindfulness meditation in combination with subliminal messages and binaur..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 16 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 34,99    

Your chakra system represents all the parts of you.  Your sense of safety and security, sexuality, creativity, your sense of self, your ability to give and receive love, express yourself, your ability to see people and situations more clearly, as well as your connection to the divine.  When one of these area..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 24,99    

Do you want more confidence, more self-esteem, more mental clarity, more personal power and more success?Then this course is for you!In this course you'll learn to develop the ten essential "Mind Powers" which are the fundamentals you need to produce, create and attract more of what you want in your life. You'll learn..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 49 colleges - 3,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 119,99    

Skills You Will Learn Understand the relationship between manifestation and mindfulnessRelease traumatic memoriesKnow what true freedom isOvercome "worst case scenario" thinkingIntegrate utilitarian mindfulness skills into your lifeWork with your mental diet to promote peace of mindApply the "Quality of Mind Cont..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 13 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

There maybe times when you feel overwhelmed by life, not coping or really enjoying what you are doing or have, feeling stressed and anxious. Sometimes we are so busy and saturated with information that we can barely keep up with ourselves let alone anyone else. If you recognise any of this you are in the right place! ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 7 colleges - 39 minuten     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Are you SUPER busy & don't have time to spend hours meditating every day - this is for you. & it works better than most meditation practices. Are you struggling to get into a quiet meditation zone? Is your mind in overdrive? Is your body struggling to relax? This MINDFULNESS TOOL works even better than ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 149,99    

Why take this course? This course is intended for you if you are looking to strengthen your work relationships and environment by mindfulness, self-confidence, communication, and appreciation.  When you practice mindfulness in the workplace, you have the ability to feel more at peace..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 42 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

 Hello there,  we would like to introduce the course to you briefly, so you get a clear picture what will be happening. You will go through the simple, but profound process of understanding yourself.  You will get in touch with your inner child, you will connect to your body, you will get to know your e..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 31 colleges - 3 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

In this course we take a simple but affective meditation method and make it work for us in a simple and easy way, we take it one step further  and put it into a method. If you are like me and tried  so many meditations and read so many books this will be a real aha moment for you. ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 22 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 124,99    

The The Power of The Eternal Now - Attract Miracles & Abundance is for you if you want to experience presence, flow, joy, miracles and abundance in your life. In this course you will learn how to release negative emotions like fear and stress . You will be releasing the blocks to experiencing the eternal now and s..
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Doelgroep: Gevorderd..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 7 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

This course is a sequel to Level I - The Present. It explains the next step in Mindfulness, The Observer of the Present Moment. It includes more advanced practices and advises for those willing to venture into the deep realm of self-knowledge and Mindfulness, as taught by Laurentiu Marga. He is currently holding Mindf..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 13 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 29,99    

A clear, simple, effective course to help get you in control and enjoying life to the full.We show you how to practice daily Mindfulness, with this straight-to-the-point, practical, immediately usable introduction.  Mindfulness is the current health and wellness 'buzzword' and it's our expertise! We can't wa..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 10 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Do you lead a stressful, busy, life where there is never enough time to relax?Does this describe the life you lead?Are you trying to manage life's up and downs without the skills at hand. Because our bodies perceive this stress as a crisis you are susceptible to anxiety, depression, sleep or health issues and difficul..
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Doelgroep: Gevorderd..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 70 colleges - 5,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

This 7-step program is designed to support you to bring mindfulness and compassion into your day-to-day work-life, this course will act as a springboard for finding new growth-strategies in a faster moving world.You will receive professional support on your journey as you prepare for the 4th industrial revolution. Thi..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 colleges - 44 minuten     Richtprijs: € 104,99    

Mindfulness = Awareness “Our thoughts, our emotions, our behaviour, and therefore our mental health, is largely dependent on our understanding of the world; our thoughts about ourselves, other people and the future” Of course to set and intention and get the ball rolling you have to start with a Healthy mindsetso ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 11 colleges - 4,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 159,99    

This course shows you how to use mindfulness to increase your sexual desire and enhance your sexual relations with your partner regardless of how long you have been together or how many times you've already had sex. You have the ability to experience  sex with your partner as so..
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Doelgroep: Gevorderd..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 89,99    

Mindful Experience for entrepreneurs is created to tackle the most common challenges that you can face as an entrepreneur.From time management to decision making, self-doubt or even depression, strengthening your cognitive abilities will help you overcome any occasion comes your way, with less conscious effort, as min..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 10 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 24,99    

An on-demand eCourse from The Leandra Witchwood Foundation, a non-profit organization Your mindset and your ability to be mindful are necessary tools for harnessing and mastering your Magickal gifts and gaining Spiritual awareness.  In this session, we will discover the importance of mindset and mindfulness as th..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

The Complete Business Mindfulness Webinar™ is a mind-training and mindfulness course developed specifically for busy professionals and led by former CEO Linda Björk. Based on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Success Coaching, the full diploma* course is divided in to 8 sessions – all o..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 9 colleges - 33 minuten     Richtprijs: € 99,99    

In our busy lives topped with distractions, we have conditioned ourselves to not live our life fully. Mindfulness appears as a meditating practice, however, it is a lot more than that. It can be achieved while you are running your errands and performing daily tasks. Daily, but little, mindful steps are the most powerf..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 11 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

The Easiest Way To Develop Mindfulness. 1. A 23-minute animated video including all of the best information in all 10 books. Perfect for a daily re-boost. 2. Animated video summaries of the world's 10 most popular books that teach mindfulness.            ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

The Complete Business Mindfulness Webinar™ is a mind-training and mindfulness course developed specifically for busy professionals and led by former CEO Linda Björk. Based on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Success Coaching, the full diploma* course is divided in to 8 sessions – all o..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 24 colleges - 3,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 124,99    

The first part of this course is designed to give you tools to help you today! If you're new to the concepts of mindfulness and the law of attraction then this course will give you the foundation you need to start making changes now. You truly can create the reality of your choosing and instead of feeling like life is..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 30 colleges - 15 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

30 x 30 minute Relaxational Hypnotic Meditations.Take a session every day for 30 days straight - and experience the power of your inner self.It  is very easy to lose yourselves in the day to day strain of life. This  stress occurs when we have too much on our minds and can't concentrate  on a specific t..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 17 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 119,99    

CHANGE YOUR DESTINY Megan Jackson has combined her knowledge of 14 years of meditation, along with her counseling practice to create a  mindfulness program that is ideal for people of all ages and fits in with contemporary learning. Combining mindfulness meditation and her extensive research in brain/mind functio..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 21 colleges - 4 uur     Richtprijs: € 179,99    

Learn about your mind and life in a new way, today! In this course, you’ll embark on a journey with us as we explore the mechanics ofthe mind and mindfulness, and how it can help you to expand your potential, makingyou more aware of the power that you possess as an individual. This course aims to empower you wi..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 28 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Do you wish you had more tools to help your clients recognize and stop negative thinking? The Native Strength path is a centuries-old traditional system that uses the Wheel of Life to help define and understand our world better. You’ll be given many diagrams you can share with your clients to help them find the orig..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 19 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Are you feeling stressed out? Well, you’re not alone. Millions of people around the world are feeling overwhelmed by their busy lives. The good news is that overcoming stress is a lot simpler than you might think. Dozens of studies have revealed that you can easily overcome stress through mindfulness, and achie..
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Doelgroep: Gevorderd..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 20 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

If there is one ability that you could learn that would make every single aspect of your life better, what would it be?Undoubtedly, it would be the ability to control your emotions and to control the way you think.This might sound like a surprising claim but the ability to control your emotions and the way you respond..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 21 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

Explore a different perspective on Mindfulness.Connect to your Mind in a new way.Understand the difference between your mind and your head-brain, learn more about your other brains, find out what to do when stressed, check out if you have a healthy ego, what's your dominant energy expression, are you ever mindful .. o..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 14 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

We are all approaching the days of ArmageddonWho does not want to get ready for the last battle of humanity?This does not mean only getting ready physicallyBut to prepare spiritually and mentally, to know the scriptures on faith in God in the most effective way, to be part of the elite human andto implement scriptures..
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Doelgroep: Gevorderd..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 10 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

Kairography is a new science in the fields of energetics and personal developement. The principles behind it revolve around the energy signature (a radar chart like figure) of your subtle energy field portion representing your vibratory rate at each chakra, each aspects of your life and the main general potential bloc..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 16 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 29,99    

My Dog and Me Mindfulness Course is used by dog lovers, dog owners, dog walkers and people whose dogs have bad behaviour traits. This course is about creating a calm and balanced energy in the home and in the owner's life. This is to help the owner find peace and tranquillity through Mindfulness. A calm and balanced o..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 29 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Taking its inspiration from the great religious faiths and doctrines, Karmacise is a modern way to gain inner peace and self-realisation through dedicated practice and through a network of both online communities and local groups.This course has been created from The Master Key System which has been updated for 21st C..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 41 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 49,99    

Why are  people turning to meditation to improve their daily lives? The easy answer is, meditation works. The more complex answer is that today, we are suffering from information overload and stress more than previous generations. Some people want to reduce stress and enjoy greater peace. Others seek more aw..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 13 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

The Complete Business Mindfulness Webinar™ is a mind-training and mindfulness course developed specifically for busy professionals and led by former CEO Linda Björk. Based on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Success Coaching, the full diploma* course is divided in to 8 sessions – all o..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 9 colleges - 44 minuten     Richtprijs: € 94,99    

The mindfulness meditation & spiritual healing for mind & body is for you to develop emotional peace and heal at the level of mind and body.At the age of 30 while working in the stock market I suddenly developed kidney failure. When the doctors told me they did not know what to do save my life, I faced powerle..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 16 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Referred to as  The #1 Health-Booster in 2015 by Parade Magazine, meditation is making its presence known to even the most skeptical. Scientists, politicians, celebrities, and children, anyone with a consistent practice, are marveling at the benefits resulting from meditation. People now&..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 5 colleges - 39 minuten     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Do you want to learn How to Awaken your Kundalini Energy? Do you really want to open your Seven Chakras with the help of Kundalini Shakti which is laying inside you in sleeping mode? A lot of people around the want to be happy through Yoga & Meditations but results are not that fast because of many blockages ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

The Complete Business Mindfulness Webinar™ is a mind-training and mindfulness course developed specifically for busy professionals and led by former CEO Linda Björk. Based on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Success Coaching, the full diploma* course is divided in to 8 sessions – all o..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 14 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Breaking Free!It’s time to wake up.My name is Dan Evan Hall, and I want to help you wake up.  I’ve just released a new course called Breaking Free, which is a guide on how to awaken your intuition and achieve an altered state of consciousness--one that will allow you to see the code all around you so that you..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 199,99    

The duration and design of this course is one to help you to completely change your life and to become the person you dream of. I use mindfulness, mediation and the law of attraction and combine them to bring about amazing and quick results. This is a short yet very informative course that is very easy to understand a..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

This is an introductory course to mindfulness. I will show you how to use mindfulness to enhance your life, be more productive, and be happier. We will cover what Mindfulness is, what Meditation is, the power of living in the present, how to become a better listener and how to manage feelings, and we will look at your..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 10 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 114,99    

Are You Ready to Truly Love YOU?If you have been guided, nudged, or drawn to this page, then there is something here that your soul would like you to know about.This is an emotional self-healing course, which will help you to understand, integrate, and embrace yourself as a complete multidimensional being.This course ..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12 colleges - 2,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

The Complete Business Mindfulness Webinar™ is a mind-training and mindfulness course developed specifically for busy professionals and led by former CEO Linda Björk. Based on Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Success Coaching, the full diploma* course is divided in to 8 sessions – all o..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 17 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 44,99    

If the holidays stress you out, bring out the worst in you, and in general makes you wish you could skip the last two months of the year, this course is for you! The course is divided into three main topics: Peaceful Body Peaceful Mind Peaceful Soul and every lecture is designed to bring you more peace and joy in unde..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 20 colleges - 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 29,99    

Why this course? There are lots of mindfulness programs out there. Most mindfulness courses take lots of time every day. We know you are very busy. We know your job is stressful and many of you don't have time to implement a full blown mindfulness practice. This program is not only effective but it is short, simple, ..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 54 colleges - 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Self-management is about understanding yourself and staying “in the moment”. This course teaches how to become more mindful of your actions and how to express and interpret your present environment to maximize your professional results. You learn how to create positive connections and increase your self-regulation..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 14 colleges - 5 uur     Richtprijs: € 149,99    

Imagine what your life would be like if you could live it more mindfully with all five senses. You could: Give your work, school. and training activities the full attention and focus they deserve.Treat each conversation with respect by truly listening to others with understanding.Listen to music, watch a mov..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 91 colleges - 12,5 uur     Richtprijs: Gratis    

Hi, I am Per Norrgren, welcome to my mindfulness course. I first discovered mindfulness some seven years ago when attending an 8 week mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) course — and it changed my life so much that since then teaching mindfulness is my passion and a major part of my life. I'd love to share w..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 49 colleges - 7 uur     Richtprijs: Gratis    

Introduction Welcome to the Mindfulness Course for Individuals, and thank you for choosing us. We believe that, by the end of the course, you will really be able to feel the benefit of practising Mindfulness in your daily life.  Mindfulness Meditation Creates Awareness: Mindfulness is best learnt through practisi..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 6 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: Gratis    

It's not rocket science! We are all capable of becoming friendly and kind with ourselves. Experience the freedom that comes with letting go of old habits and fears. This is possible for you. Lynn Fraser has taught thousands of people to meditate, and to learn about and become friends with their min..
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 75 colleges - 7 uur     Richtprijs: Gratis    

The context of the courseIn this course, the very core intention is for you to use these techniques to help you recognise the deeper essence of who you are. This is sometimes called Self realisation or enlightenment. The course is also open to those who want to use meditation to assist them in alleviating some issue s..
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Doelgroep: Beginner..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 48 colleges - 1 uur     Richtprijs: Gratis    

You're half way through a 8 day "stretch". This isn't as relaxing as it sounds. I'm not talking about Yoga or anything enjoyable. I'm talking about working 8 days in a row without a break. To top it off, the days are blurring into one long hour and everyone around you is getting tired of you justifying your mood swing..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is their own harshest critic,Anyone who gets stuck in patterns of blame and resentment,Anyone who feels challenged around giving or receiving love..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4.5 hours     Richtprijs: €29.99    

One of the most painful and pervasive forms of suffering in our culture is the belief that “something is wrong with me.” For many of us, feelings of deficiency are right around the corner. It doesn’t take much--just hearing of someone else’s accomplishments, being criticized, getting into an argument, making a ..
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Doelgroep: Anyone with a strong, habitual attachment that causes them pain,Anyone who struggles with an addiction or habit they just can't break (opioid or other drugs, smoking, sugar, ... etc.),Anyone suffering..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €29.99    

Often when our basic needs and desires are not met, we pursue substitute gratifications. Craving and fixating on these substitute gratifications is what drives addictive and compulsive behaviors.Overachieving, overextending ourselves, trying to check more and more things off the list: these substitutes are largely soci..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who feels trapped in habitual thoughts \u0026 feelings of anxiety, anger, resentment, sadness, loneliness or depression,Everyone seeking to dismantle barriers to connection with themselves and..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €29.99    

If we are suffering, we’re believing something that is limiting and untrue. Many of us have a cluster of core beliefs that bind us in fear and feelings of deficiency. These beliefs lead to harmful habits—addictive behaviors, conflicts, avoiding risks—that get in the way of our productivity, our ability to enjoy i..
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