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Overzicht cursussen Webbeveiliging

Doelgroep: Pentesters,Web Application Security Engineers,Web Application Developers,Security Engineers,Students,Anyone with Interest in Web Security..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €94.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Cross Site Scripting or XSS is still one of the most common injection vulnerability that exist in modern as well as legacy Web Applications. This course will teach XSS in-depth and even talk about the lesser known derivatives of XSS called Mutation XSS (mXSS) and Relative Path Overwrite XSS (RPO XSS). If you are interested in learning about the different types of XSS, different context in XSS, an
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Doelgroep: System administrators,Ethical Hackers,Security Enthusiasts..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

There are a lot of courses out here about offensive security and penetration testing. They are extremely useful. But even if you are a penetration tester, security consultant, a linux administrator or a developer, you should also have to know how to fix your security. How to protect actively (so in real time) and reactively your linux servers. And this is not an easy task, believe me, I hack websi
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Doelgroep: Application Testers,Rails Developers,Anyone who writes web applications..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

This course will start you down the path of becoming a Web Security professional or a Ethical Hacker. You learn the fundamental of ethical hacking and how to protect your own applications for security issues as a Web Security profession. You will learn to start thinking and looking at your web applications through the eyes of malicious attackers. You will learn to understand the mot
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Doelgroep: Recent graduates looking to get a foothold in the IT Industry.,Businesses looking to maintain information security and protect vital web-based information.,IT professionals looking to secure web based applications and services.,Managers wanting to im..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €49.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Web application security involves the security of websites and web applications. The principles of application security is applied primarily to the Internet and Web systems. An overview of web application will be the opening topic for this course. This will be followed by an introduction to web application security and its dissimilarity to network security. Web Application Security (WAS) scanne
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Doelgroep: Web Developers..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €44.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Founded in 2001 as an open-source security community centered around the goal of spreading application security awareness, the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is most famous for their OWASP Top 10 which has become the industry gold standard for application security.Powered by a global network of over 42,000 security-aware volunteers, OWASP members hail from educational and government
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Doelgroep: This course is perfect for existing web designers as well as anybody who is passionate about developing their skills in the field of internet security. ,We have designed this course to enable those aspiring to enter the information security field to..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €49.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Hi, welcome to our advanced web hacking and security course. In this course, we will teach you how advanced client based, server based and application based web attacks are performed in a simulated/test environment in an ethical way. This course helps the web security professional to mitigate these attack using the recommended solution at the end of each module. You will be encouraged to
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Doelgroep: Definitely and by no-doubt, this course is for You,Aspiring Web Hackers willing to learn specifically about SQLIs,Bug Hunting Experts willing to Sharpen their SQL Injection skills...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

"Knowledge is Power" Right? Actually Wrong.
In fact "The Ability to apply that Knowledge is Power!".
If you want to Master Web Hacking, The fastest way to become an expert would be to study each vulnerability in deep. SQL injection is one of the top 10 vulnerabilities in the world and hence it can be a great start for you to walk on that path. SQL Injection is a type of injection attack
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Doelgroep: University students studying computer science or a related field,Tinkerers wanting to ensure their apps are secure,Employees wanting to improve the cyber security of their firm,Developers interested in learning security..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €79.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Daniel Slater    

Computer security is one of the biggest job gaps in history, with a shortage of 3.5 million skilled workers needing to tackle a problem estimated to be worth $6 trillion. This is one of the biggest opportunities in history.When I was at university I did a lot of security courses and to be honest I was pretty frustrated at how they were taught. The concepts and their importance captured my imaginat
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is Curious and Interested about the Deep and the Dark Web...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Parv Shah    

Have you heard many times about the Deep/Dark Web but you never had any clue what it is?Have you ever thought about how the Hidden side of the web would be?Are you curious to explore the Hidden area of the internet but are unable to do so because of security reasons?Dark Web: Complete Introduction to the Deep/Dark Web 2021 is made for you! You will learn all the points related to the Deep/Dark Web
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Doelgroep: Anyone who just simply wants to learn about wordpress.,Anyone with a wordpress website.,Web developers who want to learn how to secure wordpress...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Juravlea Nicolae    

This course will teach you how to build a secure, responsive website with WordPress. You don't need to purchase hosting or pay for anything to follow along and practice building a website yourself. This course covers: How to Build a Beautiful WordPress Website. How to Install and Customize the Virtue Theme. Secure your WordPress site using step by step methods. Password Protect your files with
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Doelgroep: Rails Developers,Quality Assurance Testers,Application Testers,Anyone who writes web applications..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

By the end of One Month Web Security, you will be able to review your own applications for security issues and ensure the code is properly hardened against malicious attacks. You will also be able to design new applications with security in mind, significantly lowering the risk and cost associated with deploying new applications.
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Doelgroep: Angular Developers looking to learn in-depth Web Application Security in the specific context of an Angular Application..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €149.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 8 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

The course is an Web Application Security Fundamentals Course, where the application will use the Angular/Node stack.All the server code is in Typescript, but the security concepts explained in it are applicable to other technology stacks.This course includes an auxiliary Ebook - The Typescript Jumpstart Ebook
We will use several MIT licensed Angular and Node packages from Auth0 (that you
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Doelgroep: This course is a MUST for all e-mail users: in corporations, small businesses, and at home..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €94.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Rafi Saar    

[Last update: 02/02/2020]

We, humans, are the weakest link when facing online security breaches, both in the office and at home.
According to a Google study, phishing is the biggest threat to our online security.
We all get phishing e-mails; some of them always make it through our filters.  Those e-mails are dangerous because we can easily mistake them for a legitimate e-mail com
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Doelgroep: Application security engineers,Network security engineers,Ethical hackers,Software developers..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Stone River eLearning    

The OWASP: Threats Fundamentals course is part of a series of training courses on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). This course covers the fundamental concepts and techniques to identify different types of threats. The course also teaches the students to improve the security by avoiding misconfigurations, data exposure and insecure cryptography. The OWASP Foundation was establishe
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Doelgroep: Application security engineers,Network security engineers,Ethical hackers,Software developers..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Stone River eLearning    

The OWASP: Proactive Controls course is part of a series of training courses on the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). The OWASP Top Ten Proactive Controls is a list of security techniques that should be included in every software development project. They are ordered by order of importance, with control number 1 being the most important. This training assists the developers who are ne
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Doelgroep: (Project) managers that lead software projects,Recruiters hiring software engineers,Software engineers,Anyone interested in the basics of web application security, explained in laymanu2019s terms..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Soerin Bipat    

[UPDATED in 2021]
Within 1,5 hour you will understand web application security without having to code. This course will jumpstart your security career.  I will teach you the 10 most common threats identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). At the end of the course you will learn: 
1) what the OWASP top 10 threats and are, Meer info