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Opleidingen - DevOps

Ontdek op deze pagina een uitgebreid aanbod van cursussen over DevOps, ideaal voor softwareontwikkelaars, systeembeheerders, en iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in het verbeteren van de samenwerking tussen ontwikkeling en operaties om softwareontwikkeling en deployment te versnellen. Of je nu een beginner bent die de basisprincipes van DevOps wil leren of een ervaren professional die zijn vaardigheden wil uitbreiden met geavanceerde automatiserings- en monitoringtechnieken, onze cursussen bieden de kennis en praktische vaardigheden die je nodig hebt.

Je vindt hier cursussen die je leren hoe je continu integratie en continu deployment (CI/CD) pipelines kunt opzetten, configureren en beheren. Leer over belangrijke DevOps-tools zoals Jenkins, Docker, Kubernetes, Ansible, en Terraform, en hoe je deze kunt gebruiken voor het automatiseren van tests, builds, en deployments. Deze cursussen bieden ook inzichten in cloudtechnologieën, microservices-architecturen, en security practices die essentieel zijn voor moderne DevOps-werkstromen.

Of je doel nu is om de productiviteit van je ontwikkelteam te verhogen, de operationele betrouwbaarheid te verbeteren, of je carrière vooruit te helpen in een veld dat steeds belangrijker wordt in de IT-industrie, onze cursussen bieden praktische begeleiding en deskundige instructies. Je leert van ervaren DevOps-professionals die hun expertise delen door middel van interactieve lessen, hands-on labs, en real-world projecten.

Onze cursussen in DevOps zijn toegankelijk voor deelnemers van alle technische niveaus en bieden flexibele leertrajecten die kunnen worden aangepast aan jouw specifieke professionele doelen en technische eisen. Aanvullende bronnen zoals toegang tot de nieuwste softwareontwikkelingsplatforms, community forums, en professionele ontwikkelingssessies kunnen je leerervaring verder verrijken en je voorbereiden op succes in de dynamische wereld van DevOps.

Overzicht cursussen DevOps

Type Opleiding: klassikaal online     Richtprijs: €413     Taal: Engels     Partner: edureka!    

Edureka's DevOps training program will provide you with in-depth knowledge of various DevOps tools, including Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Terraform, Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Grafana. This DevOps certification course is entirely hands-on and designed to help you become a certified practitioner through best practices in Continuous Development, Configuration Management, and Integration,
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Richtprijs: 413 Euro     Taal: Engels     Duur: 6 weeks     Partner: edureka!    

Het DevOps Certification Training Program biedt u een grondige kennis van verschillende DevOps-tools, waaronder Git, Jenkins, Docker, Ansible, Puppet, Kubernetes en Nagios. Deze training is volledig hands-on en ontworpen om u te helpen een gecertificeerd beoefenaar te worden door middel van best practices op het gebied van continue ontwikkeling, continue testen, configuratiebeheer en continue i
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 12,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Derek Morgan    

Learn Terraform Using Docker, AWS, Kubernetes, and more!.
Wat je leert: Terraform , Infrastructure as Code , Docker
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Doelgroep: Voor gevorderden..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 40 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Imran Teli    

Master Your DevOps Skills with Real challenge.
Wat je leert: Gain expertise in DevOps projects setup, from scratch. , Learn how to build complete DevOps Lifecycle. , Understand highly complex CICD pipelines
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Rick Crisci    

Learn the basics of DevOps with no prior knowledge required. Ideal for anyone new to DevOps..
Wat je leert: Understand the basic goals, benefits, and concepts of DevOps , Learn how automation is used in a DevOps culture , Understand microserivces, serverless, and containers
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 17,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Mumshad Mannambeth    

The ultimate DevOps Bootcamp course for all your DevOps learning.
Wat je leert: Build necessary skills to start DevOps Journey , Get in-depth knowledge of popular tools in DevOps - Orchestration and Containers , Understand Containers - Docker, Kubernetes, OpenShift
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Anderson Carvalho    

DevOps in practice! Amaze your customers balancing reliability and innovation.
Wat je leert: SRE Principles , SRE Practices , SRE Terminology: SLO, SLA, SLI, Error Budgets...
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Anand Rao Nednur    

All the basics you need to know - Get started with DevOps.
Wat je leert: Gain a solid Understanding of DevOps Practices , Learn about Continuous Integration and Delivery and its role in DevOps , DevOps terminology
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 55 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Imran Teli    

Begin DevOps Career As an Absolute Beginner | AWS, Linux, Scripts, Jenkins, Ansible, GitOps, Docker,Kubernetes, &ChatGPT.
Wat je leert: Learn DevOps from total scratch , AWS, Linux, Scripting, Jenkins, Github Actions, Ansible, Docker, Kubernetes, Terraform & many more , Understand how various technologies work together in DevOps & GitOps
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to learn about DevOps,Beginner, Intermediate, or Expert level developers,Project Managers and Consultants,Network professionals, engineers, and network analysts,Quality Assurance Testers..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €94.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

DevOps Fundamentals: Gain Solid Understanding (Updated Course - New Lectures Added)
DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable the continuous delivery of value to end users. It aims to create a culture and environment where building, testing, and releasing software can happen rapidly, frequently, and more reliably, so you can innovate like a startup and scale for the enterpr
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Doelgroep: Beginners who are interested to learn DevOps,Developers who are curious to extend their knowledge of DevOps,System Administrators who want to add DevOps in their skillset..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: EdYoda Digital University    

DevOps is not only a set of processes and tools but is more rightly represented by the culture of enhanced communication and collaboration between IT operation guys and Developers. DevOps culture is guided by principles of DevOps such as Automation, infrastructure as code, practices such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and implemented by a large set of DevOps tools. In this course,
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Doelgroep: You are a beginner to DevOps,You are a programmer wanting to explore DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps,You want to automate deployment of your microservices to the cloud using DevOps with Docker, Kubernetes and Azure DevOps..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 21,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: in28Minutes Official    

DevOps For Beginners. 6 DevOps Tools on 3 Different Clouds. The only course you would need to start your DevOps journey!6 DevOps Tools - Docker, Kubernetes, Azure DevOps, Jenkins, Terraform, and Ansible. 3 Different Clouds - AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.200+ Videos. 20+ Hours.  Do you need more reasons to enroll in this amazing course on DevOps?
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Doelgroep: This course is suitable for System Administrators, Developers, IT Managers, IT Operations team members, who want to learn more about DevOps. If you are not exposed to software delivery, this course might not be suitable for you...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €39.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Edward Viaene    

In this course you will learn how to apply DevOps. Why DevOps? It is one of the most sought after skills in the IT industry. The average salary in the US is $105,000 per year (source: Glassdoor), up to an average of $146,000 in San Fransisco (source: Indeed).The course is aimed at software engineers and system administrators that want to deliver better software. Other IT professionals can also tak
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Doelgroep: DevOps, developers or IT admins who want to advance their career by improving their DevOps skills.,Who want to learn DevOps Technologies Docker Containers, Kubernetes, Jenkins, Git u0026 GitHub u0026 Docker Swarm..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €169.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 54,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Anshul A Chauhan Jenkins | DevOps | Kubernetes | Terraform | Ansible    

One of the Finest & Multi-Technology DevOps Certification Course On Udemy. Celebrating #20000 Students, #20000 DevOps Certified Engineers with DevOps Specialization with DevOps Technology stack like Docker, Docker Containers, Docker Swarm, Kubernetes with Docker, Kubernetes Administration, Git & GitHub, Jenkins & Jenkins Code Pipeline, Terraform , Terraform AWS.People are getting Pro i
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Doelgroep: Who wants to know how DevOps project works,Who want to do a complete DevOps real-world project on their own..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 5,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: AR Shankar | Valaxy Technologies    

Do you want to build a CI/CD pipeline using various DevOps tools? then you are at the right place.Here you can see a CI/CD pipeline by using tools using Git, Jenkins, Ansible, Docker, and Kubernetes. This gives some light on how the IT industry uses DevOps.I have over 10+ years of experience in DevOps and have a deep understanding of this domain. So, I will be teaching you in detail with the step-
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is exposed to software delivery: Developers, System Administrators, DBAs, Managers..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €24.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Edward Viaene    

Jenkins is the most popular tool to do Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery of your software: It’s free and open sourceIt has a strong community with thousands of plugins you can use Jenkins is used in a lot of companies, from startups to enterprises This course will teach you how to use Jenkins using the Jenkins DSL and Jenkins Pipelines (Jenkinsfile). It's a new way of using Jenkins
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Doelgroep: Software Developers and DevOps Engineers,Tech Founders and Co-Founders (Technical or Non-Technical),Mobile and Web App Developers,IT Administrators,Software Architects..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €194.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: TetraNoodle Team    

This online DevOps course will teach you how to build sophisticated continuous integration and continuous delivery pipelines using Jenkins and many of its plugins. Especially the pipeline plugins. This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Jenkins and setting up DevOps pipelines, even if you have little to no experience with it, to help implement these DevOps practices which will str
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Doelgroep: This course is great if you're in an Ops or DevOps position and you want to learn about automation using terraform..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €39.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 11 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Edward Viaene    

Terraform has gained a lot in popularity lately and is the tool you need to master if you are or about to get into a Ops / DevOps role. You typically use a technology like Ansible, Chef, or Puppet to automate the provisioning of software. Terraform starts from the same principle, infrastructure as code, but focusses on the automation of the infrastructure itself. Your whole Cloud infrastructu
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Doelgroep: Anyone who already knows how to use kubernetes, but wants to learn about advanced usage..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €39.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Edward Viaene    

Kubernetes Advanced Usage is the second Kubernetes course in the "Learn DevOps: Kubernetes" series. If you don't have basic Kubernetes experience, make sure you follow first the course "Learn DevOps: The Complete Kubernetes Course". This course covers: Logging using ElasticSearch, Kibana, Fluentd, and LogTrailAuthentication using Auth0Authorization using RBACPackaging
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Doelgroep: There is no prior knowledge needed, but a dev/ops/cloud/linux/networks background will definitely help,The course optionally uses Kubernetes on AWS. If you want to learn more about AWS itself, you will need to read some AWS documentation or take anot..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €39.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 14 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Edward Viaene    

This course will help you to gain understanding how to deploy, use, and maintain your applications on Kubernetes. If you are into DevOps, this is a technology you need to master. Kubernetes has gained a lot of popularity lately and it is a well sought skill by companies.This course is updated frequently to include the features of latest releases!When Google started running containers a decade ago,
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Doelgroep: Analyst,Project Managers,Developers,Business Analyst..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Patrick Videos    

In this simple, easy to follow, fast paced video tutorial, learn to create Epics, Features, Product Backlogs & Tasks using Microsoft's Azure DevOps (VSTS / TFS) Boards. Learn to create queries, charts, custom work items and many other features. A full day lecture has been edited so tight, that what resulted was just 1.5 hrs of video.
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Doelgroep: Software Engineers,QA Engineers,Aspirants to shift career to Devops..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 9 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Rahul Shetty    

Lets get into Devops World from Scratch with  real time Hands On Projects to build Solutions for CI/CD through Jenkins with deploying Docker Containerized apps into AWS Linux Servers from Git hub.
We will also learn Automation tool called Ansible which will generate Scripts to automate the process of Deployment using Docker Containers in various machines.This Course assumes that stude
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to learn how to use Docker,Anyone who wants to deploy a web application in an automated way,Anyone who wants to save money by self-hosting their own web apps,Anyone who wants to further their career by improving their DevOps skills..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €24.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 8 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

From Docker novice to DevOps expert in 7 hours
Huge update for 2020: Many videos from this course were completely re-recorded to bring everything up to date. All of the Docker content is up to date as well as all of the other technologies we use, such as nginx, Ubuntu, Debian and more!Looking to level up your skills by deploying your own web application? How about furthering your career by pick
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Doelgroep: Who want to learn Docker Technologies,The one should have IT experience. No other prerequisite...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 8,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

What is this course about: In this course You will learn Hands on Devops Technology Concepts. We will Cover: Docker JenkinsGITMaven 
What will you learn from this lecture: In particularly, you will learn: Containerize a web-based application with a micro-service approach and automate it using Dockerfile.Design multi-container applications and automate the workflow using Compose
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Doelgroep: Anyone who want to fully understand how Docker technology works and learn how Docker technology is being used in the field.,DevOps, Developers, or QAs who want to advance their career by improving their DevOps skills.,Developers who want to learn how..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €124.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Tao W.    

What is this course about:
This course covers all the fundamentals about Docker software and teach you everything you need to know about developing and deploying modern applications with Docker software.In the end of this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge about Docker software and general DevOps skills to help your company or your own project to apply the right docker work
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