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Opleidingen - COBIT

Ontdek op deze pagina een uitgebreid aanbod van cursussen over COBIT, ideaal voor IT-professionals, auditors, en iedereen die betrokken is bij het beheer en de governance van enterprise IT. Of je nu een beginner bent die de basisprincipes van COBIT wil begrijpen of een ervaren professional die zijn kennis wil uitbreiden en zich wil voorbereiden op COBIT-certificering, onze cursussen bieden de diepgaande kennis en praktische hulpmiddelen die je nodig hebt.

Je vindt hier cursussen die een uitgebreid overzicht bieden van de COBIT-frameworks, inclusief de nieuwste versie COBIT 2019. Leer hoe je COBIT kunt gebruiken om IT-managementprocessen te evalueren en te verbeteren, IT-risico's te beheren, en te zorgen voor effectieve IT-governance binnen je organisatie. Deze cursussen zullen ook aspecten behandelen zoals het afstemmen van IT-doelen op bedrijfsdoelen, het implementeren van governance-strategieën, en het optimaliseren van IT-investeringen.

Of je doel nu is om de IT-operaties te verbeteren, compliance te waarborgen, of een rol te spelen in de strategische besluitvorming op het gebied van IT binnen je organisatie, onze cursussen bieden praktische begeleiding en deskundige instructies. Je leert van ervaren IT-governance professionals die hun uitgebreide kennis delen door middel van interactieve lessen, case studies, en praktijkgerichte oefeningen.

Onze cursussen in COBIT zijn toegankelijk voor deelnemers van alle achtergronden en bieden flexibele leertrajecten die kunnen worden aangepast aan jouw specifieke professionele doelen en organisatorische behoeften. Aanvullende bronnen zoals toegang tot assessments, online forums, en begeleiding bij de implementatie van COBIT in jouw organisatie kunnen je leerervaring verder verrijken en je voorbereiden op succes in IT-governance en management.

Overzicht cursussen COBIT

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 450 vragen     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Ana Karen Sovero Silva Santisteban    

Mastering IT Governance: Unlocking Success with the COBIT 2019 Framework.
Wat je leert: Strategize for Success: Learn how to align IT strategies with business objectives using COBIT 2019 principles, unlocking growth opportunities. , Optimize IT Processes: Discover techniques to streamline IT processes and boost efficiency, enhancing operational performance. , Mitigate Risks Eff
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Doelgroep: Voor gevorderden..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 300 vragen     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Eyad Barhoum    

Practice 300 high-quality COBIT 2019 Foundation exam questions, increase your chances to pass COBIT 2019 Foundation exam.
Wat je leert: Test yourself on 4 simulated COBIT 2019 Foundation Exams i collected from our source. That's a total of 300 realistic COBIT exam sample questions. , You can be simulate the questions are indeed what you can expect to find on your actual exam. ,
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Doelgroep: Voor gevorderden..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 100 vragen     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Kristine Lilly    

Pass the Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies certification on the first attempt. 100 questions.
Wat je leert: Achieving Control Objectives V5 Foundation enables you to demonstrate that you have the requisite knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance to be able to: , Understand the governance and management of enterprise IT , Assess the conditio
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Kareem Ullah    

Implementing COBIT 2019, Improving IT Performance and Business Outcomes. || Ultimate Course ||.
Wat je leert: An introduction to the COBIT framework, its components, and its benefits. , The key principles and concepts of IT governance and management, and how they can be applied using COBIT. , Governance & management objectives that IT should aim to achieve, including aligning I
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 225 vragen     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: CertiBanks Learning    

COBIT 2019 Foundation Question Bank.
Wat je leert: Helps students understand the basics of IT governance , Helps students to clear COBIT 2019 Foundation exam , Helps students with COBIT 5 to bridge to COBIT 2019
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Tunde Baba    

COBIT® 2019 elucidated in a familiar tone for audiences with little to no background in IT and Management.
Wat je leert: Understand enterprise governance of information and technology (EGIT) , How to use enterprise governance framework COBIT® 2019 to build a governance system in an organization , How to align the use of, and investment in I&T with business priorities.
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Guidr Digital & IT Skills    

Learn The Basics of IT Governance and how to use COBIT 2019 Framework to Develop a Dynamic IT Governance System.
Wat je leert: How to use COBIT to Identify an Organizational Structure for IT Governance , How to use COBIT as a Framework to Manage Frameworks , How to use COBIT to create a custom governance system
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Doelgroep: Voor gevorderden..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Ludmila Vrazelova    

Design and implement COBIT in any organization.
Wat je leert: Learn how to design and implement COBIT in any organization via fun and digestible course with real-word examples , Learn how to select THE VERY RIGHT practices out of hundres of COBIT practices which will save your company's back or make it the star on the market , Learn how to start using COBIT, one thing is to KN
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Stone River eLearning    

IT Governance and Information Management Training Course.
Wat je leert: Understand the key challenges of using IT , Learn the IT governance concepts and benefits , Define the relationship between stakeholder needs and governance
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 30 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Ludmila Vrazelova    

Please be aware that this course will be retired.
Wat je leert: Decide whether and how COBIT can help you to improve your IT and/or solve your immediate problems , Find out how to effectively self-study COBIT and get an official COBIT5 Foundation certificate , Understand your boss or colleagues when they talk about COBIT
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Doelgroep: COBIT 2019 is ideal for assurance, security, risk, privacy and compliance professionals or business leaders and stakeholders who are involved in or affected by governance and management of information and information systems...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: Free     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Aamir Jamil    

COBIT 2019 is the latest iteration of the industry-leading framework for governance and management of enterprise IT.This course looks at the role and importance of IT governance in the enterprise; provides basic understanding of the governance concepts; general introduction to the COBIT 2019 framework and product architecture; traces how evolution of earlier ISACA IT governance frameworks includin
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Doelgroep: Everyone who would like to practice the content requested in the test..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 20 vragen     Partner: Udemy    

For many, certifications carry more weight than even a college degree. The main reason why they are so well regarded by the market is the fact that they leave the professional better prepared to perform specific functions in certain areas.Even with an abundance of vacancies in the IT market, the diploma of higher education and mastery of English does not guarantee a good placement in the sector. O
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Doelgroep: COBIT 5 is aimed at organisations of all sizes and all sectors. It is ideal for professionals involved in assurance, security, risk, privacy/compliance and business leaders and stakeholders involved in or affected by governance and management of info..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 90 vragen     Partner: Udemy    

Obtaining the Foundation level demonstrates basic knowledge and understanding of the COBIT 5 guidance, principles and models. Candidates will be able to:Gain a holistic understanding of the governance and management of an organization’s internal information systems and technologyProvide top management with an overview of current IT enterprise findings, identifying key problem areas of improvemen
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Doelgroep: IT Audit, IT Management, IT Students..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 34 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Some disclaimer facts I want to share with you before starting with you guys ;-)Although using public research material related to ISACA and COBIT® 2019 brands, those here are my opinions expressed by my own point of view on such subject based on my own working and COBIT using experience.Such material is not an exam prep and does not support any exam and official ISACA exam.Briefly have structure
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Doelgroep: COBIT 5 was designed for professionals working in the field of assurance, security, risk, privacy and compliance. Itu2019s also an ideal option for business leaders and stakeholders involved in governing and managing information and information syste..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 100 vragen     Partner: Udemy    

Prepare for Your COBIT 5 Foundation CredentialCOBIT 5 (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology)  was created to support the governance and management of enterprise IT. By undertaking the COBIT 5 certification you will gain invaluable insight into extracting more value from your organization’s information and technology and understand how to tie business goals to IT ob
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Doelgroep: Whoever decides to learn COBIT 5 and get certified on COBIT foundation..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 50 vragen     Partner: Udemy    

COBIT is a good-practice framework created by international professional association ISACA for information technology management and IT governance. COBIT provides an implementable "set of controls over information technology and organizes them around a logical framework of IT-related processes and enablers."  These questions are the best start to get ready and practice for your COBIT 5 founda
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Doelgroep: If youu2019re working in audit and insurance, risk management, information security, regulatory and compliance, or governance of enterprise IT, then COBIT is your one stop solution for mastering information technology. IT professionals such as audito..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €49.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Certify your expertise in the new iteration of the world’s most recognized IT Governance framework.The COBIT2019 Certification confirms your proficiency in utilizing the contemporary version of ISACA’s COBIT framework.The COBIT 2019 framework has been updated with modern processes and design factors – resulting in a more adaptable framework regardless of an organization’s industry, attribu
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Doelgroep: This course is meant for IT and non IT professionals who would like to learn COBIT and/or get the official ISACA COBIT 2019u00ae Foundation Certificate.,It is especially useful for Managers of all levels, Auditors, IT Vendors, Regulators, RiskSecurit..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Ludmila Vrazelova    

"COBIT is the world-wide accepted de-facto standard for management and governance(rules) of IT organizations or IT departments. It contains all you need to run and manage your IT from Incident Management, Project Management to IT Strategy. In todays agile constantly changing environment the governance (rules) is more important than ever. You don't have to go through painful experiences such as sec
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Doelgroep: Board members, Executive Managers, IT Managers, Business Managers, Risk Managers, Assurance Providers, Regulators, Business Partners, IT Vendors..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

This course is for students who want to prepare for the COBIT 2019 Foundation exam and those who want to get idea of what is COBIT 2019. It is also intended to people interested in knowing the differences between COBIT 2019 and COBIT 5.This course provides a comprehensive foundation to the students and enables them to assist their enterprises in achieving their objectives for the governance and ma
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Doelgroep: Business managers,IT management consultants,IT governance professionals,IT auditors..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

The COBIT 5 Foundation course provides a comprehensive foundation to the students and enables them to assist their enterprises in achieving their objectives for the governance and management of enterprise IT. The course also helps the students working for various enterprises to create optimal value from IT by maintaining a balance between realizing benefits, and optimizing risk levels and resource
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Doelgroep: This course is meant for IT professionals - managers or specialists who would like to find out what is COBIT and how it can be useful..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 30 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy    

COBIT5 Introduction course is a fast way how to get familiar with the basics of COBIT5. Whether you need to understand what people talk about when they mention COBIT or you wish to be able to judge whether it may help you to fix problems and improve your IT this is the right course for you.
IT is also extremely useful if you would like to obtain an official internationally recognized COBI
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