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Opleidingen - Acteur

Een cursus voor acteurs biedt studenten de mogelijkheid om de nodige kennis en vaardigheden te verwerven om succesvol te zijn in het vakgebied van acteren. Hier zijn enkele belangrijke aspecten die vaak in een dergelijke cursus aan bod komen:

Acteertechnieken: Studenten leren verschillende acteertechnieken, zoals method acting, klassiek acteren, improvisatie en fysiek acteren. Ze krijgen inzicht in het ontwikkelen van personages, het begrijpen van scriptanalyse en het overbrengen van emoties en intenties op het podium of voor de camera.

Stem en spraak: Studenten bestuderen technieken om hun stem en spraak te verbeteren. Ze leren over ademhalingstechnieken, stemprojectie, articulatie, intonatie en het beheersen van verschillende spraakpatronen. Ze ontwikkelen ook het vermogen om tekst op een natuurlijke en overtuigende manier uit te spreken.

Beweging en lichaamsbewustzijn: Studenten leren het belang van lichaamsbewustzijn en beweging op het podium. Ze bestuderen houding, lichaamstaal, expressieve bewegingen en choreografie. Ze ontwikkelen ook het vermogen om hun lichaam te gebruiken om personages tot leven te brengen en emoties uit te drukken.

Improvisatie: Studenten krijgen training in improvisatietechnieken. Ze leren hoe ze spontaan kunnen reageren, creatief kunnen denken en situaties kunnen improviseren zonder voorafgaande scriptinstructies. Improvisatie helpt acteurs flexibel te zijn en hun vermogen te vergroten om op onverwachte situaties te reageren.

Scriptanalyse: Studenten leren hoe ze scripts kunnen analyseren om diepgaand inzicht te krijgen in personages, verhaallijnen en thema's. Ze bestuderen technieken om dialogen te interpreteren, motieven te begrijpen en de emotionele en psychologische toestanden van personages te analyseren. Scriptanalyse helpt acteurs om een sterke basis te leggen voor hun interpretatie en vertolking.

Samenspel en ensemblewerk: Studenten ontwikkelen het vermogen om effectief samen te werken met andere acteurs in een ensemble. Ze leren luisteren, reageren en zich aanpassen aan andere spelers op het podium. Ze bestuderen ook het begrijpen en respecteren van de dynamiek binnen een ensemble om een samenhangend en harmonieus samenspel te bereiken.

Podium- en camera-technieken: Studenten krijgen inzicht in de verschillen tussen acteren op het podium en voor de camera. Ze leren technieken om hun prestaties aan te passen aan de specifieke vereisten van elke medium, zoals het gebruik van stem, beweging en emotie voor effectieve podium- of camerawerking.

Audities en carrièreontwikkeling: Studenten worden begeleid bij het voorbereiden van audities en het navigeren door de acteerindustrie. Ze leren hoe ze zichzelf kunnen presenteren, hun portfolio kunnen opbouwen, castings kunnen bijwonen en zichzelf kunnen promoten. Ze kunnen ook inzicht krijgen in contractonderhandelingen, agentschaprelaties en professionele etiketten.

Tijdens de cursus kunnen studenten de kans krijgen om hun vaardigheden in de praktijk te brengen door middel van uitvoeringen, toneelstukken, filmprojecten en workshops met professionele acteurs. Ze kunnen ook worden aangemoedigd om deel te nemen aan lokale theaterproducties of andere professionele kansen om hun ervaring en zichtbaarheid in de industrie te vergroten.

Wat is een acteur? 

Oh de glamour van een beroemde acteur zijn!

We zien en horen bijna elke dag acteurs die verschillende personages uitbeelden in film-, televisie-, radio- of theaterproducties. Wanneer de meeste mensen aan acteurs denken, denken ze aan grote Hollywood-sterren. Dit is natuurlijk de ultieme droom van iedereen die een acteercarrière nastreeft.

Het is echter vrij moeilijk om dit soort succes te behalen. De meeste acteurs treden op in kleinere producties, vaak beginnend in commercials of als figuranten bij televisieshows of films.

Wat doet een acteur?

Er zijn veel acteurs die een succesvolle carrière maken uit zogenaamde bitpartijen, en nooit een hoofdrol spelen, wat toch een zeer bevredigende carrière kan zijn. Anderen die al heel vroeg in hun carrière grote successen behalen, worden bekende namen en krijgen veel belangrijke rollen. De meeste acteurs zullen een carrière hebben die tussen deze twee uitersten in ligt.

Het is de taak van een acteur om het personage dat hij speelt volledig te vertegenwoordigen en zijn publiek ervan te overtuigen dat het personage echt is door ze te betrekken en in het verhaal te betrekken. Dit geldt voor grote rollen en kleinere onderdelen, aangezien alle rollen worden gecombineerd om een ​​succesvolle productie te creëren.

Er zijn veel manieren om in karakter te komen en acteurs onderzoeken vaak de banen, hobby's of activiteiten van de personages die ze spelen, zodat ze zichzelf in die gemoedstoestand kunnen plaatsen. Fysieke verschijning kan ook belangrijk zijn bij het creëren van een personage, en acteurs zullen vaak afvallen of aankomen, of hun haarkleur veranderen om fysiek het personage te creëren dat ze spelen.

Als het deel om het even welke vorm van emotioneel drama vereist (bijvoorbeeld omgaan met een dood), onderzoekt een acteur vaak mensen die hebben meegemaakt wat de verhaallijn beschrijft om de betrokken emoties realistisch te begrijpen en over te brengen.

Ben jij geschikt om acteur te worden?

Acteurs hebben verschillende persoonlijkheden. Het zijn meestal artistieke individuen, wat betekent dat ze creatief, intuïtief, gevoelig, mondig en expressief zijn. Ze zijn ongestructureerd, origineel, niet-conform en innovatief. Sommigen van hen zijn ook ondernemend, wat betekent dat ze avontuurlijk, ambitieus, assertief, extravert, energiek, enthousiast, zelfverzekerd en optimistisch zijn.

Hoe is de werkplek van een acteur?

De werkplek van een acteur zal variëren afhankelijk van het type productie dat erbij betrokken is. Sommige film- en televisieshows, evenals de meeste advertenties, worden in studio's en op sets gefilmd. Dit kan op zichzelf best spannend zijn, als je ziet hoe een locatie door decorontwerpers kan worden gecreëerd en echt kan lijken. Andere film- en televisieshows worden op locatie gefilmd en kunnen veel reizen met zich meebrengen - soms naar verre en exotische oorden.

Theaterproducties vinden plaats op een podium en hebben heel andere overwegingen dan gefilmde uitvoeringen. Optredens zullen plaatsvinden voor een live publiek - in theaters en in studio's voor sommige televisieshows. Andere uitvoeringen hebben geen publiek en de feedback van deze uitvoeringen is niet direct.

De werkplek is zeer gevarieerd en actoren moeten flexibel zijn met betrekking tot waar ze werken en het soort omgeving waarin ze werken. Degenen die bereid zijn om in allerlei verschillende situaties te werken en die zich aan hun verschillende omgevingen kunnen aanpassen, zullen meer succesvol in het vinden van hun niche.

Overzicht cursussen Acteur

Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to know what they're missing in their acting, how to book their auditions, and want to see improvements as quick as in the first week...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 10 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

WelcomeThank you for joining us today. I wanted to create a personal program where you could engage in online acting classes and learn from the convenience of your own home at your own personalized and designed pace. Online acting classes are not always the easiest to come by, nor are the choices out there always so ea..
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Doelgroep: Filmmakers, Actors, Teachers, Students, Animators, Singers, Lecturers and anyone with a passion for the craft of cinema..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 hours     Richtprijs: €24.99    

Produced by George Lucas and Randal Kleiser, this series of lectures are excerpts from Nina Foch’s directing class conducted at the University of Southern California in 2002. The lectures, organized into sections, cover script analysis, casting, directing, and acting. Spend some time watching Nina, learn from her and..
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Doelgroep: People looking for a fun job working from home,Anyone interested in learning about voiceovers,Actors who want to expand their opportunities,People who enjoy reading aloud,Business owners who want to n..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Ever been told "you've got a great should be in cartoons!" Or listened to radio ads and thought, "I could SO do that?" Or maybe you even have a business that you'd like to create GOOD marketing videos for, and you want to learn how to narrate them? Well, the reality is that it takes more than just a drea..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to learn the craft of acting, and the techniques that BOOK! You will see instant results!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €114.99    

Welcome to Acting MASTERCLASS! Get ready to learn how to turn your dreams into reality.  I have been in show business for over 20 years.  As an award winning actor, I have performed on Broadway, played recurring roles on "Young and the Restless",  FX's hit show "You're The Worst". I also guest starred on..
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Doelgroep: This would greatly benefit actors or anyone interested in the audition process..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €24.99    

Are you a really well trained actor, but you seem to stumble when it comes to auditioning?! Or, are you just starting out and need a road map to navigate the slippery slopes in Hollywood? How would you like a VIP pass to learn casting secrets on booking more acting jobs from one of the top Casting Directors? Based ..
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Doelgroep: This course is for anyone, any age or skill level, who wants to be a working actor and/or stay working!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Before I even begin the course description, I'd like to quickly say that when I was started out, I would seek out working actors and ask them questions that only they could answer. Yes, I was in regular acting classes, but I found the teachers while good at teaching "acting technique" weren't able to properly answer si..
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Doelgroep: If you want to create believable emotions, build authentic characters and stop getting stuck in your head... you'll love this course...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €29.99    

Did you know when you ask most actors what their biggest struggle in acting is this is their top 3 answers..."I struggle to connect with my character."'I'm not sure how  I should even start to create a character"" I get stuck in my head and fake emotions."Here's the problem you face:  As an actor your expecte..
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Doelgroep: For graduates and college students and beginners of any kind of performing arts,Anyone who has to do any kind of public speaking..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 39 mins     Richtprijs: €19.99    

A quote from the incredible BAFTA nominee Stephen Graham (The Irishman, This is England.)"Simply put; Dave knows how to make you a better actor, always has, always will."And another from Esther May Campbell. A BAFTA award-winning Director"Dave has a real touch, he brings out the best in everyone by giving them rea..
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Doelgroep: New or experienced actors who want to develop their audition technique.,Actors looking for insight into the audition room.,New and aspiring actors with questions regarding the business and audition pr..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €34.99    

Have you ever doubted yourself in an audition? Award winning actress and screenwriter, Jami Tennille gives indispensable tips to help you prepare for your next audition. Whether you are a beginning actor or need to refresh your fundamentals, watch before you step into the audition room. Learn the keys to acti..
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Doelgroep: This course is for actors, looking to book on-camera work, either in television or film...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €99.99    

I can't teach you the craft of acting online. These skills you can only get in a top acting school or on set working with directors. BUT: I can teach you how to Make Money Acting ! (and then you can afford to go to an expensive acting school)It is all about booking work. It is great to be an actor, but it is better to..
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Doelgroep: Actors of all experience levels...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €34.99    

Following the free first season available on YouTube, working actor and Los Angeles acting coach Braden Lynch offers ten new episodes that dive deeper into the work that it takes to become a great actor.It’s now time to discuss the foundational elements on their own in order to deepen your understanding of them and h..
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Doelgroep: Anyone anticipating critical speaking opportunities that make a difference in your life: Interviews for jobs, auditions, committee meetings, teaching, and of course public speaking...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €39.99    

Course DescriptionOur goal is to improve your speech performance, increase your confidence and credibility, enhance communication, reduce fear in all of those critical speaking opportunities that make a difference in your life: Job interviews Customer Service Public speaking Auditions Committee meetings Professional pr..
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Doelgroep: This voice warm-up course is designed for actors, from the beginner to the professional, who work in theatre, film \ TV. It is also ideal for voice-over artists, performers and presenters. And althoug..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €49.99    

The Voice Warm-Up for Actors & Voice Over Artists  is a comprehensive series of exercises designed to warm up your voice safely, effectively and efficiently putting you in a power position in your chosen field. By working on your voice on a regular basis you develop a professional edge as an artist or business..
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Doelgroep: Anyone looking to become work from home voice actor,All freelancers,Educators and Course Creators,Anyone looking to level up in their life..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €19.99    

***3 Bonus Courses Added 10/29/2018******New Podcasting Course Added 8/10/2019***The Official DIY Guide to Voice ActingThe goal of this course is to teach new and aspiring voice actors how to generate income through voice acting on their own. This course can also help anyone who is looking to communicate better.This co..
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Doelgroep: Actors..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €29.99    

This course is a combination of videos, audios, pdfs and exercise to help you accelerate your acting career. You may just be starting out or have been in the industry for many years and feeling a little stuck. This course is designed to help you create the career of your dreams on your terms. So many decisions are pure..
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Doelgroep: This 7 part course can be taken by complete beginners to advanced students...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 33 mins     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Hi there. I’m Marinda Botha Thank you for considering taking this course. The voice over industry can sound very glamorous but the truth is, it takes a lot of hard work to achieve success in this business. I have been in the voice over business for 14 years and 8 of those I spent working in the British voice ove..
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in starting a career as a child actor.,Parents looking to introduce their child to the world of acting...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 hours     Richtprijs: €19.99    

The Child Acting course introduces students to various methods which he uses to teach and enhance their acting skills. Whether you are just considering an acting career, want to learn new techniques, sharpen your skills or are a seasoned actor, he can refine your talents. From working on auditions, monologues, and scen..
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Doelgroep: Film students and current working directors.,Anyone with a passion for film.,Anyone looking to move up the ladder or change careers...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €34.99    

Forget the fancy equipment and special FX, the most important resource of any film are the actors involved with the film. This masterclass takes a look at working with actors and building your relationship with them. With this course we explore and interview two working actors with an in depth knowledge of the role and..
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Doelgroep: Film directors,Aspiring film directors,Filmmakers,Movie directors,Aspiring movie directors..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €39.99    

Directing actors is the most important skill a movie director needs. Most directors aren't sure about how to improve performances or they do things out of habit that unknowingly hurt the acting. This course is good for anyone from amateurs to experienced directors. We introduce the techniques clearly and take the time ..
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Doelgroep: People who want to learn about the basics of acting,Anyone who is curious about trying acting, but maybe is a bit shy or feels they missed their chance earlier in life,Everyone who would like to feel..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €39.99    

Acting skills will enrich your life in many ways, from making you more poised and effective in social and work situations, to helping you be more mentally flexible and adaptable to the changing environment around you. Plus, it is just plain fun! Join me, Robert David Duncan, as I share with you the many lessons I have ..
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in becoming a fearless, playful and spontaneous actor..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 40 mins     Richtprijs: €19.99    

When people see my acting experiences, they always ask: “how did you get to work on so many varied TV and film projects?” They’re often referring to to my work on Game of Thrones, Universal Pictures Action movies, BBC comedy sitcoms in the UK, and even recurring roles in American shows on CBS.I’ve spent the las..
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Doelgroep: trainers,actors,dancers,teachers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 15 hours     Richtprijs: €29.99    

This course provides the theoretical and practical exercises which help actors, dancers, teachers, lecturers, and trainers to develop their psychophysical characteristics that are necessary to perform various characters and social roles. The described exercises will help students to extend successfully their acting kno..
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Doelgroep: This course is for any person that wants to expand their knowledge of the entertainment industry in Hollywood.,The first part of this course is largely going to benefit actors that are: 1. At the begi..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €39.99    

Acting Business 101 is a 7 video series that will help actors who are either new to Hollywood or considering a move to Hollywood in the future. You will better understand how the acting industry is set up in LA. You will avoid needless false starts because you either don't know what to do, or you are listenin..
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Doelgroep: Beginner Acting for TV,Models \ Influencers who want to transition from Modeling to Acting..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 44 mins     Richtprijs: €29.99    

What You Will Learn?The A-Z of Commercial Auditioning from two casting directors/coachesWhat directors, clients and casting directors look for when booking talentHow to be Comfortable, Confident & Connected in front of the cameraTools and Techniques that book!Interactive: Feedback on you sample auditionHow to Feel ..
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Doelgroep: \u043d\u0430\u0447\u0438\u043d\u0430\u044e\u0449\u0438\u0435 \u0440\u0435\u0436\u0438\u0441\u0441\u0435\u0440\u044b,\u0432\u0441\u0435, \u043a\u0442\u043e \u0441\u043d\u0438\u043c\u0430\u0435\u0442 \u..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 \u0447     Richtprijs: 19,99 €    

Я студентка режиссерского факультета в Академии искусств в Сан ФранеЭтот курс - мой опыт обучение и режессирования реальных сценЧто-то было снять на реальной съемочной площа..
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Doelgroep: People who are completely new to acting,Contemporary actors who don't have experience in Shakespeare,Film/TV actors who don't have experience on stage,Experienced actors who are looking for a fresh pe..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3.5 hours     Richtprijs: €139.99    

Do you want to be an actor?  Are you an experienced contemporary actor looking for some help with classical texts?  Or, have you stepped on stage so many times that you're feeling lost for inspiration and need a fresh perspective to bring your performance to life?If so, this course is for you.  In this c..
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Doelgroep: Acting for Film, Television and Theatre is meant for anyone interested in more effective acting from beginning to advanced actors looking for more power and authenticity in their work and auditions.,T..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €49.99    

Jeffrey Meek's Acting for Film, Television and Theatre is a powerful step-by-step course to guide actors from the script to the screen and stage, creating fully realized, dynamic and authentic characters. Whether you are preparing a television audition, playing Shakespeare or just starting out, Jeff offers a simple way..
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Doelgroep: People who know Hindi Language very well,People who are intersted in Acting,Actors, Actress,Theater artist, Students, Boys, Girls, Men \ Women etc..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3.5 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Professional METHOD ACTING CLASSES is the Best Acting Training taught by Top 10 Acting Institute in India.Professional METHOD ACTING CLASSES Benefits are:-● You save lot of Money.● You save lot of Time Because Professional METHOD ACTING CLASSES duration is 30 Days.● You Learn Acting at Home.● Professional METHO..
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Doelgroep: Children aged 7 years to 11 years who are looking to explore Theatre, Acting and have lots of fun..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €24.99    

Theatre for KidsThis Theatre and Acting Learning Program is for students aged 7-11 years and who would like to:enhance their confidence and focus in life using Theatre reduce their stage fear and anxietyimprove their social skills and reduce shynessexplore the field of Theatre and ActingThe teacher in this Program, Pra..
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Doelgroep: Beginner actors who may or may not any experience in acting..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 38 mins     Richtprijs: €49.99    

In these 10 short lessons you will learn everything you need for you to have a successful start of your acting career. What to do, what to avoid, and how to get booked! Get the best information from a premier acting coach Troy Rowland who has been working in the industry for over 20 years and has accumulated a lot of k..
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Doelgroep: Students who are considering a Career in Acting. Actors who seek to sharpen their skills.,Professional Actor who seek support and coaching..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €129.99    

In this course you will learn top monologues from legendary male characters.Master the Acting Craft with the tools and Knowledge used by A-List Stars Method Acting Method Acting is the key to your mastery of the Acting Craft. With this course, you learn to become a memorable actor. Take full control of your acting care..
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Doelgroep: People who know Hindi Language very well.,People who are interested in Acting.,Actors, Actress, Theatre Artist, Men, Women, Boys, Girls etc..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4.5 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Professional CAMERA ACTING COURSE is the Best Acting Training taught by Top 10 Acting Institute in India.Professional CAMERA ACTING COURSE Benefits are:-● You save lot of Money.● You save lot of Time Because Professional CAMERA ACTING COURSE duration is 30 Days.● You Learn Acting at Home.● Professional CAMERA A..
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Doelgroep: Adults that are interested in pursuing acting opportunities or a career in acting...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 7 hours     Richtprijs: €24.99    

If your dream is to be in front of the camera, acting in a major motion picture, television show or national commercial, then this Acting 101 for Adults course is for you. Actor Aaron Jackson offers many lessons to help you become the best you can be. He introduces students to various methods which he uses to teac..
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Doelgroep: This course is designed for students interested in acting, from beginner to advanced, with a desire to learn a technique to book work as an actor...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 hours     Richtprijs: €89.99    

Learn HOW TO BOOK ACTING JOBS from Celebrity Booking Coach Amy Lyndon! Watch as she dispels the myths of the audition process and provides you with an effective, straightforward, practical approach to nailing your auditions and BOOKING work as an actor. “The Lyndon Technique: The 15 Guideline Map to Booking” has be..
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Doelgroep: Actors looking to grow and book work.,New actors with no understand of the industry.,Experienced actors with little to no traction in their careers...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €159.99    

WHO AM I?My name is Guyviaud Joseph pronounced (giv-e-odd) Joseph; I’m a working actor from Linden, New Jersey. Graduate of Penn State Univ with a Degree in Business/Marketing. During my undergrad at Penn State I trained with theatrical director the late Dick Caram and studied a several styles of theater includi..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to improve their acting whether professionally or as an amateur just for fun,Anyone of any age who loves the thought of acting - you are never too young or too old to start a new acti..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €29.99    

'I really enjoyed this course. The instructor is warm and inviting and makes you feel comfortable even if acting is a new experience for you. The short lessons made it easy to add into my busy schedule, and the activities are fun!' Dawn'This is a really nice acting course and it is teaching me a lot more then I already..
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Doelgroep: From the age of 16 and up and who as a passion for the dramatic arts...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €49.99    

Acting is not only to go onto the stage and perform what you had in mind.  In all genres there are different techniques to apply. For example:Poetry, Prose, Monologues, Mime and Improvisation have all their own do's and don'ts if you want to impress either your adjudicator, audience or succeed in your audition. Th..
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Doelgroep: Passionate people who would love to be in tv , film and commericals..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4.5 hours     Richtprijs: €34.99    

**** SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT FOR JULY ONLY ****If you do the assignment and send the video to me i will do a FREE consult of your work and send you a critique so you know what to work onNO-ONE ELSE DOES THIS SO GET IN QUICK £$£$£$£   ..
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