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Ontdek op deze pagina een uitgebreid aanbod van cursussen over LinkedIn, ideaal voor iedereen die wil leren hoe dit platform effectief kan worden gebruikt voor netwerken, persoonlijke branding, en het bevorderen van carrièremogelijkheden. Of je nu een individuele professional bent die zijn netwerk wil uitbreiden, een werkzoekende die opvalt bij recruiters, of een bedrijf dat zijn merk wil versterken, onze cursussen bieden de strategische inzichten en praktische vaardigheden die je nodig hebt.

Je vindt hier cursussen die je leren over de basisfuncties van LinkedIn, inclusief het opzetten van een krachtig profiel, het gebruiken van LinkedIn voor jobsearch, en het effectief inzetten van LinkedIn voor leadgeneratie en sales. Leer alles over het creëren van boeiende content, het aangaan van betekenisvolle connecties, en het benutten van LinkedIn-groepen en -pagina's om je professionele netwerk en zichtbaarheid te vergroten. Deze cursussen bieden ook inzicht in geavanceerde tactieken zoals LinkedIn advertising, het analyseren van engagement data, en het optimaliseren van SEO op LinkedIn.

Of je doel nu is om je persoonlijke merk te versterken, nieuwe zakelijke kansen te creëren, of als recruiter de beste talenten aan te trekken, onze cursussen bieden praktische begeleiding en deskundige instructies. Je leert van ervaren LinkedIn-gebruikers en digitale marketingexperts die hun expertise delen door middel van interactieve lessen, praktische oefeningen, en real-world voorbeelden.

Onze cursussen in LinkedIn zijn toegankelijk voor deelnemers van alle professionele niveaus en bieden flexibele leertrajecten die kunnen worden aangepast aan jouw specifieke behoeften en professionele doelen. Aanvullende bronnen zoals toegang tot exclusieve webinars, diepgaande gidsen voor LinkedIn-functies, en netwerkmogelijkheden kunnen je leerervaring verder verrijken en je voorbereiden op succes in de dynamische wereld van professioneel netwerken.

Overzicht cursussen LinkedIn

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Donna Shannon    

A Practical Guide for Job Seekers.
Wat je leert: Steer clear of the “LinkedIn Cardinal Sins” that are destroying your effectiveness on LinkedIn. , Create a dynamic, keyword rich profile that enhances your resume and attracts recruiters. , Apply for jobs without making deadly mistakes.
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Sophie A (SuperSoph)    

Learn LinkedIn Marketing. Create Content, Generate Leads, Get Sales, Build a Brand & Advance your Career on LinkedIn.
Wat je leert: Boost your engagement on your LinkedIn posts and beat the LinkedIn algorithm , Grow your LinkedIn account and increase your number of connections , How to get a steady stream of leads on LinkedIn
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 15,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Dekker Fraser, MBA    

LinkedIn Marketing Course with Dekker, MBA: LinkedIn Ads Course, LinkedIn Lead Generation, LinkedIn Advertising Course.
Wat je leert: LinkedIn Advertising , B2B Advertising , B2B Marketing
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Eric Schwartzman    

LinkedIn Training from the B2B social media expert & best-selling author of "Social Marketing to the Business Customer.".
Wat je leert: How to Optimize your Profile , Tips and Tricks for Accelerating the Growth of Your Network , How to Hide Your Connections
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Doelgroep: Entrepreneurs Wanting to Grow Their Business With LinkedIn,Bloggers Looking to Grow Their Audience With LinkedIn,Small Business Owners,Anyone Looking To Connect with People in the same Industry,Anyone Wanting to Master LinkedIn..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €124.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1.5 hours     Partner: Udemy    

Do You Want to get More Leads and Sales? Would You like to know How to Attract the Right People to Your Business using LinkedIn?The You've come to the Right Place! Regardless if you've been on LinkedIn for years or just starting out, this course will help you to optimize your chances for more leads and more sales. Using the right hacks and ways to hack the platform you're now having the chanc
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Doelgroep: Professionals that have access to LinkedIn Sales Navigator and want to learn how to really use it.,Sales and business development professionals that have access to LinkedIn Sales Navigator through their company and want to use it effectively.,Startup..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €49.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Gustavo Escobar Henríquez    

Is LinkedIn Sales Navigator the right tool for you and your business? Can you use Sales Navigator to generate leads remotely? Are you searching for the best remote practices for sales teams?
-------------------- THE BEST TOOL FOR REMOTE B2B SALES TEAMS --------------------
If you are in B2B sales then chances are you can really benefit from using this impressive LinkedIn tool for business
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Doelgroep: Digital Marketing Managers,Digital Marketing Freelancers,Website Owners,Business Owners,Online Store Owners,B2B B2C Marketeers,Demand Generation Managers,Digital Marketing Specialists..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Bhanu Chawla    

**LATEST 2020 COURSE WITH BRAND NEW LINKEDIN CAMPAIGN MANAGER**In this course you will learn:Why you should use LinkedIn Ads and how LinkedIn Marketing has evolvedPre-requisites for launching a LinkedIn campaignHow to Create Your LinkedIn Ads AccountDirect Sponsored Content – Specifications & RequirementsHow to design your LinkedIn Ad Creatives (Free Tools)How to use LinkedIn Campaign Manage
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Doelgroep: Participants in and recent graduates from MBA programs, Recent college graduates, Current undergraduate students,People writing a resume for the first time, People considering a career change, Job seekers who want to improve their results..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €34.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Version 3 Released on November 2020Learn personal branding from the creators of Career Hacking™, the world's bestselling career management course!
Create More Opportunities and Present Yourself Powerfully on LinkedIn®  300,000,000+ professionals are active on LinkedIn®--the network is quickly becoming an essential part of every modern professional's career presence. On the other side o
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Doelgroep: Active job seekers,Passive candidates that want to manage their careers,Professionals that want to enhance their online presence,This is not for advanced users of LinkedIn,This is not for professional recruiters..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Every time you speak with someone new, a potential employer, client, recruiter or networking contact, there is an excellent chance that they are looking at your LinkedIn profile. Posting a bad LinkedIn profile can cause a job opportunity or new potential client to vanish into thin air.   Creating a strong LinkedIn profile is the single, easiest action you can take to present yourself pro
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Doelgroep: Anyone who want to build their brand or increase it's visibility on LinkedIn,Anyone that wants to network with all sort of business companies on LinkedIn.,Salespersons that want to generate high-quality leads on LinkedIn.,Consultants and Professional..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: OMG - Mastermind    

LinkedIn Marketing has become the most popular method for success-hungry marketers to make the most from their promoting efforts. If not given sufficient importance to, it can prove disastrous for your business. It provides you with more opportunities to improve your credibility, and you will stay on top of your targeted audience's minds for a long-term basis.
LinkedIn Marketing is the secret k
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Doelgroep: Professionals, Students, Entrepreneurs. Anybody that can benefit from the Professional nature of LinkedIn,Only take this course if you are committed to taking action want to achieve measurable results..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €194.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 7,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

23,000+ Students have enrolled in my 17 Courses!Course updated for 2016 with over 2.5 hours of video!
Have you considered the fact that LinkedIn is more than just an online Resume?
Do you want to pursue the opportunities LinkedIn offers and get the job you wanted, obtain a promotion faster or spread your influence within your company? Or maybe you want to solidify your re
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Doelgroep: This course is for anyone that is interested in getting their dream job and wants to learn how to create/optimize an incredible resume, LinkedIn profile, networking skills, interview skills and much more. ,This course is for anyone that is interested..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Chris Haroun | 1.4 Million Students | #1 Best Selling Business & Finance Prof.    

Are you ready to take your career to the next level and get your dream job by creating an incredible resume and LinkedIn profile from scratch?    

This comprehensive resume and LinkedIn course, contains many exercises, downloads, lectures and a 67-page Resume and LinkedIn Success Journal for you to complete during the course to create an incredible resume and Linked
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Doelgroep: If you want to improve your LinkedIn Profile Today,If you want to know the LinkedIn secrets of the Pros,If you want to get all of the benefits of an amazing LinkedIn profile for very little time up front..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

This course has been completely updated for the new LinkedIn Platform for 2018!!  Over 8,625 successful students have enrolled with dozens of 5-star reviews! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ What you'll learn in this LinkedIn Training course: In this course I will teach you how to get an awesome professional LinkedIn Profile that will get you more leads and business from LinkedIn. Whethe
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Doelgroep: beginners,medium level students,advanced students..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

How to Break LINKEDIN and Generate
Rank 1st Place, Become An Authority, And Create Massive Traffic from LINKEDIN
within 1 week! Dear Internet Marketers,

I bet that you're just like me…

You want instant results for your business like hot targeted traffic within short period of time! (Right?)
Why Facebook and Twitter are Wrong Place
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Doelgroep: B2B marketers, business owners or anyone looking for new ways to grow a business!..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Daragh Walsh    

Do you want to grow your business and career with a free Linkedin account? Then this is the course for you. Linkedin is the #1 social network for B2B marketing & career development. With over 500 million professionals and 40 million decision makers there is no better place to do business online than Linkedin! Sign up today and learn how to: Generate Leads & Sales
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to know how to use LinkedIn to build their personal network, generate opportunities and improve their personal brand..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €94.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Alastair Banks    

This course has been recently updated for 2020/21. LinkedIn is the most powerful corporate social network for anyone in business or looking to forward their careers. Whether you're looking to generate leads, position yourself as a thought leader or simply improve your online CV, this course will help you immensely. The problem is that most people don't know how to use LinkedIn 
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to generate business leads from LinkedIn,Markters, Consultants, SMB and Entrepreneurs..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €174.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Ali Mirza    

Are you not able to get business leads and sales from LinkedIn?Do you ever feel that you not attracting the right type of LinkedIn connections?Do you ever wonder why LinkedIn works for others but not for you?THEN THIS IS THE RIGHT COURSE FOR YOU!!!! Whether you're just getting started on LinkedIn, or you've been on LinkedIn for several years,
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Doelgroep: Students who have a LinkedIn profile but aren't sure what to do with it or what the point of it is!,This course is aimed at freelancers, but strategies to create a polished profile can be tailored to any industry...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Erin Booth    

A well-crafted LinkedIn profile can be far more powerful than a single resume, cover letter, or website, and we’ll show you how to set up your profile the right way. 
LinkedIn is incredibly powerful and personal social media tool. I've had great success in both growing my network and attracting clients on LinkedIn, and I will help teach you how to use it in
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Doelgroep: People who want to understand the basics to getting started on LinkedIn..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 30 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Alastair Banks    

*Please note this is a basic course - only applicable to those completely new to LinkedIn*

LinkedIn is the most powerful corporate social network for anyone in business or looking to forward their careers. In this course I will teach you the basics of this platform. We take a look at your profile, building your connections, how to use groups and the search system.  Its a
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Doelgroep: B2B industry professionals who need to generate leads remotely (telecommunting),Anyone who wants to generate business leads from LinkedIn.,Salespeople that want to generate high-quality leads every month without cold calling,Coaches and consultants t..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Gustavo Escobar Henríquez    

Would LinkedIn Marketing or LinkedIn Lead Generation work for you to generate high-quality leads, book appointments, and increase your B2B sales? Can you generate leads remotely by using LinkedIn?The answer to those two questions is: ABSOLUTELY YES!
Now, most of the salespeople, business consultants, and entrepreneurs want to generate leads with LinkedIn, but they FAIL on this endeavor and they
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Doelgroep: This course is built for B2B sales people, freelancers, consultants, and entrepreneurs who sell their product or service in either phone or in-person meetings,Anyone who wants to generate leads on LinkedIn using the most cutting edge marketing sales..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €194.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Patrick Dang    

Why learn LinkedIn Marketing and Lead Generation? You might be offering an amazing product or service…but getting your foot in the door to schedule that first meeting with your dream clients is usually the hardest part. Most people aimlessly try finding new clients by cold calling or going to networking events, which we all know can lead to inconsistent results, and frankly, can be a
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Doelgroep: Professionals looking to stealthily get promoted or job hunt,Job seekers who want to improve their results,People considering a career change,Recent college graduates,Participants and recent graduates from MBA programs,Current undergraduate students..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 6 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Davis Jones    

Welcome to the world's BESTSELLING career management course from Eazl and former Bay Area recruiter, Davis Jones! This course is tested by the market and has been reviewed 5k+ times. This course is now part of the curriculum at University of San Francisco, EDHEC Business School, Golden Gate University, Sonoma State University, Saint Mary's College of California, and Santa Rosa Junior College.Caree
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