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Ontdek op deze pagina een uitgebreid aanbod van cursussen over Kanban, ideaal voor iedereen die de principes van Kanban wil toepassen om de doorstroming van werk in hun teams of organisaties te verbeteren. Of je nu een beginner bent die de basis van Kanban wil begrijpen of een ervaren professional die zijn vaardigheden wil uitbreiden met geavanceerde Kanban-strategieën, onze cursussen bieden de operationele inzichten en praktische vaardigheden die je nodig hebt.

Je vindt hier cursussen die je leren hoe je Kanban-borden kunt opzetten en gebruiken om werk visueel te beheren, de werklast te optimaliseren en bottlenecks te identificeren en op te lossen. Leer alles over het bepalen van werk-in-uitvoering (WIP) limieten, het meten van doorlooptijden, en het continu verbeteren van de workflow. Deze cursussen bieden ook diepgaande kennis over hoe Kanban kan worden geïntegreerd met andere agile methodieken zoals Scrum, en hoe het gebruikt kan worden in zowel productie- als dienstverlenende omgevingen.

Of je doel nu is om de productiviteit te verhogen, de samenwerking binnen teams te verbeteren, of agile transformaties in je organisatie te leiden, onze cursussen bieden praktische begeleiding en deskundige instructies. Je leert van ervaren Kanban-practitioners en agile coaches die hun expertise delen door middel van interactieve lessen, praktische oefeningen, en case studies.

Onze cursussen in Kanban zijn toegankelijk voor deelnemers van alle achtergronden en bieden flexibele leertrajecten die kunnen worden aangepast aan jouw specifieke operationele doelen en professionele ambities. Aanvullende bronnen zoals toegang tot digitale Kanban-tools, professionele netwerkevenementen en certificeringsmogelijkheden kunnen je leerervaring verder verrijken en je voorbereiden op succes in het toepassen van Kanban-principes.

Overzicht cursussen Kanban

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: AW Schultz    

Building a Value Stream Map with Lean Practices.
Wat je leert: Able to understand Value Steam Concepts , Able to implement improve processes , Able to identify waste from their processes
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Jarosław Łojko    

Learn the basics of the Kanban method and finally stop starting and start finishing your work!.
Wat je leert: Understanding the differences between a system, a method, and a Kanban board , Getting to know the three Kanban Agendas , Getting to know the 6 basic Kanban practices
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Puneet Gupta    

Master Agile Workflow, Optimize Resource Utilization, Enhance Task Management, and Streamline Processes, Master Course.
Wat je leert: Prepare for the Kanban Certifications like PSK and Kanban University Exams. Please note exam fees is not included in this course. , In-depth explanation for Kanban Practices, Cadence, Roles , Kanban Metrics and how to interpret them for improving
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 41 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Manthan Patel    

Master Agile Workflow, Optimize Resource Utilization, Enhance Task Management, and Streamline Processes with Kanban AI.
Wat je leert: Understand and apply Kanban AI principles to streamline workflow and increase productivity in various project settings. , Develop skills to create and manage effective Kanban boards, both physical and digital, for better task tracking. , Identify
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Rohit Gupta    

Get Kanban Foundations certification; Free Kanban Guide; Understand the Kanban system; Apply Kanban project management.
Wat je leert: Understand the Kanban methodology and prepare for the Kanban certification exam (FCKB) , Get started with Kanban to apply it to any kind of work , Understand how Kanban can be applied for projects and day-to-day operations
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: GenMan Solutions    

Learn Kanban Flow Metrics & Improve Business Agility. Must-know for Agile certifications..
Wat je leert: Kanban Flow Metrics: WIP, Cycle Time, Throughput & Work Item Age , Little's law in depth , Cumulative Flow Diagram (CFD)
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Taal: Engels     Duur: 6 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Omni Academy 400,000+ students    

Undoubtedly, the most complete: Kanban, Scrum, Scrumban, GTD and Leadership. Practice-based course with real scenarios..
Wat je leert: You will be an EXPERT in KANBAN. You will know how to optimize any workflows in the organizations you work with, no matter your area of ​​expertise , You will learn IN PRACTICE two more agile approaches (Scrum and Scrumban) and also how to a
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Doelgroep: Product Owners, Business Owners, Support Teams, Maintenance Teams, Service and Sales Teams, Development Support Teams for this course, everything is explained from the ground up,Anyone who wants a complete overview of Kanban and certainty that they a..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

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Doelgroep: IT Management teams,Project Managers,Product Managers,Developers,Testers,Any IT Professional,Any graduate,Sales team..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €29.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Hema Prasad GH    

This course will help everyone to know detailed/complete Kanban Agile practices using JIRA tool. All the JIRA features are explained in detail with the help of a Kanban lean model project.This course discuss about the Kanban Agile practices model from the beginning.  Also included a project to understand Kanban in detail.
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Doelgroep: People working in small-medium companies and wishing to implement a Kanban agile system..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 32 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy    

Kanban is a Japanese term that can mean visual board. When applied in the context of Lean practices, Kanban is a visual tool for managing the flow of information or work items. It is flexible enough to be introduced to an existing process, whatever that process may be and without having the need to replace the process, but it is very compatible with Agile methods. In fact, it is being us
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Doelgroep: Student,Teacher,Office staff,Software Developer,Team Leader,Middle Manager,...and all of those who are overloaded at work, stressed, so busy that have no time for yourself and your family..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 35 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Agilead Learning    

Is this your situation? You don't know what are the important tasks that you should complete now.You have a lot of things to do, but you don't know how to solve them.You usually miss the deadline which you had committed with your customer.You usually miss important events.You are always in the multitasking state which reduces your productivity.You don't know how to make your work better.You are st
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Doelgroep: Anyone can take part in this course,Students,Employees,Entrepreneurs,Freelancers..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 34 minuten totaal     Partner: Udemy    

In economics, we speak of productive efficiency or technical efficiency, when we reach the maximum production volume of a product that can be produced without the production of another product being sacrificed. The application of this concept to productivity at work leads us to the famous 80/20 rule, associated with the Pareto principle, developed by the Italian economist, politician, and sociolog
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Doelgroep: Business Analyst,Technical Analyst,Project Manager,Software Engineer/Programmer,Development Manager,Product Manager,Product Analyst,Tester, and QA Engineer...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

The most complete and comprehensive Kanban Full Overview course you can find on Udemy covering everything you need to know to hit the ground running with Kanban Project Management: the Kanban board, WIP limits, cycle time, defects, agile and kanban, Scrum and kanban. Kanban is a management method for teams and organizations to visualize their work identify and eliminate bottlenecks and achiev
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Doelgroep: Operational Managers,Network Engineers,Project Managers,Product Managers,People who want to learn Agile..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €34.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

... it happened again, didn't it? The project that you put so much time and effort into fell by the wayside. Every situation is different, however the results are usually the same. Management is asking for more visibility. Your team is stretching their heads, wondering what went wrong. And here you are, trying to figure out solution. But, let me ask you a question? Have you ever thought that other
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Doelgroep: Project Managers,Entrepreneurs,Business Owners,Team Leaders,Managers,Anyone else who'd like to manage projects and tasks better..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Willem Van Zyl    

We all have things we need to keep track of - projects, tasks, chores, and more. The traditional way of staying on top of these things would be to create todo lists and check off the items as we complete them, but this approach doesn't give us much insight into what we're doing beyond "this has been done" and "this still needs to be done". The Kanban approach offers several benefits over todo
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Doelgroep: Professionals who are responsible for managing and mentoring software development project teams,Quality or Process Consultants ,Agile Practitioners..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: iZenBridge Consultancy    

With growing volatility in business environment, software development process has to be responsive enough to ensure that it enables the business agility rather than becoming a bottle neck. The fast adaption of agile based processes shows that software development groups are responding to the need of business. Most of the recent surveys show growing adaption of Kanban processes and in this program
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Doelgroep: Product, Project and Programme Managers.,Product, Project and Programme Managers, Architects, Designers, Developers, Testers, Business Analysts.,Teams in industries such as retail, FMCG, manufacturing would benefit from this course more than anyone e..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €199.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

In this course we will start learning what Kanban is and how you can use it in your projects and teams. Kanban is a workflow management method designed to help you visualize your work, maximize efficiency and be agile. Kanban helps you to reduce waste ,minimise risk and optimise your delivery process. The topics we'll cover in this course are;Brief introduction to Kanban4 principles and 6 practice
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Doelgroep: Product owners,Scrum masters,Agile coaches,Developers and testers,Development team members,People who want to learn about Agile,People who want to open the door to new job opportunities..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy    

** Elite Instructors, On Udemy since 2016, 15,000+ students, 1,700+ reviews, overall rating of  4.5/5.0 **Agile project planning is collaborative and involves the team in the planning and decision making process. For any agile project to be successful, project managers and team members alike must have a thorough understanding of estimation and planning tools and techniques. While the agile pr
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to manage tasks better; individually, in projects or teams,Students tackling research projects will benefit from getting organised with Kanban,A busy mom who needs to organise her family can use Kanban boards,Project managers should..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €119.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Peter Alkema    

In this course, you will learn how to drive progress with practical techniques for how to use Kanban boards in a team or individual project. I teach you exactly how these boards work, why they are so powerful and how they help you visualise your workflow so you can get more done. There’s an assignment in the course that will get you to set up a Kanban board for a work or personal project. You wi
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is interested in learning about Kanban Methodology of Agile project Management,Anyone who is a Project Manager, a member of a project team, or a stakeholder on a Project,Anyone who has just heard the term Kanban and want to know more..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €99.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: GenMan Solutions    

Kanban is not a software development lifecycle methodology or an approach to project management.It requires that some process is already in place so that Kanban can be applied toincrementally change the underlying process.—David Anderson, KanbanKanban is a popular framework used to implement agile and DevOps software development. It requires real-time communication of capacity and full transpare
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Doelgroep: Everyone,Project Managers,Srum Masters,Product Owners,Program Managers,Business Analysis..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €189.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Luke Angel    

At the heart of any agile project lies an agile team.  As Agile becomes the preferred project management approach for fast-moving projects you will need to know how to build and manage these types of teams.  In this course, Geoff Emery, will use a sample project to show how to build your agile team. A team with an agile mindset is self-organized, collaborative, and accountable. He also o
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Doelgroep: Managers, Management teams, Sales teams, Support teams, Business owners.,Anyone interested in learning about Kanban to improve productivity...

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €19.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Darren Roth    

Are you searching for the perfect productivity system for your startup?First the bad news: It doesn’t exist. You’re going to have to do the work no matter what system you use.Now the good news: Kanban is an easy-to-use and -learn system that can help avoid feeling overwhelmed by those endless To Do lists.Kanban is a simple system for creating products based on continuous deliveries. This syste
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Doelgroep: Product Owners, Business Owners, Support Teams, Maintenance Teams, Service and Sales Teams, Development Support Teams,Anyone who wants a complete overview of Kanban and certainty that they are getting the facts taught by an Agile expert,Someone prepa..

Type Opleiding: online/e-learning     Richtprijs: €194.99     Taal: Engels     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Partner: Udemy     Instructeur: Paul Ashun    

"Scrum Open, Professional Scrum™, Professional Scrum Master™, PSM, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. is the protected brand of Scrum . org. Our course and practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum . org."
Three reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!The unique reasons for taking this course are:Complete, Concise, Confident Overview of Kanban - I cover the theory and give you
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