Vergelijk cursussen Public Relations


Als u het moeilijk vindt om te beslissen hoe u public relations-strategieën in uw marketingplan wilt integreren, bent u niet de enige. De lijnen zijn in dit tijdperk van geïntegreerde marketing zo vervaagd dat PR en marketingtactieken elkaar voortdurend kruisen, maar meestal niet van tevoren worden gecoördineerd.

Om deze twee belangrijke functies samen te laten werken, moeten we de best practices halen die worden gebruikt in succesvolle PR-campagnes die doorgaans worden gebruikt om:

  • Kondig bedrijfsnieuws aan
  • Lancering producten
  • Onthul partnerschappen
  • Toon maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen

Hieronder volgen drie belangrijke gebieden waar best practices op het gebied van PR moeten worden toegediend, zodat u maximale exposure krijgt en het rendement op uw marketinginvesteringen kunt verhogen.


PR wordt gebruikt om kernboodschappen effectief over te brengen aan een divers publiek. Door eerst alle doelgroepen - en hun drijfveren - te identificeren, kunnen berichten vervolgens worden aangepast om met elke partij te resoneren, zodat iedereen de gewenste actie onderneemt.

Probeer deze PR-benadering te gebruiken bij het ontwikkelen van berichten voor uw volgende marketingprogramma. Begin met het identificeren van al uw primaire en secundaire doelgroepen om ervoor te zorgen dat uw boodschap blijft hangen. Pak een whiteboard en maak een lijst. Neem alle verschillende groepen op waaruit uw publiek bestaat, zodat uw berichten aan al hun unieke behoeften voldoen. Hieronder volgen enkele belangrijke groepen om te overwegen:

  • Klanten
  • Prospects
  • Werknemers
  • Investeerders
  • Partners
  • Leveranciers
  • Press
  • Nieuwsuitzendingen
  • Sociale medianetwerken


Een fundamenteel principe van PR is het aangaan en onderhouden van relaties. Het hebben van langdurige relaties met branchedeskundigen, verslaggevers, redacteuren, recensenten en bloggers is belangrijk om uw verhalen onder de aandacht te brengen en uw bedrijf relevant te houden.

Overweeg om deze relaties te benutten bij het ontwikkelen van uw contentmarketingstrategie. Hoe kunnen deze beïnvloeders uit de branche u helpen uw inhoud te verspreiden en het bewustzijn te vergroten? Door deze belangrijke contacten te voorzien van uw verhaal (d.w.z. inhoud), krijgt u de mogelijkheid om extra indrukken op te doen en een betere kans dat uw inhoud viraal gaat.

Merk bewustzijn

Een kernfunctie van PR is het snel verspreiden van informatie en het genereren van bekendheid bij een groot publiek. Het zien van een bedrijfsnaam die via een vertrouwde nieuwsbron wordt gepubliceerd, impliceert validatie en geeft de indruk dat het merk geloofwaardig en betrouwbaar is.

Pas deze PR-tactiek van het verkrijgen van bekendheid en validatie door middel van mediahits toe op uw advertentiestrategie. Welke nieuwsuitzendingen, handelsevenementen, branchepublicaties en online bronnen bezoeken of bezoeken uw potentiële klanten en klanten? Om waardevolle indrukken te krijgen, moet u uw advertentie-inspanningen richten op nieuwsbronnen en evenementen waarop uw publiek regelmatig vertrouwt.

Zoals u net heeft gelezen, dienen PR en marketing voor vergelijkbare doeleinden. Door PR bewust te promoten van een regel in uw bedrijfscommunicatiebudget tot een ondersteunende rol die in uw marketingmix is ​​ingebed, kunt u een duidelijk, gecoördineerd plan realiseren dat het beste van twee werelden combineert.

Overzicht cursussen Public Relations

Doelgroep: General..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

There is no more effective and immediate way to generate interest in your products and services than writing a press release. Above any other form of SEM (search engine marketing), online press releases, written well, hold the ability to produce immediate brand recognition and fast website traffic for your products and services. Here are the top 7 benefits students receive from taking this course; 1. Learning how to effectively format a press release 2. Accurately describing the 5 'W's of releases - Who, What, When, Where and Why 3. How to increase interest in your brand's message ..
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Doelgroep: Government officails, press spokespersons, and public information officers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

Public Relations. Imagine yourself fielding reporters' tough questions at a heated press conference, and you appear perfectly confident, authoritative and on message. You can get the exact messages and quotes you want about your government agency into the news media. How to be a Government Spokesperson In this "How to be a Government Spokesperson" Public Relations course you will learn how to communicate to the media effectively as a representative of a government agency or bureau. The media hold government agencies and government officials to a higher level of accountability. As ..
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Doelgroep: Entrepreneurs and founders,Anybody that has to deal with the press,Any employee at an early-stage company..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 5,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

ANNOUNCEMENT: 50% of the revenue from this course will be donated to THRIVE-GULU, a not-for-profit building rehabilitation and community centers across Africa.   Startup Attention & PR 101" is a deeper look at how to better work with the press. This is not a course about traditional PR. Instead, this is a deeper dive into what makes a journalist tick, how you can get attention with these public relations skills and take advantage of that for your company or cause. This course covers four broad themes: ●  How Journalists Think ●  How to Launch a Product ●  Ho..
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Doelgroep: Start-ups, fledgling companies and company owners who have not yet leveraged the power of the media. Freelance copywriters, too will benefit...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $89.99     Taal: Engels    

How to master PR - for start-ups and copywritersFreelance copywritingThis course will benefit freelance copywriters. That’s my profession and PR has been central to my client services.How to develop a professional online/offline media planHow to find the trusted bloggers, the editors, publications and freelance journalists that specialize in your area of interest. Focus is everything.How to find journalists with a tight deadline ‘on heat’ for information on your specializationHow to write and USE online press releases, traditional press releases, and sales-lead generating ‘pseudo’ p..
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Doelgroep: Marketers, business owners, professionals, personal brand builders, artists, models, MCs, thought leaders,This course is suitable for all, whether your aims are personal, business-related or for profe..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

What you’ll learnThe Zen of PR Public Relations Fundamentals Masterclass 2020 provides deep knowledge and insight for anyone looking to grow their public profile or their business. The course provides top-level public relations counselling, explained in expressly simple language that’s accessible to anyone.This course teaches essential PR skills which enable YOU to achieve your business or personal ambitions. The course covers PR fundamentals and key message development, the creation of an effective positioning statement and biography, deep learning on how to write press releases and photo..
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Doelgroep: PR freelancers, SEO companies and Digital Marketing agencies..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 43 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

PR services are more in demand now than ever before. But that means a lot of competition. It can be hard to make sales, vie for media attention and stay on top of changing trends in the industry... This video training series is perfect for new PR people or people fresh off a communications degree, PR companies who are trying to grow or get better results for clients, PR freelancers or SEO/digital marketing agencies who are trying to figure out this PR game. ..
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Doelgroep: No experience needed; Individuals who have a desire to become an entrepreneur and launch their own fashion brand.,Individuals interested in launching a fashion brand..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 43 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $54.99     Taal: Engels    

This is the course you will need to understand how public relations can positively effect your brand. This course "Fashion Brand Launch: Public Relations" gives insight on what an entrepreneur needs to build a reputation that will allow one to build and maintain a strong audience.The 45 minute video course includes a formal presentation of strategies taught by Shawn Ward. The course will cover the following subjects:What is Public RelationsWhy Brands Need PRTypes of Media to PitchHow to Generate Media ExposureProduct PlacementCollaborationsEventsTypes of Coverage to ExpectThe course will allow..
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Doelgroep: If you want to become a business coach and don't have a step-by-step business coaching system, this course gives you done-for-you solutions.,Coaches and Consultants who are just starting out in busine..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 5,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

Why take the Certification to become a Public Relations Business Coach FECBC - Fearless Entrepreneur Certified Business Coach Course?What will a Public Relations Certificate and Accreditation Credentials + Public Relations Business Coaching Directory Listing for Level 2 Grads do for you?If you are searching for a business coaching niche that is in demand, becoming a Public Relations Business Coach will benefit you in numerous ways. Why is this important?FACT: Professionally, it is becoming more of a challenge to differentiate yourself in the increasingly competitive business coaching world. Th..
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Doelgroep: Companies who are struggling with their Internet Marketing Campaigns,Venture Capitalists looking to make a good ROI on new projects,Those looking to revamp their current brands,Those who are stuck mak..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

This Udemy course has been taken over by over 2,000 students around the world. LATEST: Course Updated Again for September 2015Learn EXACTLY what I've taught international brands like McDonald's and evian... in only 2 hours!Gain the skills major brands have paid hundreds of thousands for. Quickly and easily.Over 2,000 students have already learned what took me almost a decade to develop.Have you heard of my "Branding, Public Relations and Social Media Secrets?"I've been working with international brands for almost a decade. And this course highlights what REALLY works.It has taken me years to f..
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Doelgroep: For marketers, fund raisers and those tasked with building the image and growth of your nonprofit. Use fill-in-the blank resources to create interesting press releases, and seven other formatted pr to..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $39.99     Taal: Engels    

This isn't a writing course. In this course. I will show you how use public relations tools to work with the media. You will learn what makes news and how to use your activities to create interesting news from factoids of your organization. You will create building block statements to insert into fill-in\-the-blank forms and sample materials from your web site, funding applications, newsletters, etc. Use these toolkit items for announcements about your organization, activities, and volunteers to create image and awareness among targeted audiences to tell them who are and what you do: ·A..
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Doelgroep: Entrepreneurs,Startup Employees,Public Relations Rookies..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $34.99     Taal: Engels    

Join tech journalist Erica Swallow for an overview of public relations strategies to interact with journalists and ultimately gain press for your startup. You'll learn the basics of public relations strategies for startups, including how to engage and build relationships with the media, how to craft an amazing pitch, what "exclusive" and "embargo" mean, which assets are useful for journalists, what not to do, and a boatload more. This class will also include a number of case studies from recent pitches that Erica has received from fledgling startups. She will show you a behind-the-scenes look ..
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Doelgroep: MARKETING DIRECTORS who need to understand and articulate the strategic implications of social media for the organisation,STUDENTS This course is for students with some knowledge of public relations o..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $159.99     Taal: Engels    

                      This is a Corporate course for Business, Government and Not for Profits on how to WRITE A social media strategy:Many Marketing and Public Relations professionals in large organisations such as Government Departments and Corporates want more structure than simply competitions and promotions on Facebook & Twitter and broadcasting content on LinkedIn. This course will enable you to create a great social media strategy for your own business and your clients that includes: (Don't forget to click HD on the videos!) why ..
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Doelgroep: Business owners,Aspiring entrepreneurs,Podcasters and YouTube hosts..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 8 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

START GETTING PUBLICITY WITHIN THE FIRST WEEK OF GETTING THIS COURSE - THESE STRATEGIES WORK!Recently updated to include more lectures:  How to write better headlines that increase click-through rates10 actionable strategies to get press coverage as early as this weekPress release example and templateCase study of how one of my clients got millions of website visitors from publicity OVER 2,000 DELIGHTED STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS PUBLIC RELATIONS COURSE  ============================INSTRUCTOR BACKGROUNDI've..
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Doelgroep: This course is for complete beginners starting out in their public relations career. It will equip you with everything you need to be successful at PR in a digital world...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $29.99     Taal: Engels    

This course will equip you with everything you need to become an expert public relations professional. It’s packed full of case studies, statistics, checklists, templates and practical activities that bring the theory to life.The first section of the course introduces PR and shows you why it is valuable to any business and how it has changed over the last 10 years – there have been some exciting developments that have made PR more interesting and relevant than ever before.Then, we look at all the research you need to do before you plan a winning PR strategy.You’ll then learn how to creat..
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Doelgroep: This PR course is designed for entrepreneurs, small business owners, and marketers looking for an actionable strategy to get their companies or products featured in the press...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

UDEMY’S #1 BESTSELLING PUBLIC RELATIONS COURSE!"Brad's course was awesome. He gets you thinking in the right mindset, and because he has experience being on the other side of the email he provides useful insight." —Amir, Udemy Student"I normally purchase a few courses in the same topic and pass them all, just in case one have something important which the other one doesn't. I'd say Brad's course is the most useful and honest one about PR coverage among the others." —Fuad, Udemy Student"Practical, common sense advice that you would hope a seasoned industry insider would give you if you we..
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Doelgroep: CEOs,CFOs,Business owners,Political leaders,PR executives,risk managers,crisis managers,Investor relations executives..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

Public Relations during a time of crisis. Imagine that a crisis hits your organization and that you come out on top in the media. You initiate proactively to the media. You have a clear and easy to understand message. And you get the exact quotes you want in final stories. You didn't pick or plan the Public Relations crisis, but you were ready to communicate effectively. Your reputation doesn't just remain intact; your reputation has improved! You will learn how to prepare and deliver messages to the media in a time of a Public Relations crisis. How to plan for press confer..
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