Vergelijk cursussen Brood bakken

Challah brood Gebak Koekjes bakken Panettone Zuurdesembrood Bakker worden

Als je serieus geïnteresseerd bent in het bakken van brood en je vaardigheden op dit gebied wilt verbeteren, kun je overwegen om een opleiding of cursus te volgen. Er zijn verschillende culinaire scholen, bakkerijopleidingen en instituten die specifieke programma's aanbieden voor broodbakken. Hier zijn enkele aspecten die vaak behandeld worden in een brood bakken opleiding:

Theorie van broodbakken: Je leert de wetenschap achter het broodbakken, inclusief het begrijpen van de rol van ingrediënten zoals meel, water, gist, zout en andere toevoegingen. Je krijgt inzicht in het fermentatieproces, het rijsproces en de invloed van temperatuur, vochtigheid en tijd op het broodbakken.

Deegbereiding en kneden: Je leert verschillende technieken voor het bereiden en kneden van deeg, inclusief handmatig kneden en gebruik van mixers. Je leert de juiste consistentie van het deeg herkennen en hoe je het deeg goed ontwikkelt voor optimale resultaten.

Rijsprocessen: Je bestudeert de verschillende rijsprocessen, inclusief de eerste rijs, tweede rijs en eventuele extra rijstijden die nodig zijn voor specifieke broodsoorten. Je leert hoe je het rijsproces kunt beheren en deeg kunt controleren op de juiste rijpheid.

Broodsoorten en recepten: Je krijgt inzicht in verschillende broodsoorten, zoals wit brood, volkoren brood, zuurdesembrood, roggebrood, ciabatta, baguettes en meer. Je leert de specifieke eigenschappen van elk broodtype en oefent met verschillende recepten en technieken.

Baktechnieken en -apparatuur: Je leert de juiste baktechnieken, waaronder het op de juiste manier voorverwarmen van de oven, het gebruik van stoom tijdens het bakken, het controleren van de gaarheid van het brood en het bereiken van de gewenste korst en textuur. Je krijgt ook inzicht in het gebruik van verschillende bakapparatuur, zoals bakstenen, broodbakvormen en -rekken.

Decoratie en presentatie: Naast het bakken van brood, leer je ook over decoratietechnieken en presentatie van broodproducten. Je leert hoe je de korst van brood kunt decoreren, brood kunt vormen en snijden voor een aantrekkelijke presentatie.

Hygiëne en voedselveiligheid: In elke culinaire opleiding is hygiëne en voedselveiligheid een belangrijk aspect. Je leert over de juiste hygiënische praktijken, voedselveiligheidsnormen en het voorkomen van besmetting tijdens het bakproces.

De duur en de diepgang van een brood bakken opleiding kunnen variëren, afhankelijk van de instelling en het programma. Het kan variëren van korte cursussen of workshops tot uitgebreidere opleidingen van enkele maanden tot een jaar. Je kunt informatie vinden bij culinaire scholen, bakkerijen, instituten voor gastronomie en andere onderwijsinstellingen die dergelijke opleidingen aanbieden.

Een opleiding in brood bakken kan je een solide basis bieden om je vaardigheden te ontwikkelen en je kennis te vergroten op het gebied van broodbakken. Het kan je helpen om professioneel brood bakken onder de knie te krijgen en je carrièrekansen in de bakkerij- en horecabranche te vergroten.

Leer brood bakken. Vergelijk de opleidingen bij verschillende aanbieders.

Wees niet bang. Dat lijkt de juiste plaats om te beginnen. Het blijft me verbazen hoeveel koks ik ken, gevorderde en amateur, die verbleken bij de gedachte brood te bakken. Ze schudden hun hoofd, ze zwaaien met hun handen, ze lopen langzaam achteruit, mompelend: "Nee, nee, niet goed met brood." Mijn antwoord is dat absoluut iedereen zelfgebakken brood van topkwaliteit kan maken. Echt iemand. Het enige dat nodig is, is een beetje geduld en instructie.

Toen je leerde fietsen, begon je met zijwieltjes. Denk eraan om op dezelfde manier brood te leren bakken. Het eerste recept in dit verhaal ― Rustiek Witbrood ― is een knapperig wit brood in vrije vorm. Het zal fungeren als uw zijwieltjes door u stap voor stap door het hele broodbereidingsproces te leiden. Als je de basis kent, kunnen de zijwieltjes loskomen en kun je door naar het volgende recept.

Overzicht cursussen Brood bakken

Doelgroep: Sourdough Bread Baking 101 is for the beginner, someone who is comfortable in a kitchen, but needs help with learning how to bake with sourdough.,This course is not for the seasoned sourdough baker. I..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $29.99     Taal: Engels    

(Edited: Course Updated August 2019)Tired of baking bricks when everyone else is baking super gorgeous sourdough bread with a holey crumb and crispy crust? Change all of that by enrolling in "Sourdough Bread Baking 101."This is the sourdough baking course you need if you are just starting out in sourdough bread baking. In my other courses, I teach how to bake all sorts of sourdough breads, but in this course, I won't load you down with lots of information, just enough so it is easy and fun to bake your first loaf of sourdough. You will first learn how to make your own sourdough starter at home..
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Doelgroep: This course is for the beginning or intermediate baker with basic baking knowledge and kitchen skills. It is also for the experienced baker who wishes to take a refresher on baking real sourdough...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

Edited: Course Updated September 2019Student Reviews: "This course and instructor are heaven sent....I joined this course after wanting to "do" sourdough for many, many years. I am so thrilled with the clarity and completeness of the content, as well as the ready presence and engaged feedback from the instructor Teresa L. Greenway. I highly recommend this course, and will be eagerly investigating any other offerings from this instructor. I am still working through the materials at my own pace, which is another benefit of using this teaching/learning platform."And: "I am very excited to be..
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Doelgroep: This course is suited to anyone with basic baking/kitchen skill. It is often easier for a person who has never baked to learn sourdough baking. Beginners will enjoy the satisfaction of baking real bre..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

Updated August 29, 2016 Some of the reviews from my first sourdough baking course: Teresa is the Sourdough Bread Whisperer...I was resistant to making it myself because it seemed so daunting. But Teresa is so calm and skilled that it eased my fear and allowed me to jump in whole heartedly. She is a natural teacher. The course is easy to follow and filled with so many useful tips. And the best part is that the bread is so wonderfully good. Best sourdough bread I have ever tasted, seriously!This course and instructor are heaven sent....Best Class Ever; from starting your sourdough starter to mak..
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Doelgroep: The perfect student for this course is one who has been trying to bake the elusive \SOUR\ San Francisco Style loaf of bread.,If you do not like \sour\ sourdough bread, this course is not for you.,This..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

You will learn:The secret to baking real "sour" sourdough. Not many know how to obtain a natural sour in a sourdough bread. A technique for a long fermentation. There's something you MUST do for a long fermentation.How to obtain the real San Francisco sourdough flavor.One small change to increase oven spring.What type of flour to use. Tips for increasing dough strength. For years the holy grail of sourdough baking, here in the USA, has been an authentically "SOUR" sourdough bread, like they used to bake in San Francisco. It is so sought after that bakeries will add a substitute sour like vineg..
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Doelgroep: This course is for the more advanced baker or the intermediate baker willing to stretch their skills,This is not a beginners course.,This course is for students who have taken the earlier baking cours..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

Hello fellow baker! Sourdough Bread Baking Experiments is a fun course for advanced bakers. In this course we will be playing around and experimenting with a very high hydration dough called Cristal Bread. It's all the rage right now! We will also boil bread, try out low inoculation rates, bake a motherdough only loaf, use double hydration and mix different flour together as we explore some heritage grains.  There is also a failed experiment with double hydration. Yes, failed!  There's nothing like failure to learn the most and be the best baker you can be.   This..
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Doelgroep: This course is for the advanced baker with an understanding of the sourdough method of baking bread. ,Although aimed at the more advanced sourdough baker, this course is easy enough for a baker who ha..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

This course was inspired by Yohan Ferrant's "Do Nothing" bread which I observed him making at the "Quest for Sourdough" workshop in Belgium at Puratos.  My objects for this course are: To modify the gluten of bread, making it not only more digestible, but resulting in terrific flavor. Show the student how to vary the "sour" or mildness in their long ferments. Develop a method to ferment large batches of dough and be able bake up bread with only a few hours notice after the dough has fermented over the course of several hours or days.To offer an option for those who wish to ..
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Doelgroep: While this course is intended for complete beginners, if you have previous baking experience you will find Dan's insights, tricks and tips an invaluable addition to your experience...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

OTHER BAKING COURSES MAYBE LONGER ON UDEMY BUT BEFORE BECOMING BAKERS WE WERE FILM MAKERS AND WE PRIDE OURSELVES ON MAKING PROFESSIONALLY FILMED AND EXPERTLY EDITED COURSES. MEANING YOU GET EXACTLY THE INFORMATION YOU NEED TO MAKE AMAZING BREAD BUT WITH NONE OF THE WAFFLE!!  Ever dreamt of baking fabulous artisan bread at home to wow your friends and family? Tired of baking bread that resembles a house brick? Want to be confident that you are baking healthy, tasty bread from ingredients you can trust? Then this is the course for you! Using high quality video the course takes you th..
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Doelgroep: Gluten free individuals who want (and deserve!) bread made with love, not sawdust. ,It's mainly for beginners and improvers, or long-term GF people who are looking for a little inspiration...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $39.99     Taal: Engels    

The course is built around seven key recipes that illustrate different basic techniques in gluten free baking. We start by discussing the principles of GF baking, and examining the key ingredients - in particular, a surprisingly wide range of naturally gluten free flours with which to add appeal to your hand-baked breads. As we go along, we show you how to blend your own flours, and how to store them in portion-sized bags for ultimate convenience in your weekly bake. From classic white sandwich bread, to more artisanal hand-shaped loaves, baguettes, pizzas and rolls, we cover enough ..
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Doelgroep: Any baker who knows their way around a kitchen can bake magnificent Challah...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

Challah, magnificent Challah! This sweet bread is loved and enjoyed by millions the world over. In this course you will learn to bake three various types of Challah: Commercially yeasted Challah (A dessert Challah)Hybrid (a mix of yeasted and sourdough)Sourdough ChallahThe formulas will also have variations using different ingredients and methods. The two methods are to mix with a dough mixer and to mix by hand. The variations will contain different ingredients or dough formulas with changes for milk/non milk, butter/oil, sugar/honey, different egg washes and various toppings. You will also se..
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Doelgroep: Designed for complete beginners, this course has also been enjoyed by bakers with a little experience who want to fix certain aspects of their technique...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $34.99     Taal: Engels    

Bake your own show-stopping artisan breads using our simple, 7-steps method designed and proven to leave beginners baking with confidence!Discover the simple secret of '5 minutes hands-on' and fit home-baked bread* into even the busiest lifestyle.Crystal clear, step-by-step video instruction from expert artisan baker-tutorsFive complete bread-making projects Downloadable, printable full-colour recipes, tips and techniquesA thorough understanding of bread-baking fundamentalsExperience of heritage and organic flours*In this course, you'..
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Doelgroep: This course is perfect for those who have taken my first two or three courses on sourdough baking. ,The serious at home or professional bakers who want to learn more intermediate and advanced sourdoug..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

This is my tenth sourdough baking course and many of you have been asking me to do more with whole grains. As the baking courses have gotten more advanced with newer and more advanced techniques, I have tried to incorporate more whole grains. With this course there are even more formulas and flour blends using whole grains. Ten new formulas are featured in this course. Most of the whole grain flour is freshly ground. They are all made with sourdough, no commercial yeast is used. The loaves featured are: Khorasan BoulesJuly LoafSpring Fling Seeded SourdoughCranNut SourdoughK..
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Doelgroep: Home Cooks,Average Joe,Pastry Chefs,Culinary Students,Baking Professionals,Bakers,Hotel Training,Gluten Free Allergy,Celiac Disease..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

9 Lessons - Gluten Free Bread Baking. From the teacher that brought you 'Learn The Pastry Arts Level 1', and 'The World Of Cookies'. --- Build the essential skills you require to create tasty, 'bread', that is year, gluten and wheat free! New or old to the art of the culinary journey, this course is designed for speed and ease. Join us! Have you ever wanted to dive into the art of bread baking? Maybe you are a student or pastry professional who needs access to high quality recipes and videos? Pastry Training Centre - A pastry arts training program, with a timeline that fits your sche..
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Doelgroep: Complete beginners looking to start their Sourdough Journey,Intermediate Bakers looking to expand their Sourdough Skills..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

In this baking course you will learn to bake delicious Sourdough Breads & Pastries by a French Artisan Baker from the comfort of your own home. All recipes will be completed with your very own Sourdough Starter which you will learn to make completely from scratch!Colleen: "His course is great value for money and his instructions are so easy to follow. My first attempt at making bagels was a great success!! Can't wait to try his sourdough bread recipe next!"By the end of this course you will be able to make some of the world's most famous Bread & Pastry Recipes with concise ye..
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Doelgroep: Parents who want to bake healthy breads for their family, people who wants to eat clean and healthy food..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

Bread Baking for Beginners is a course specifically designed for beginner or intermediate bread bakers. It is Complete with easy and fail-proof formulas and delicious breads.These breads are clean with no added chemicals and made with natural ingredients. Baking them at home will give you immense satisfaction.After this class you will be able to bake bread with confidence...
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Doelgroep: Anyone who loves bread and sourdough bakes..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $119.99     Taal: Engels    

Four courses in one! In this comprehensive course, you'll learn the basics and benefits of keeping and using sourdough. I use basic demonstrations and easy-to-follow information to show you how to create and maintain your own sourdough starter using just flour and water.  Once you've got an active starter, I'll show you how to start using it! The recipes covered in this course include a rustic free-form loaf of sourdough bread, a batch of sourdough pretzel bagels, and a big pan of sourdough cinnamon rolls with decadent cream cheese frosting.&nb..
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Doelgroep: Beginner, hobbyist, bake lover..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

There is two types of persons: who loves croissants and who lies!In this course we are going to learn all the steps and secrets of the Croissant Dough, in the comfort of you own kitchen.We will see the difference in recipes, all the steps and processes behind these delicious treats. I won't use any fancy ingredients or impossible tool! I will share with you two of my personal recipes, for French Croissants and for Italian Croissants. In addition I also upload the full video process of making the super fancy double color croissant!..
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Bedrijf: NHA     Duur: 12 maanden     Richtprijs: €599,00     Taal: Nederlands    

Brood of zoetigheid? Bak het zelf met de opleiding Banketbakker! Gaat er voor jou niets boven de geur van versgebakken brood en geniet jij van de aanblik van een heerlijke taart? Ben jij een echte aanpakker en heb je geen gebrek aan creativiteit? Dan past de opleiding Banketbakker perfect bij jou! In deze opleiding leer jij ambachtelijk werken met deeg, suiker en chocolade. Schrijf je vandaag nog in! In deze opleiding leer je alles over het beroep van banketbakker, van gist tot luxe suikerbrood en van marsepein tot chocolademousse. Je leert brood bakken dat krokant is van buiten maa..
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