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Jimmy Naraine

In mijn "vorige" leven was ik in de zakenwereld en werkte ik voor bedrijven als Goldman Sachs. Ik besefte echter al snel dat het niets voor mij was en dook in ondernemerschap. Ik heb 7 jaar lang les gegeven aan meer dan 223.000 mensen in mijn online cursussen terwijl ik fulltime reisde (76 landen). Ik omarm altijd de white belt-mentaliteit, maar ik ben ook dankbaar dat mijn cursussen worden genoemd in toonaangevende publicaties zoals Entrepreneur, FoxNews, Forbes en BusinessInsider.


Jarenlang was mijn enige missie om miljoenen mensen te helpen met hun psychische problemen. Vandaar mijn obsessie met het bouwen van educatieve inhoud voor de massa. Naarmate mijn publiek groeide, werd ik echter benaderd door verschillende experts die ook cursussen wilden maken. Helaas zorgden angst, verwarring en gepercipieerde complexiteit er in de meeste gevallen voor dat ze verlamd raakten.


Tegenwoordig helpen we samen met mijn team experts, ondernemers en bedrijven om hun “stem” te versterken door online cursussen van wereldklasse te creëren. Het maken van cursussen is niet eenvoudig, maar het hoeft niet overweldigend te zijn. Het hebben van een ervaren ondersteuningsteam in uw hoek kan u maanden tijdverspilling en kostbare fouten besparen. Na meer dan 29.000 officiële 5/5 beoordelingen te hebben ontvangen, heb ik geleerd wat werkt en wat niet.


Het leven gaat echter niet alleen over zaken doen en cursussen bouwen. Ik doe mijn best om alle aspecten van het mens-zijn te omarmen en probeer het meeste uit mijn 28.000 dagen op deze planeet te halen. Ik zoek voortdurend naar mogelijkheden om mezelf uit te dagen op fysiek, mentaal en spiritueel niveau. Al tien jaar verken ik onconventionele paden, of het nu gaat om het trainen van Muay Thai in Thailand, surfen op Bali, wandelen in de Himalaya, de Colombiaanse oerwouden verkennen of ijsbaden doen in bevroren meren - dit alles terwijl ik mijn bedrijf runde.


Ik hou er absoluut van om in contact te komen met publiek over de hele wereld, van Barcelona tot Tokio. Ik spreek regelmatig op prestigieuze podia zoals Digital | K, MindvalleyU, WeWork en DNX, om er maar een paar te noemen, en ik word vaak uitgeroepen tot de beste spreker van het evenement. Ik organiseer ook internationale bijeenkomsten zoals OCR European Championships en geef privétrainingen (online en offline) voor bedrijven.


Als passieproject interview ik topartiesten in hun vakgebied, waaronder bestverkopende auteurs, Special Forces Soldiers, UFC Hall of Famers, Entrepreneurs en Artists. Die diepgaande gesprekken dienen als springplank om het menselijk potentieel te verkennen. Enkele van mijn gasten zijn Bruce Lipton, John Joseph, Ollie Ollerton, Harry Mack, Yanik Silver en Evan Carmichael.


Al het bovenstaande was echter niet altijd mijn realiteit.

Ik ben opgegroeid in het postcommunistische Polen zonder geld, zonder taalvaardigheid (behalve Pools) en veel beperkende overtuigingen. Op een gegeven moment ontdekte ik persoonlijke ontwikkeling en realiseerde ik me dat ik mijn eigen realiteit kon creëren. Ik nam mijn opleiding serieus, ging naar een British Business School en begon met een klein budget door Europa te reizen (vaak sliep ik op het strand en slaapzalen in hostels). Zelfs toen worstelde ik met zelfvertrouwen en fobie voor spreken in het openbaar.

Als iemand me toen vertelde dat ik op een dag mijn huidige leven zou leiden - ik zou het niet hebben geloofd. Het pad was niet gemakkelijk, maar geen spel zou leuk zijn zonder een flink aantal uitdagingen. Voor mij is het leven als het ultieme spel en ik probeer het beste uit elke ervaring te halen, of het nu omhoog of omlaag is.

Als je tot hier hebt gelezen - bedankt dat je de tijd hebt genomen en ik hoop dat je van mijn cursussen zult genieten.

Onthoud ook altijd - je bent beter dan je vaak denkt dat je bent. Je moet gewoon leren hoe je die innerlijke kracht kunt gebruiken.

Overzicht cursussen van Jimmy Naraine

Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to increase their level of confidence,Those who want to take their social skills to the next level..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €149.99    

This course has been consistently rated as one of the top confidence courses on Udemy. It has been designed with busy professionals in mind. Instead of bombarding you with hours of videos, you gain access to the most powerful strategies for increasing confidence and self-esteem, while remaining authentic.Over 223,..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who desires to rapidly build a high level of Confidence and Self Esteem.,People who struggle with low self-esteem, anxiety and feeling of not being good enough..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 7,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 223,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 32,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: INTROVERTS and anybody who desires to rapidly build a high level of Confidence and Self Esteem...

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €129.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: students, recent grads and anybody who wants to learn how to hack job interviews..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: This course is for anybody who wants to learn proven strategies used by successful people..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in learning how to improving their networking skills/strategies...

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Do you sometimes feel like the lack of networking skills prevents you from living up to your true potential? The ability to connect with people can completely change your life. Your ability to connect with people whether it’s in business or in your social life is a skill that you can learn ..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who struggles with procrastination,Anyone who struggles with getting important things done,People who get easily overwhelmed,Individuals Who Need More Free Time,Business owners \ entrepreneurs..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €99.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: People who are thinking about becoming location independent, but don't know where to start,Those who are getting started on the path to becoming a digital nomad and need proven strategies/tools,Curren..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to improve their presentation skills,People who are AFRAID of public speaking,Anybody who wants to get rid of STAGE FRIGHT,Entrepreneurs and business owners who present regularly,Empl..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 220,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in our coursesFeatured in the "Entrepreneur", "Business Insider", "Management Journal", "Wirtshafts Woche", to name a fewOverall, over 32,000 TOP reviews on our coursesWon awards for the best presenter at conferences such ..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who wants to start their journey of personal development,Anyone who wants access to the most powerful personal growth strategies,Anyone who struggles with low self esteem, negativity, procrast..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €129.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: Definitely take this course if you are tired of being average, want more from life, but have no idea how to get there,You should take this course if you want to learn how to design your life instead o..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €169.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: This course is for people who want to develop a positive mindset, boost their confidence and self esteem..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €169.99    

290,000+ happy students enrolled in our coursesOver 39,000+ TOP reviews on all our coursesBoth instructors were featured in "Entrepreneur", "Fox News" and "Business Insider" magazinesThe course is presented by an Award Winning Udemy Instructor Jimmy NaraineIt is co-presented by Dr. Roy Nar..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to increase their productivity and get important things done,Individuals who struggle with prioritising and procrastination,Anyone who wants to learn HOW TO LEARN effectively,People w..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €99.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: MEN who struggle with confidence and self esteem issues,MEN who want to become more \manly\,MEN who want to learn what TRUE, AUTHENTIC masculinity is all about..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 223,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 32,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: This Course Has Been Designed For Anyone Who Is Seriously Interested in Changing His Life Through Habits,Please Don't Take This Course If You Are Not Willing To Take Any Action..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 235,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in our coursesFeatured in "Entrepreneur", "FoxNews" and "Business Insider" magazinesWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews Canadian Memory ChampionSpeakers at i..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who desires to rapidly build a high level of productivity..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €119.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who wants to learn how to travel smart and have fun without spending huge amounts of money. Bear in mind that I prepared the content with novice and intermediate traveler in mind. If you are a..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 6 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who struggles with confidence and self esteem,Anyone with negative self image,Anyone who experiences a lot of FEAR,People who struggle with the feeling of inferiority..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: Those who struggle with self-esteem issues,People who often feel like they are not good enough,Individuals who suffer from negative self-image,Anyone who wants to take their CORE CONFIDENCE to the nex..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Over 220,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 31,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: People struggling with procrastination,Those who can't get important things done, because of fear or overwhelm,Individuals who want to improve their productivity and get important things done,Anyone w..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €119.99    

Over 223,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 32,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: people who lack social skills and confidence,socially successful people who want to take it to another level,people who experience anxiety in social situations,individuals who desire to build a positi..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 6 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who lacks social confidence and wants to feel more comfortable in social setting,Those who find it difficult to connect with people,Anyone who finds it hard to stand out in social setting,Anyon..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €69.99    

Over 220,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in our coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesTop-rated Speakers at prestigious stages such as DNX, MindvalleyU, Digital|K as well hosti..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who would like to learn how to resolve conflicts (ideally without using violence),Anybody who would like to get a better understanding of the conflict dynamics,Anybody who would like to increa..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 200,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesFeatured in "Entrepreneur" and "Business Insider" magazinesTaught by 3x World Champion in Thai Boxing & Winner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardOverall, 30,000+ TOP Rev..
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Doelgroep: People who desire to get a better understanding of social dynamics,People who don't know how to handle difficult conversations \ arguments,People who want to learn about powerful body language,Those w..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: Managers, founders, CEOs and any professionals with aspirations to get into management roles,Anyone who wants to become a more confident and compelling presenter will benefit from this course..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 223,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 32,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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Doelgroep: This course is perfect for anyone, who wants to take their business to the next level.,In today's modern world learning how to present on-camera is crucial to running a successful business.,Even if yo..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Over 201,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 30,000+ TOP Reviews!Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinner of the first Udemy Innovation AwardTop-rated Speaker at prestig..
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Doelgroep: This course is suitable for anyone, who wants to massively boost their assertiveness, confidence and self-esteem..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €99.99    

This course is written and presented by a medical doctor with 20 years' experience in self-improvement training, coaching and counseling.It has been recorded and produced on a studio quality level.By enrolling in this course, you will get a lifetime access to the current content, as well as, BONUS MATERIAL .  No r..
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Doelgroep: Anybody who wants to look and feel more confident,Anybody who wants to learn how to interpret the body language of others,Anybody who wants to learn how to look more charismatic and powerful..

Trainer: Jimmy Naraine     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €149.99    

Over 223,000 people from 194 countries enrolled in Jimmy's coursesOverall, 32,000+ TOP Reviews! Featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, FoxNews, and Business Insider magazinesformer Goldman Sachs and Allianz employee turned location independent entrepreneurWinn..
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