Vind een trainer

Hilde Jaspaert

Based on my experience with learning individuals, I have made it one of my missions to help people learn better. While I spent many hours in companies facilitating training on learning skills, I discovered that a lot of companies lose millions of human intellectual capital every year, by job rotation or by people retiring. Many of those companies have this great idea of "transforming" people who are about to retire into "trainers" so they can pass on their knowledge and skills. Very constructive initiative however...I was/ am very often surprised by the bad quality of the training sessions those people deliver and by the ROI they have. That's is where I discovered my second mission: coach and train people to become real "brain changers", in other words, to really increase someone else's skills.

Specialismen:Training, coaching and consultancy in Dutch, French, English on the following topics:Presentation skills, training skills, communication skills, Mind Mapping, speed reading, interpersonal skills. If you want me to coach you on any of the above skills ( a presentation or training coming up, your outcomes in interaction with others, your Mind Maps etc... ), we can talk over Skype. (skypename: hildejaspaert) Looking forward to hearing from you.

Overzicht cursussen van Hilde Jaspaert
