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Our Philosophy

Dyneos is a very small business which conducts training, coaching and consulting. Its focus is on enabling people to work together effectively . This is captured in our  vision:

Our Mission

“Building performance, succes and well-being in what you do and the team does"

Our lives are conducted by our personality, our values, our beliefs, and our interactions with the environment in which we live. It has an enormous impact on the way we see the world. It’s like looking through colored glasses : it’s not the real world, but the one we (want to) believe it is. 
To help you to become what you are capable of being and to maximize effectiveness, performance and succes, we provide insights and understanding of how your internal processes run your live. This will enable you to develop ways to sustainably change your behavior and attitudes in order to continue to grow.
This is the underlying of all our solutions:  consultance, coaching and training programs.

Our values

Open mindedness

Better than mere words, we would gladly show you what this implies in our relationship with you,  our clients, our trainees, our coachees

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Meer info:
Tel: 04-253 08 80