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Opleidingen - Persoonlijke financiën

Ontdek op deze pagina een uitgebreid aanbod van cursussen over persoonlijke financiën, ideaal voor iedereen die wil leren hoe je je financiën effectief kunt beheren en financiële doelen kunt bereiken. Of je nu begint met financiële planning of je bestaande kennis wilt verdiepen, onze cursussen bieden de essentiële vaardigheden en inzichten die je nodig hebt om slimme financiële beslissingen te nemen.

Je vindt hier cursussen die je leren over de basisprincipes van persoonlijke financiën, waaronder budgetteren, schuldbeheer, sparen, en beleggen. Leer alles over het creëren van een realistisch budget dat past bij je levensstijl, het verminderen van schulden, en het opbouwen van een noodfonds. Deze cursussen bieden ook diepgaande kennis over beleggen voor beginners, pensioenplanning, en het beheren van persoonlijke belastingen.

Of je doel nu is om schuldenvrij te worden, je spaardoelen te bereiken, of je voor te bereiden op een financieel veilige toekomst, onze cursussen bieden praktische begeleiding en deskundige instructies. Je leert van ervaren financiële adviseurs en professionals die hun expertise delen door middel van interactieve lessen, hands-on oefeningen, en gedetailleerde casestudy's.

Onze cursussen in persoonlijke financiën zijn toegankelijk voor deelnemers van alle achtergronden en bieden flexibele leertrajecten die kunnen worden aangepast aan jouw specifieke financiële situatie en doelen. Aanvullende bronnen zoals toegang tot financiële planningstools, forums voor vragen en discussie, en updates over de nieuwste financiële strategieën en veranderingen in de wet kunnen je leerervaring verder verrijken en je voorbereiden op het bereiken van financiële vrijheid.

Overzicht cursussen Persoonlijke financiën

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Instructeur: Steve Ballinger, MBA    

Improve your personal finance situation quickly. Many areas covered from saving, investing, credit, insurance, & more!.
Wat je leert: Determnine where you currently stand in regards to your personal finances. , Learn best practices to to help improve your financial situation. , Help design a plan for your success.
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Instructeur: Claudiu Ivan Academy    

Learn the Basics of Personal Finance. Build Healthy Financial Habits! Financial Education from Beginner to Advanced!.
Wat je leert: How to manage your money , How to use the prosperity scheme in your favor , How to adopt a correct mindset at the beginning of the road
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 182 uur in totaal     Instructeur: Robert (Bob) Steele    

Learn how to plan your personal finances from a certified public accountant (CPA).
Wat je leert: Explain the differences between personal finance and corporate finance , Set personal financial goals for different points in the life cycle, circumstances, and personal preferences , Describe time value of money concepts
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 12,5 uur in totaal     Instructeur: Raj Gupta, Ph.D, Licensed Insurance Agent, MBA Teaching Experience    

Become an Expert in Personal Finance and Investing. Learn MBA-Level Financial Analysis. Master Finance Fundamentals..
Wat je leert: You will become an expert in Personal Finance and Development. , 100+ Multiple Choice Questions with Detailed Explanations and Answers. , You will become an expert on Financial Data Sources and Patterns.
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Doelgroep: Voor beginners..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Instructeur: Ron Trucks    

Learn The Fundamentals Of Your Personal Money and Finances Using Easy-To-Understand Language And Clear Examples.
Wat je leert: Understand and feel comfortable with the basics of the money-related elements of everyday life and how to approach financial aspects responsibly and confidently , Learn the difference between banks, credit unions and other financial institutions, as wel
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Doelgroep: Alle niveaus..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Instructeur: Tiffany Groode    

Take control of your finances! Create an effective budget, pay off your debt, and start saving for the future..
Wat je leert: Gain a sense of confidence and empowerment around your money , Describe your money story and money beliefs , Set money goals that reflect your financial needs
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Doelgroep: Mensen die graag geld willen besparen,Mensen die willen leren budgetteren,Mensen die meer willen weten over personal finance..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur     Richtprijs: € 39,99    

Wil je meer inzicht in jouw geldzaken? En wil je op een gemakkelijke manier overzicht krijgen en behouden?Doe de cursus "Hoe werkt geld?"Krijg inzicht in jouw eigen uitgaven en inkomstenLeer budgetteren aan de hand van jouw eigen budgetLeer de echte waarde van GeldLeer om altijd slimme keuzes te maken bij grotere uitgavenInclusief handige exceltool!
Schrijf je in & begin direct met bes
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Doelgroep: Het is voornamelijk bedoeld voor mensen die moeite hebben met omgaan met geld, om rond te komen of om te sparen..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur     Richtprijs: € 19,99    

Persoonlijke Financiën curses is een curses waarbij je gaat leren hoe je je eigen Financiën goed kunt beheren en onderhouden, wat je allemaal kunt doen om te besparen en je vaste lasten optimaal te houden en hoe je kunt sparen voor leuke doelen en je vrijheidsbuffer. Heb je dus moeite met het omgaan met geld, rondkomen, besparen en sparen? volg dan deze cursus en geef je portemonnee een boost!
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Doelgroep: Studenten, accountants en jonge ondernemers..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €24.99    

De cursus bespreekt de vakken II, III en IX van de personenbelastingaangifte. In vak II worden de persoonsgegevens en gezinslasten besproken. Onder vak III worden de onroerende inkomsten uiteengezet en tot slot worden de kapitaalaflossingen en intresten besproken onder vak IX. Dit vak werd opgedeeld in de belastingvermindering voor de Eigen woning enerzijds (Gewestelijk)&n
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Doelgroep: Anyone who canu2019t figure out what their blockages are,Anyone who needs clarity on their financial plan,Anyone who canu2019t put together an action plan,Anyone who canu2019t take action on their action plan,The course is not therapy. It is a compli..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €94.99     Instructeur: Scott Paton    

This course covers what Emotional Freedom Techniques are and how to apply EFT to blocks to success.It is taught through course lectures teaching what Emotional Freedom Techniques are and tapping sequences for ways people can move forward towards financial freedom. Benefits: Individual results will vary, however this course teaches how to attract greater financial freedom. When you complete this co
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Doelgroep: This course is designed to give everyone a strong foundation for understanding how to better budget and spend their money. In doing so this course will benefit anyone looking for a better financial future.,Anyone who is in debt and wondering how to w..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

In this course we will cover the basics on how to create and balance a budget. Save for the future, retire, and adjust your mindset for future financial success. 6 in 10 Americans don't have enough saved to cover an emergency. After this course, you will have the foundation built to keep you from becoming one of them. This course has helped over 1,000 students on Udemy take control of their financ
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Doelgroep: Anyone Looking To Create Wealth,Anyone Looking to Further Their Knowledge of Real Estate and Owner Financing,Anyone~!..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €49.99    

How I Use Owner Financing To Create Wealth In Real Estate This Course consists of over 45 videos detailing real estate deals I have personally bought and sold myself. These are real deals and I explain them in full detail, from start to finish in these videos. Where I found them How I bought them What I did to them How I sold them and How much I make on each deal These videos explain
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Doelgroep: Are you looking for more control over your finances? This course is for you!,Are you concerned about skyrocketing tuitions? This course will show you a better way to pay for college!,Are you interested in a strategy that can liberate your family fina..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 42 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €34.99     Instructeur: Joe Withrow    

Take full control of your finances... Eliminate the need for bank loans... And build a $1 million pension system for yourself with just $250 month. Learn how with The Infinite Banking Concept: Become Your Own BankIt's true - $250 per month is all you need to create a $1 million pension plan for yourself. And we aren't talking about high-risk moonshot investments... We are talking about a cons
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Doelgroep: People tired of running out of money before they run out of month,People Motivated to take action..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 38 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €34.99    

For those sick of not being able to get ahead when paycheck to paycheck living has gotten old enough to do something about it. This course will give you the tips tricks and Free Tools to Master your personal finances and start to build Wealth instead of just get by. This course will take less than a half hour, but could save you years of struggling. All you need is a computer, internet connection
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Doelgroep: Tired of the same old personal finance for dummies advice? This course will show you how to build an asset portfolio like the experts!,Looking to integrate advanced risk management techniques into your financial plan? This course will deliver!,Are yo..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €44.99     Instructeur: Joe Withrow    

***Now with over 50% more course content. Get explosive information on market strategies... options... Bitcoin... and more, all for the same price.
Throughout the developed world there is an invisible glass ceiling above the middle-class... Keeping average people from getting ahead.Mortgage debt... Auto debt... Credit card debt... Student loan debt... Rising costs of living... Exploding health
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wishes to learn about trading or start trading from scratch!..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 6,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €64.99    

Are you a beginner looking to learn about trading or to get started?Would you like to learn how to make your own trading decisions based on logic instead of following someone else's school of thought?Would you like to learn from someone who actually worked inside the CFD Brokers industry?
This course is for you.After working for quite some time in the CFD Brokers industry we had a dream, to cre
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to learn how to manage their own money,Anyone from any country,People who want to improve their financial literacy..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €194.99     Instructeur: 365 Careers    

Welcome to our Finance 101 course!Most people don't realize how basic finance calculations play a major role in their life:- the ability to compare two investments- the understanding of how the timing of cash flows impacts their value- the preparation necessary to negotiate an advantageous mortgage or loan rateAt the end of the day all of these decisions shape the amount of money you will find in
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Doelgroep: Anyone looking to improve their financial situation..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €134.99     Instructeur: Life Progression Project    

Welcome to our Personal Finance: Financial Security Thinking and Principles! Managing your finances is one of the most important things you can do in your life. It is the difference between living a life your handed or living the life you choose! In this course you will learn how to control your money, rather than letting it control you!  You Will Learn: Why we have a problem with o
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Doelgroep: anyone that wants to learn how to get free products,anyone that likes free stuff,anyone that wants to learn to resell,anyone that wants to learn arbitrage,anyone that wants to learn how to work for themselves,anyone that wants to work from home,anyon..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Online Arbitrage is a great Business. It allows you to consistently multiply your money over & over again right from your computer.
The issue with most Online Arbitrage Business models is you often need to invest money into products & then wait for those products to sell before you get your money back.
But what if you could get products for free? What if you could get the money
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to take control of their money.,Anyone who wants to accumulate wealth. ,Anyone who wants to protect whatu2019s precious in life...

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 10,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99     Instructeur: Richard Okumoto    

Money is important. Money sets limits on your dreams, hinders or magnifies your happiness, and dictates the quality of your life. And yet... They taught you next to NOTHING about how to manage it in school! The result has been a generation who has mismanaged budgets, racked up debts, defaulted on mortgages, lost investments, and failed to keep retirement plans. While a small proportion of the
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Doelgroep: Students who want a strong foundation for Personal Finance..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 5,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99     Instructeur: BrainyMoney and Son Han, CFA, CPA    

Update April 2020: A global recession started during February 2020. We added an entire section about how to prepare and work your way through a recession. I graduated from grad school during the Great Recession of 2008 and half my class at EY was laid off in the first month. I know first hand what it's like to go through a recession.Do you want to get your finances in
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Doelgroep: This course is for you if you want to improve your financial life,This course is for you if you need help handling your money.,This course is for you if you want to make more money.,This course is for you if you want to learn how to invest the smart..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 7,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99     Instructeur: Phil Ebiner    

This online personal finance course will teach you how to master your money, how to grow your income, reduce your debt, budget the smart way, invest your money, and much more! Do you need help handling your money?Can you imagine a life of financial freedom?Do you want to make more money?Are you interested in investing but just don’t know where to start?Have you struggled with credit card or stud
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants to learn the basics of personal finance, pay off debt faster and start building wealth...

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €74.99     Instructeur: Jennifer Barrett    

If you're ready to get your finances in shape, but aren't sure where to start, this is it! In under an hour, find out how to save, invest and earn more money, stop living paycheck to paycheck and make real progress toward the future you want. Led by Jennifer Barrett, Chief Education Officer at Acorns, this basic course breaks down the what, when, how and why of personal finance to help you st
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Doelgroep: Anyone willing to be taught u0026 change their investing perspectives..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 7,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99     Instructeur: The Bearable Bull    

-Introduction Into Why I Made This Course-My Portfolios-My Strategy-Emotional Perspective On Investing-Exit StrategyThis Ratings & Reviews Course will show my personal biases & perspectives as a cryptocurrency investor. Afterwards, you may proceed to seeing my reviews & research on different digital assets. Then, once you've done your own independent research, you should leave a commen
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Doelgroep: Anyone in ANY country interested in learning EVERYTHING about personal finance, including how to save more, protect more and make more...

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 16 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99     Instructeur: Chris Haroun | 1.4 Million Students | #1 Best Selling Business & Finance Prof.    

Welcome to The COMPLETE Personal Finance Course! I guarantee that this is THE most thorough personal finance course available ANYWHERE on the market - or your money back (30 day money back guarantee). This course and the many exercises in this course is customized for literally EVERY Country & EVERY currency in the world! By An Award Winning Business Professo
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