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Opleidingen - Kindertrauma overkomen

"Kindertrauma" verwijst naar een enge, gevaarlijke, gewelddadige of levensbedreigende gebeurtenis die een kind (0-18 jaar) overkomt. Dit soort gebeurtenissen kan ook gebeuren met iemand die uw kind kent en uw kind wordt getroffen als gevolg van het zien of horen van de andere persoon die gewond of gewond is geraakt. Wanneer dit soort ervaringen zich voordoen, kan uw kind erg overweldigd, overstuur en / of zich hulpeloos voelen. Dit soort ervaringen kan iedereen op elk moment en op elke leeftijd overkomen; niet alle gebeurtenissen hebben echter een traumatische impact.

Overzicht cursussen Kindertrauma overkomen

Doelgroep: Iedereen die de zorg heeft over baby's en jonge kinderen. Vaders, moeders, opa's, oma's, maar ook professionals als kraamverzorgsters, verloskundigen, osteopaten en doula's...

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 32 minuten     Richtprijs: € 109,99    

Het verwelkomen van nieuw leven is één groot avontuur, vol obstakels, uitdagingen, overwinningen en magie. Maar natuurlijk ook een reis vol verantwoordelijkheid, zorgen, slapeloosheid en bezorgdheid. Vaak is het ‘niet weten wat te doen’ het grootste struikelblok voor (jonge) ouders. Door de materie in deze korte cursus worden daar praktische vaardigheden voor gegeven, waardoor j
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Doelgroep: Counselors, Social Workers, Psychologists, Case Managers, Addiction Counselors/Therapists, Marriage u0026 Family Counselors, and other mental health professionals..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 15,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €69.99    

The Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist – Family (CCTS-F) course is designed using evidenced-based leading edge interventions and protocols that clinicians can immediately implement to augment their work treating survivors of trauma within a family context. This course is taught using demonstrations, role play, simulations, and the utilization of a clinician intervention implementation format.
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Doelgroep: Mental health, teachers, probation, courts, child-protective agencies, foster parents, clergy..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €59.99    

Presenter: Dr. Roderick Logan, DPTh, CCTS, CFTP, FFTT
During this training we will seek to further understand the trauma experienced by the men, women, and children who lived through cultural cleansing (i.e. Holocaust & Genocide). We will take a glimpse at the subsequent impact that trauma has had on the quality of life for the men and women who lived after the liberation of the ghettos and
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Doelgroep: Coaches,Therapists,People curious about child development,Anyone,Academia,Parents..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 44 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Children face trauma in different ways and forms. Due to their age, it may be difficult to identify this except one pays attention to this hence the need for this course.
This course opens you up to the various aspects of childhood trauma such as what trauma is, signs and symptoms, types of trauma and most importantly basic recovery
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Doelgroep: Adults who experienced childhood abuse and trauma.,Anyone living with depression.,Anyone living with anxiety.,Partners to those who experienced childhood abuse.,Adults who have a difficult time with their anger (internal or external)...

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 35 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €24.99    

According to the World Health Organization, 1 in 4 adults worldwide were physically abused as children. In the US alone, around 6 million kids are abused annually which results in a report of child abuse every 10 seconds.Whether physical, sexual, emotional or verbal, the experiences have long term effects that we painfully go through as adults. It is often times the root source of many of our
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Doelgroep: Students who believe in law of attraction and want to create a humane and compassionate world,This course is geared towards women..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €29.99     Instructeur: Marisa Russo    

Heal Your Childhood Trauma and Conditioning 14 Day ChallengeI was born innocent, pure, and free
And then my father took that away from me
As he inflicted abuse with anger and hate
He grabbed the belt; it was my fate
I was in a battlefield, I was in a war
He beat me
He molested me
He was the law
Every day I pleaded to God to take away the pain
But he never did, it was alw
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Doelgroep: People dealing with Trauma,People who want to manage depression,People who want to manage suicidal thoughts,People who want to relate with someone that has had the same issues they've had,People suffering from Childhood Trauma..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99     Instructeur: Cyrus Ausar    

This course will focus on helping you overcome your traumas, depression, and suicidal thoughts by relating to someone that has had to overcome those same issues. We all are fighting some battle; we hide from the world through our smiles.
Discussed Topics:Child Abuse & Child AbandonmentFavoring One Child Over the OtherParental AddictionDomestic ViolenceDeath of a Loved OneFamily Committing
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Doelgroep: Students who want to release their trauma,Students who want to understand how trauma affects the lives of their friends and family..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99     Instructeur: Scott Paton    

This course covers what trauma is and how to heal from it.  If you have lived through a trauma or know someone who has this course is for you.  Life is traumatic. Whether you have survived a fire, flood, hurricane, mass shooting, abuse, other natural disaster or watched the news or social media, been yelled at or watched a scary movie – you have been traumatized. Even if you don’t th
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Doelgroep: Your father was either absent or somehow unavailable when you were a child,Your mother was either absent or somehow unavailable when you were a child,You feel that something is not right in your adult love relationships,You have noticed that you are..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99     Instructeur: Gabriella Kortsch    

What happens to the adult woman who was raised without her father - possibly due to a lack of physical or emotional presence or a combination thereof?  What happens to the adult man whose early maternal relationship was somehow not intact, or was dysfunctional, or perceived as unfulfilling?  Motherlessness and fatherlessness frequently depends not on the death of the parent, but on the f
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Doelgroep: Anyone suffered from any type of abuse during childhood...

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99     Instructeur: Ehab Masoud    

                                          Relieve childhood traumas (emotional, physical, sexual) FAST.                                           With new innovative fast efficient 4 st
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in working with foster or adoptive children..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €49.99    

For someone who has a history of trauma, toxic stress and adversity; counselors and medical offices, schools, neighborhoods, friendships, and workplaces can all be dangerous environments fraught with triggers and sensitives that make it hard to cope. Trauma-informed care is how we change how we interact and relate to others to improve their chances of success and functioning in these settings.
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Doelgroep: The great thing is that there are no prerequisites for this course, just an internet connection, a note pad and pen and an open and willing mind!,The course is aimed at those who are qualified in Counselling already or studying counselling and wish t..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €94.99     Instructeur: Dr Karen E Wells    

Study in confidence with Dr Karen E Wells - over 76,000 students in 178 countries.Fully Accredited Professional Counselling Diploma For Sexual AbuseFully Accredited Course For Counsellors Of Sexual Abuse With Easy Techniques To Survive The Trauma Of AbuseThis course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapists Accredited Association.Our Professional Diploma course for Counselli
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Doelgroep: Case managers, Case workers, Foster parents, Parents, Teachers, Nurses, Daycare workers, Social workers..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 11 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €34.99    

Presenter: Dr. Robert Rhoton Psy D., LPC, D.A.A.E.T.S.
This training is designed to enhance non-clinical care professional’s knowledge and skills to support the healing process for those they care for who struggle because of a history of trauma and adversity. Learn the essential information and skills to help trauma survivors recover fully from the events of their past. Those that care will i
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Doelgroep: The great thing is that there are no prerequisites for this course, just an internet connection, a note pad and pen and an open and willing mind!,This course is aimed at those who wish to explore u0026 heal significant events in their childhood,This..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €94.99     Instructeur: Dr Karen E Wells    

Study In Confidence with Dr Karen E Wells : Bestselling Instructor with over 71,000 Udemy students (over 43,000 students buying additional courses) in 177 countries!Fully Accredited Heal Your Inner Child Diploma CourseEasy & Effective Techniques To Heal Events From Childhood. Using The Tools Of Hypnosis To Set Yourself Free! The course is fully accredited by CTAA - Complementary Therapist
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is interested in learning more about how trauma can negatively effect brain development, particularly in early childhood,This class is important for early learning professionals, parents, teachers, social workers, and anyone who works with..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 43 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €39.99     Instructeur: Mary Allison Jensen, MSW    

“Mary Allison was wonderful in her teaching role! I wanted to hear every bit of what Mary Allison had to say.”“I loved all the knowledge and statistics Mary Allison gave. It explained the impact of the severity of childhood experiences.” Did you know that 46% of children will experience a traumatic event before the age of 18? In this course, you will learn the definition of trauma and what
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Doelgroep: People with psychological trauma, anxiety, stuck grief, low-self esteem, self-sabotaging /thoughts or behaviours, victim feelings, anger triggers or who feel stuck in life..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Eye-Movement-Desensitization and Reprocessing is a psychotherapeutic technique with over 100 medical scientific studies investigating its use in the treatment of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder) and other conditions such as depression, anxiety, and obsession with their origin in psychological trauma. The Self-EMDR Training Intensive is a complete guide to self-healing based on the EMDR t
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Doelgroep: Mental health, teachers, probation, courts, child-protective agencies, foster parents, clergy..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €129.99     Instructeur: Robert Rhoton    

Presenter: Camea Peca PHD (C)Trauma Treatment for Children: Calming the Dragon, Using the Body to Improve Care is an experiential training to gain working knowledge of interoception and body-based awareness and self-regulation. Learn how to use the body to increase effective trauma treatment.Clinicians will learn about the bottom up, body based self-regulation and how trauma can affect different a
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