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Yoga Strength - Udemy

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus
Duur: 6 colleges - 2 uur
Richtprijs: € 19,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

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Welcome to Yoga Strength.

This program is designed to help you find strength as you move through your yoga practice. Each class focuses on a different part of the body; shoulders, hips, core, glutes, and hamstrings.

Each of these body parts takes a huge role as we move through class. Activate these muscles to support your practice and find your new strength.

Strengthen Your Shoulders. Move your shoulders mindfully through their full range of motion and make them stronger. We move through different postures paying attention to where the scapula is in space as we move through our yoga practice. Strong shoulders will make you feel amazing on all those weight-bearing postures we do during practice. Get ready for the best chaturanga of your life!

Strengthen Your Hamstrings. If you have been practicing yoga for a while, it probably means that you have spent a significant amount of time stretching your hamstrings. Learn how to turn on the back of your legs. Strong hamstrings will not only make you feel more supported on your backbends, but they will also access any forward fold in a safer and controlled way.

Strengthen Your Core. Find the different layers of your core and learn how they work. We move through our TVA, your deepest layer, great for stability Obliques, your side core muscles. And rectus abdominis, your anterior core. Use them in different ways connecting with the support they give as we move through our practice.

Strengthen Your Glutes. Say hello to the best backbends of your life! Your glutes are the center of your posterior chain. They are in charge of external hip rotation and extension and pelvis stability, but most of us "yogis" don't know how to activate them. Turn them on and let them do what they are designed to do.

Strengthen Your Hips. If you have been doing yoga for a while, it probably means that you have spent a lot of time opening your hips. This class will show you how to strengthen your hips at the same time as you move them in all different directions, internal-external rotation, flexion, and extension. Find the balance between strength and flexibility.

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