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Opleidingen - Studeervaardigheden

Studievaardigheden, academische vaardigheden of studiestrategieën zijn benaderingen die op leren worden toegepast. Ze zijn over het algemeen van cruciaal belang voor succes op school [1], worden als essentieel beschouwd voor het behalen van goede cijfers en zijn nuttig om een ​​leven lang te leren.

Studievaardigheden zijn een reeks vaardigheden die het proces van het organiseren en opnemen van nieuwe informatie, het bewaren van informatie of het omgaan met beoordelingen aanpakken. Ze omvatten geheugensteuntjes, die helpen bij het bewaren van lijsten met informatie; effectief lezen; concentratietechnieken; [2] en efficiënt notities maken. [3]

Hoewel ze vaak aan de student en hun ondersteunend netwerk worden overgelaten, worden studievaardigheden steeds vaker op het middelbare school- en universitair niveau onderwezen.

Meer in het algemeen kan elke vaardigheid die het vermogen van een persoon om informatie te bestuderen, vast te houden en terug te roepen, die helpt bij het behalen van examens, een studievaardigheid worden genoemd, een studievaardigheid worden genoemd, en dit kan tijdmanagement en motivatietechnieken omvatten.

Studievaardigheden zijn discrete technieken die kunnen worden geleerd, meestal in korte tijd, en die op alle of de meeste studierichtingen kunnen worden toegepast. Ze moeten daarom worden onderscheiden van strategieën die specifiek zijn voor een bepaald vakgebied (bijv. Muziek of technologie), en van vaardigheden die inherent zijn aan de student, zoals aspecten van intelligentie of leerstijlen.

Overzicht cursussen Studeervaardigheden

Doelgroep: University and High-School Students,Life long Learners that want to improve the #1 Skill to be successful in Life,Individuals that are eager to finally know a Learning strategy that is right for them..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €174.99    

You are unique and you probably heard that everybody learns differently. That is why the Course "Become an Ultralearner: Study skills & Learning strategies" will teach you a game-changing new Framework to apply the memory & study skills that are right for you:Learning = The time you learn x your efficiency and ..
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Doelgroep: Life long learners.,Students who want an unexpected edge.,Every human being should have access to this knowledge...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 12,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Why take this course ?   All in one :   While I could have made it in several courses, in this single course you will learn every action known to man as of February 2019 to develop a legendary memory, incredible creativity, ninja like focus, uncanny reading speed and comprehension and 1 in a million like IQ..
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Doelgroep: Learning-enthusiasts who would like to learn more quickly and want to get better test results,Students who want to get the competitive edge in high school, college or further education,People who want..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Would you like to learn faster and memorise information for a longer time? Have you ever though about the brain's anatomy and wondered, it is possible to store one information in multiple areas of the brain? Then this course is for you!  In this course, I will take you from where you are right now and start w..
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Doelgroep: This Course is For You If You're Frustrated with the College Education System and Want to Get Good Grades while Maximizing Free Time,This Course is Not For You If You Have No Frustrations in College a..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €194.99    

Why do some students get straight A's while barely doing any work while others spend painful hours in the library and still get B's and C's? In this course, I'll show you the step by step system and hacks ALL straight A students use to do well in school with little to no stress while spending more time doing the thi..
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Doelgroep: College Students,University Students,Anyone Wanting To Improve Their Study Skills \u0026 Get Fantastic Grades..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €34.99    

JOIN 1200+ STUDENTS WHO HAVE ALREADY ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whether you're in university or college, my course will teach you how to get the basic mindset, the skills, the tools, & sche..
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Doelgroep: Students aiming for a 700+ score in GMAT.,Beginners who want to understand about GMAT.,Students looking for a self study guide for GMAT.,Students who are already preparing for GMAT.,Students from all..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

*BESTSELLING* GMAT Strategy Guide on Udemy!"A great course that covers all important aspects of the GMAT exam in an easy to comprehend manner.""It's excellent!""Superb learning."Kick start your GMAT Prep with the super affordable, bestselling GMAT guide on Udemy. Learn my strategy to getting 700+ GMAT score in the..
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Doelgroep: Advanced 5th grade students,Rising 6th grade students,6th grade students,7th grade students needing extra math help..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99    

OverviewMath in the 6th grade is very challenging for many parents and students. This course is designed to make math easier for sixth grade students and parents. Even the best 6th grade math teacher isn't able to connect 100% of the time with every student. Most math students need extra help every now and then to exce..
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Doelgroep: Students at university or college,Mature students,Employees who need to get required qualifications..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €54.99    

WARNING: Many people poo-poo this idea when they first hear it. Make no mistake. This method, although simple, delivers incredible results. Hi. My name is Ian Stables. I discovered a very simple way of studying that gave me almost total recall at exam time. Just over two hundred took a very difficult insurance exam. On..
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Doelgroep: Any student (middle school, high school or college level),Anyone that needs to put things to memory (career, school, military, etc.),Parents that want their kids to do better in school...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €39.99    

Which do you want more time to do?  Play or Study? If you are a student, this course is a MUST!  I have helped thousands of students achieve their goals over the last 20 years. Don"t work harder, study harder.......Work Smarter, Study Smarter, PLAY HARDER! Discover the tools you need for a life..
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Doelgroep: Students aged 14 - 50 who struggle to get motivated to learn or revise,Those studying for exams,Students who want to try something... different...,Those who are ready to make their learning FUN !,Thos..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

A series of fun, challenging and easy to apply and proven techniques that have got students great results for well over 17 years. Learn and apply memory skills, a great goal setting process that has helped students to achieve BIG, and see how to plan your studies in a way that suits your learning style and persona..
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Doelgroep: Community college students,High school juniors and seniors,Transfer students..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Whether you want to learn simple ways to study better or refresh your study skills, my course will teach you how to focus on your goals and what mental tools you need to succeed in all subjects!Not only you'll acquire powerful tools and hacks, but you will also feel empowered once you have the control of your learning ..
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Doelgroep: If you are simply looking for shortcuts, this course might not be right for you. You have to invest effort and time to become a successful learner. ,However, ANYONE can benefit from efficient study sk..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €34.99    

Use your Study Skills and become an Excellent Learner with Top Grades. (Instantly!) This course will give you an easy framework how to prepare for exams most efficiently. You will be able to experience your improvements while taking this course. Our quizzes will track your learning progress and compare them with other..
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Doelgroep: If you want to get high grades and achieve your dreams this course will help you to build an easy and effective system to achieve this and enjoy a good life and study balance.,This course is for any s..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €94.99    

To achieve your dreams you need to get high grades and to achieve this you need to learn an easy but effective study techniques. Unfortunately no one is teaching those techniques at schools but don’t worry they are easy to understand and I will help you to learn them all in this course step by step. Getting high grad..
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Doelgroep: Any one who has to take certifications...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 41 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

This course is intended for IT professionals and aspiring IT professionals. No technical back round is needed. In this course, we will cover everything that is involved with quickly studying for a certification and passing it. I have personally tested all of the content and can guarantee that the content..
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Doelgroep: Undergraduate students,Master's students,PhD students,Independent researchers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

There are many resources on "How to conduct research" or "How to write a dissertation/thesis/journal article", as well as on specific methods of data collection and analysis or the structure of dissertations, doctoral theses and academic articles. But in my academic tutoring experience, I observed that many&n..
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Doelgroep: People who want to enhance and optimize their performance and skills in school and university,People who want to learn how to manage their time properly and organize their daily tasks efficiently,Peop..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 11 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Our life long journey in the professional world starts with our education. That's exactly why study skills are essential for students who aim to make their educational journey a successful one. Study skills can take student's performance to a whole new level, it gives them the ability to finish more, in less time, and ..
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