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Opleidingen - Harmonie

In muziek is harmonie het proces waarmee de compositie van individuele geluiden, of superposities van geluiden, wordt geanalyseerd door te luisteren. Gewoonlijk betekent dit gelijktijdig optredende frequenties, toonhoogtes (tonen, noten) of akkoorden. 

Harmonie is een perceptuele eigenschap van muziek, en samen met melodie is het een van de bouwstenen van westerse muziek. Zijn perceptie is gebaseerd op consonantie, een concept waarvan de definitie in de westerse muziek verschillende keren is veranderd. In een fysiologische benadering is consonantie een continue variabele. Consonante toonhoogterelaties worden beschreven als prettiger, welluidender en mooier dan dissonante relaties die onaangenaam, dissonant of ruw klinken.

De studie van harmonie omvat akkoorden en hun constructie, akkoordprogressies, het omvat ook de principes van verbinding die hen beheersen. 

Van harmonie wordt vaak gezegd dat het verwijst naar het 'verticale' aspect van muziek, in tegenstelling tot de melodische lijn, of het 'horizontale' aspect

Overzicht cursussen Harmonie

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal    

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Doelgroep: Music students of any instrument,Musicians who know how to play y ear and want a solid theoretical foundation,Singers who need a good knowledge of music theory,Music producers,Experienced musicians who want to reinforce basic concepts,Aspiring compo..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €94.99    

If you love music, play an instrument or sing, and want to learn about the basic concepts of music theory and harmony, this course is for you!This course was designed to cover all the fundamental elements of modern harmony, in a clear and easy-to-follow way. The goal is that you can become a solid musician who understands all the theoretical concepts and, more important, apply them in a practical
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Doelgroep: Beginner music students,Musicians of any level interested in understand harmony,Beginner composers,Electronic music performers and djs,Producers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

This course is for everyone interested about moder musical harmony, from pop to rock, from classical to jazz. In this course you will learn how sounds relate to each other, how to build a chord and how to make a good chord progression. With this course music will not have secrets for you. You will also learn the differences between tonality and modality, and how to analyze a chord progression.
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Doelgroep: Pianists,Church organists,Organists,Good amateurs,Music school students..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €34.99    

In this course you will learn the basics about harmonizing a melody. The course requires a basic knowledge of music theory and piano skills. The course is built up in three sections: Theory with exercises, basic harmonization techniques with examples and lastly a section where we will harmonize two melodies - one in major and one in minor - together. Hope to see you!
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Doelgroep: Anyone in any country, and any age, who is ready to start learning music in a fun, casual, and informative way.,Music Students,Guitar Students,Music Newbies\..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

This is a class designed for the average person who is ready to take their music career (or music interest) and level up. Whether you are an active musician, an aspiring musician, or an aspiring music manager or agent - this class is perfect for you.My approach to music theory is to minimize the memorization. Most of these concepts you can learn by just understanding why chords behave in certain w
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Doelgroep: Anyone wanting to learn how to write for four-parts.,Every student of music!,Beginning Composers/Songwriters..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 31 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €24.99    

Students from my other courses (Music Composition 1, Music Composition 2, Music Theory and Orchestration) have been requesting that I create a course on writing four-part harmony. This course is an answer to that request.The course is divided into 8 sections. Each lecture within a section covers a different topic or concept. Study all lectures in the section before&nb
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