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Opleidingen - Telewerk

Wanneer u telewerkt, werkt u buiten de fysieke locatie van een organisatie en gebruikt u meestal technologie om u te helpen uw werk te doen en in contact te komen met uw werkgever of werknemers.

Veel bedrijfstakken, waaronder verkoop, uitgeverij, klantenservice en marketing, bieden telewerktaken. Veel kantoorbanen en functies in de technologie (inclusief computer- en softwareprogrammering) kunnen ook via telewerken worden gedaan.

Sommige medische professionals, waaronder analisten op het gebied van gezondheidsclaims en zelfs sommige radiologen, zijn begonnen vanuit huis te werken.

Alternatieve namen:  e-pendelen, werken op afstand

Hoe telewerken werkt

In plaats van naar kantoor te reizen, gebruikt de werknemer telecommunicatie om contact te houden met collega's en werkgevers. Dit kunnen telefoon, online chatprogramma's, platforms voor videovergaderingen en e-mail zijn.

Voor kantoormedewerkers heeft technologie (zoals Slack en Zoom) het thuiswerken gemakkelijker gemaakt. Toegang tot wifi kan helpen om communicatie vrijwel naadloos te laten verlopen.

De werknemer kan af en toe het kantoor binnenkomen om persoonlijk vergaderingen bij te wonen en contact te leggen met de werkgever, maar met veel opties voor conferencing op afstand is het soms niet nodig om het kantoor te bezoeken.

Sommige werknemers telewerken fulltime, terwijl anderen een deel van de week op afstand werken en de rest van de week naar kantoor gaan.

Overzicht cursussen Telewerk

Doelgroep: Workers or managers needing to work remotely..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

In this course, you will learn time-proven techniques to successfully work remotely. Both pros and cons will be given, with advice on how to avoid the cons. By the end of the course, you will have a good understanding of your role and relationship in the remote working model.How successful workers and managers can make remote happenUnderstanding the pros and cons of working remotelyAvoid getting t
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Doelgroep: Recently displaced workers,Office workers who are now forced to work from home,Consultants,Freelancers,Software developers,Executives used to being surrounded by teams and staff..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

The recent public health crisis has forced millions of people around the globe out of their offices and work from their homes. However, remote working never be so easy than now. You may be surprised how many tools and organizational solutions you can use while working from home. Learn a new way of doing business to add a new value to your professional life!The first course that comprehensively dis
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Doelgroep: professionals working from home,freelancers or entrepreneurs,digital nomads..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €39.99    

The Working Remote from Home Essentials Course is designed to help you increase your productivity and time management from home or from anywhere. We will help you improve your effectiveness telecommuting and video conferencing with clients and colleagues using current technology available in 2020.You will learn how to improve this from anywhereProductivityTime ManagementTeleconference/Videoconfere
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Doelgroep: IT professionals,People looking for telework,People able to work from home..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €94.99    

Do you want to work remotely doing IT?  There are more jobs than ever before that allow teleworking (also known as work from home).  I have been teleworking for years for multiple corporations.  I will show you how I have found them and where to apply.  There are some things you need to know before you even attempt to find work from home.
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wants detailed/actionable help finding legitimate work from home jobs.,People of all experience and skill levels who are struggling to find and obtain work from home jobs.,Anyone who wants to learn the fundamentals of working from home -an..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €99.99    

Gain access to all the resources you need to find and secure work from home jobs NOW!Through trial and error, I finally got it down to a science and obtained enough remote work to earn a livable wage from anywhere in the world. Because of this, my life has improved immensely. And I'm honored to help you do the same.People used to ask me all the time "Why don't you just find a job you can work from
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Doelgroep: Professionals who are doing more of their work remotely..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Looking to develop healthy boundaries for remote work? This course allows existing and aspiring remote workers to help develop healthy workflows.Learn from someone with actual remote work experience.I’m Allan Caeg, a UX and Digital Marketer who has hands-on experience in handling my remote business for the past 5 years.By the end of this course, you should be able to:Learn to inspire trust in yo
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Doelgroep: Those wishing to telecommute or work remotely,Those seeking flexible work arrangements,Those wishing to work from home or whilst travelling,Remote work advocates seeking to convince an employer to adopt a permanent remote work strategy..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €39.99    

COVID-19 has pushed remote work to the forefront of public discourse, causing an unprecedented impact on business and life. Like thousands of others, you may be working from home for the first time. And although adjusting to this new way of life might feel awkward, I believe after tasting the freedom and autonomy of remote work, many of you will resist the call to return to your office.My name is
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Doelgroep: Entrepreneurs,People searching for remote jobs,People who already work remotely and want to increase their productivity and effectiveness,People who work remotely and want to do it in a better, healthier way,Remote teams..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 43 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €44.99    

So... how to get started? Where do you go to work don't have to go anywhere? How do you organize your workload? How do you keep yourself motivated? How do you stay focused? What are the biggest struggles and threats of working remotely? Where do you find location-independent job offers? All this and more will be presented to you in an easy and clear form in this course. Let's dive in!
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Doelgroep: Interested in becoming a certified RWVCPC professional.,Those who want to learn tools and techniques to prepare for the growing need for remote or remote work.,Anyone interested in validating their professional knowledge and skills as a remote worker..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 50 vragen     Richtprijs: €24.99    

Description The Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration Certificate (RWVCPC) is appropriate for all those interested in acquiring tools and techniques to prepare for the growing need for remote or remote work.
What the Course includes: 1 Exam Simulator with 40 questions + 10 additional questions (50 questions in total), in which you can practice with questions similar to the real exam, in each a
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Doelgroep: Starters: you want to work remotely but haven't started yet,Experienced remote workers: You have done some remote work but want to get better at it,Managers of remote teams: You manage a team remotely and want to get tips on how to do it,Doubters: Yo..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €29.99    

17 downloadable checklists with practical action points20+ free online tools recommendationsVideo lectures with visualisation in powerpoint and screensharing
Content:Curated, practical mix from science, news, Feng Shui, Instagram founder lifehacks and our own work from home experienceFull of tipps for:procrastinators who struggle to startperfectionists who struggle to finish,those busy with kid
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Doelgroep: This course is designed for anybody who works from home and wants to learn how to take better care of their health and wellbeing whilst doing it. It is suitable for individuals, looking to take better care of themselves, but also for time-poor busine..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €24.99     Instructeur: Associate Professor John Hopkins PhD    

This course is designed specifically for those who would like to quickly learn some invaluable skills and techniques, for improving and maintaining health and wellbeing, whilst working remotely or as part of a hybrid arrangement. Our video lectures and specially-designed activities will quickly have you up to speed with all the essentials, and feeling much more confident about managing your own he
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Doelgroep: People who are working remotely but want to do it more effectively by navigating challenges.,People who are planning to work remotely for an extended period and want to be aware of the concept and key challenges..,Managers of remote teams or people m..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99     Instructeur: Bikendra Thapa    

Remote working (working from home, telecommuting, teleworking, etc.) brings a number of benefits to both employees and their managers or employers. However, there are some caveats: Are you or your team members facing loneliness, work overload, anxiety, misunderstandings or distractions at home? Are you looking for ways to tackle these challenges and make remote working more effective?If so, you're
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Doelgroep: Recently displaced workers,Office workers who are now forced to work from home,Consultants,Freelancers,Executives used to being surrounded by teams and staff..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 7,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €199.99     Instructeur: TJ Walker    

The Complete Telecommuting Course - Remote Work - Work LifeTelecommuting - Remote Working - Tools for Working from Home - Better Organization for Work Live Balance & ProductivityTelecommuting and remote working from home can be a great way to live a professional life, if you plan accordingly and learn this new way of doing business.The recent public health crisis has forced millions of executi
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Doelgroep: Working professionals..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €19.99     Instructeur: Start-Tech Academy    

You're looking for a complete course on Work from Home tools to increase your productivity while working remotely, right?You've found the right "Tools for remote working" course. This course teaches you about different free tools available to increase your productivity, manage products and effectively communicate with your team.What is covered in this course?Mastering remote work is all about find
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is considering working remotely,Anyone who is already working remotely - but wants to do it more effectively,This course is primarily aimed at people who are working in a company as part of a team,The course is not specifically aimed at fr..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €39.99     Instructeur: Clare Lynch    

In a recent survey, 43% of US workers reported working remotely in 2016. What's more, today's companies and their employees are increasingly recognising the benefits of remote working - whether it's lower operating costs or happier, more productive teams. In other words, the remote working trend is here to stay - and is only set to rise. 
Working Remotely: How To Succeed In The New Workpl
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Doelgroep: Professionals and entrepreneurs who need to work from home..

Partner: Udemy     Duur: 3.5 hours     Richtprijs: €49.99     Instructeur: Alex Genadinik    

Learn to love working from home while being your most productive.I've done that for myself and have worked from home every day for over 10 years. I love it, and I want to share it with you.Learn how and when to use self-discipline, when to practice self-love and self-understanding so you aren't too hard on yourself, and how to deal with situations like working when family members are aro
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