Vergelijk cursussen Koffie


Als je geïnteresseerd bent in het leren van alles over koffie, zijn er verschillende opties voor opleidingen of cursussen die je kunt overwegen. Hier zijn enkele aspecten die vaak aan bod komen in een opleiding koffie:

Koffiegeschiedenis en -cultuur: Je leert over de oorsprong en geschiedenis van koffie, evenals de verschillende koffieculturen over de hele wereld. Je krijgt inzicht in de rol van koffie in verschillende samenlevingen en de evolutie van koffiebereidingstechnieken.

Koffiebonen en -soorten: Je maakt kennis met verschillende soorten koffiebonen, zoals Arabica en Robusta, en leert over de kenmerken en smaakprofielen van elke soort. Je leert ook over de herkomstregio's van koffiebonen en de invloed van terroir op de smaak.

Koffiebranden: Je krijgt inzicht in het proces van koffiebranden, inclusief de verschillende roosteringsniveaus en -technieken. Je leert over de impact van het branden op de smaak en aroma van koffie, en krijgt mogelijk zelfs de kans om zelf koffiebonen te branden.

Koffiezetmethoden: Je maakt kennis met verschillende koffiezetmethoden, zoals espresso, filterkoffie, French press, pour-over en meer. Je leert over de juiste verhoudingen, temperatuur, maalgraad en extractietijden voor elke methode.

Barista-vaardigheden: Je leert de basisprincipes van het zijn van een barista, inclusief het correct malen van koffiebonen, het maken van espresso, het stomen van melk en het maken van latte art. Je krijgt inzicht in de juiste technieken en procedures om een perfecte kop koffie te maken.

Koffieproeverij en smaakanalyse: Je leert hoe je koffie kunt proeven en beoordelen op basis van verschillende aspecten, zoals aroma, zuurgraad, body en nasmaak. Je maakt kennis met de technieken van koffiecupping en krijgt de mogelijkheid om verschillende koffiesoorten te proeven en te vergelijken.

Het exacte curriculum en de duur van een opleiding koffie kunnen variëren, afhankelijk van de onderwijsinstelling en het specifieke programma. Je kunt zoeken naar gespecialiseerde koffie-opleidingsinstituten, barista-opleidingen, koffiescholen of instituten voor gastronomie die cursussen of workshops aanbieden specifiek gericht op koffie.

Het volgen van een opleiding koffie kan je helpen om een diepgaand begrip te krijgen van koffie, van de teelt en oogst tot de bereiding en proeverij. Het kan je ook voorbereiden op een carrière in de koffie-industrie, bijvoorbeeld als barista in een koffiebar, als koffiebrander of als koffie-educator.

Wordt een expert in koffie zetten. Vergelijk de cursussen koffie bij verschillende aanbieders.

Nieuwsgierigheid heeft vanmorgen de overhand gekregen. Het is 5 jaar geleden sinds mijn eerste kopje koffie en ik heb me nooit echt te diep verdiept in het proces en de wortels van hoe het eigenlijk is gemaakt. Om te bedenken dat de meesten van ons pas kunnen functioneren als we onze koffie hebben gedronken, moeten we degenen die het allemaal mogelijk maken echt waarderen.

Te bedenken dat een paar bonen wereldwijd een enorme cultuur en industrie hebben gecreëerd. De hele wereld drinkt koffie, maar heel weinig mensen weten waar het vandaan komt.

Koffiebonen zijn eigenlijk zaden die, als ze worden geplant, uitgroeien tot koffiebomen. U hebt waarschijnlijk geraden dat koffiebomen de boeren van bonen voorzien die uiteindelijk uw ochtendjava zullen worden. De bonen die rechtstreeks uit de koffiebomen komen, zien er echter heel anders uit dan degene die je in de winkel koopt. Dat komt omdat de bonen die we gebruiken geroosterd zijn,

Overzicht cursussen Koffie

Doelgroep: Tijdens deze opleiding volg je les in een hippe koffiebar en ben je intensief met koffie bezig. Je dompelt je onder in smaken, geuren en kleuren. Je wordt een echte expert. Zo maak jij van je passi..

Bedrijf: Centrum Voor Avondonderwijs     Duur: 8 lessen     Richtprijs: € 495.00     Taal: Nederlands    

Koffie is meer dan alleen maar een redder in nood om de ochtend door te komen. Het is een booming business die het drankje tot een echt kwaliteitsproduct heeft opgewaardeerd. Maar een koffie is pas geslaagd als deze met veel kennis en passie bereid is. En met elke dag meer koffiebars in het straatbeeld is de nood aan goede barista’s hoog. Ben je kritisch over wat een echte goede koffie is? En ontdek je graag nieuwe smaakvarianten? Dan is deze opleiding helemaal jouw ding. Je volgt les in een hippe koffiebar en verrast je klanten, vrienden en familie binnenkort met heerlijke espres..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who is interested in coffee ,Anyone who wants to learn more about coffee,Anyone who wants to be able to make a better cup of coffee,Anyone who wants to learn more about other techniques in maki..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

From the Coffee House in the heart of London's Coffee Culture, this is the complete coffee course from bean to cup and beyond taught by two coffee experts and former Judges of the UK Barista Championship! Would you like to learn more about coffee? Understand its origins, understand roasting & grinding? Would you like to find out how to make a better cup of coffee? Do you want to stop drinking bad coffee? If so, this is the course for you. In this 30 lecture course Richard Hardwick, founder of Bespoke Beverages and HALO Coffee - With the help of one of London's top Barista train..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who wishes to learn or improve their latte art..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 44 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

Learn the Ins and Outs of latte art from a seasoned competition barista! Jason Mundie who has competed head to head against two separate world latte art champions and won, shares his secrets on creating latte art. By the end of this course and with a bit of practice you will be able to pour latte art that all your friends, family, and customers will want to take a picture of. ..
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Doelgroep: The class is intended for the beginner Home Bartender who wants to learn all about Cocktails, Soda, Coffee, \ Tea...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 5,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

The course will be taught as a guided Home Bartending step by step on how to make Cocktails, Soda, Coffee, & Tea. Each section will cover a different base or skill allowing you to learn Cocktails, Soda, Coffee, & Tea one piece at a time. After finishing this course you will be able to wow your friends and family with different Cocktails, Soda, Coffee, & Tea. The class is intended for the beginner Home Bartender who want to learn all about Cocktails, Soda, Coffee, & Tea. This Course Is Taught In English...
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Doelgroep: This course is meant for people who want to gain more knowledge in the world of coffee and latte art,Beginning barista's who want to level up their game and personal guidance,Homebarista's who would l..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

The World Of Latte Art community is born out of passion and is aiming to spread the passion for coffee and latte art with as many people in the world as possible! We are based in the Netherlands and working at the Hop&Stork specialty coffee café in The Hague. We believe in sharing our insights and are eager to build a community with passionate people who are able to help each other further in their coffee journey.  This course will start off from the beginning. We will start with the history of coffee, learn about the farmersplaces and continue with the impor..
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Doelgroep: Anyone entering the coffee industry who needs to understand coffee quality,People who want to have a deeper understanding of quality in food and beverages,Coffee lovers from around the world,Coffee en..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $39.99     Taal: Engels    

Learn to evaluate coffee like professional coffee tasters do, and open up a world of taste experiences. Because coffee is much more than just a strong drink. You can develop that skill with me. I'm a university professor of coffee, the founder of the Latin American Coffee Academy, and the author of Permission to Slurp, a book on coffee tasting.What will you learn in this coffee tasting course?This course is designed to teach you to taste coffee like the pros do. The ability to evaluate the quality of coffee is essential if you're starting out in the coffee industry. You can use this course to ..
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Doelgroep: Anyone wanting to learn how to become a skilled barista using an espresso coffee machine.,Hearing impaired coffee lovers.,Anyone owning an espresso coffee machine...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $64.99     Taal: Engels    

This video training teaches you all you need to know about:* your espresso coffee equipment and how to look after it, ensuring limited downtime.* making the best tasting coffee - espressos, cappuccinos, lattes - including a variety of menu choices with latte art for your cappuccinos. Your coffee lovers will keep coming back for more.You'll be given checklists for:* cleaning your espresso coffee equipment* troubleshooting problems.So, let's get started!..
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Doelgroep: This course is not for baristas or professional coffee roasters.,This course is for those who enjoy coffee and want to know more about it...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 30 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

This course is for those who enjoy coffee and want to know more about it. A coffee enthusiast leads you through different aspects of coffee, including its history, its origins, types of coffee beans, types of coffee drinks, buying coffee, making coffee, coffee tasting, and coffee culture. You will learn where coffee comes from, the differences between Arabica and Robusta beans, and how espresso forms the base of other popular coffee drinks. You will also get tips on buying coffee off-the-shelf or from a café, and also for buying and using a coffee machine. The course comprises 11 video ..
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Doelgroep: Coffee lovers around the world,Anyone entering the coffee industry - roasters, exporters, importers, coffee shop owners,People setting up a coffee business,Anyone who wants to understand more about su..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

Why do you need to learn about how coffee is grown?You have no doubt asked yourself “Where does coffee come from?”For anyone who simply loves coffee – or wants to work with coffee – it's important to understand its roots (quite literally!)You need to understand where in the world coffee is grown, what it all starts with (species and varieties), and what makes one coffee different from another.This course, From Coffee Plant to Your Coffee Cup, will take you on the fascinating journey that coffee takes from seed to cup.Learn with me, a university professor of coffee, the founder of the L..
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Doelgroep: Coffee drinkers interested in learning how to craft the best brew they can at home,Beginning coffee connoisseurs..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $29.99     Taal: Engels    

Even if you think you’re completely satisfied with your coffee…there’s always more you haven’t experienced.And a new appreciation of coffee can completely change the way you appreciate lifeWhen you appreciate coffee at all it’s levels, you can share more enjoyable experiences with everyone.What’s important right now is acquiring all the tools to gain that appreciation.Your adventure begins with surprising simplicity.This is what the Become a Coffee Connoisseur Workshop series is all about.Getting the tools for building appreciation of well-crafted coffee.The Basics of Mastering You..
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Doelgroep: beginner,barista,coffee lover,home barista,coffee roaster,coffee roasting,interested about coffee,coffee knowledge,know more about coffee,latte art,coffee art,barista skill,coffee skill,technique,arti..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

What will I learn through this course ?Basic history with the coffee and their originsBasic knowledge on how coffee plantation worksUnderstand the whole progress on Seed to CupBasic on knowing how to buy / taste coffee base on preference Basic theory of how coffee deal with self life Introduction on brewing espresso coffeeBasic step-by-step guide on espresso extraction & brewing recipe 101 Getting your milk shinier & great foam when foaming Basic on cupping a coffee and improve flavor descriptionDescribe better with taste description for espressoWhen I am sharing my coffee knowledge, I..
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Doelgroep: Coffee Lovers,Coffee shop lovers looking to save money,Students,Adults,Entrepreneurs ,Start Ups,Businesses,Employees,Specialty coffee drinkers,Whole bean lovers,Pre-ground lovers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

Welcome to your Coffee Course! Learn to save money, save time, and make better coffee. Also, learn many different topics about coffee and how to personalize your coffee. Did you know that coffee has many health benefits? Did you know cold brew coffee can be served hot or cold? Learn about all of this and more from this course. Throughout this course you will learn about the following: Coffee BeansCoffee RoastsCoffee GrindsCoffee GrindersBaratza Encore Coffee Grinder In-depthCoffee BrewingCold Brew Coffee In-depthFiltron Cold Brewing SystemGrinding Whole Beans with the EncoreCold Brewing w..
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Doelgroep: Coffee enthusiasts,Coffee explorers,Baristas,Coffee shop owners,Restaurant owners,Specialty coffee shop owners..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 30 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME TO READ THIS BEFORE PURCHASING THE COURSEThis is a foundation course for anyone who decided to join the world of specialty coffee, or coffee enthusiasts who wants to learn more about what is in their cup. All information is presented on slides to help you easily to follow and take notes. Even though I tried my best to make my presentation more attractive and interesting, the content in general is quite information-heavy. This course isn't only like a casual sharing experience from a friend to you, but also like a "Coffee 101" class from a university. T..
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Doelgroep: Anyone who likes coffee..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 31 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

In Greece, Turkish coffee was formerly referred to simply as 'Turkish' (τούρκικος). But political tensions with Turkey in the 1960s led to the political euphemism "Greek coffee" (ελληνικός καφές), which became even more popular after the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974. This course is about the history of Greek coffee, how is made, the culture, the preparation and the heath benefits. At the end of this course you can watch a video of preparation of original homemade Greek Coffee...
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Doelgroep: Coffee Roaster,Coffee Roasting,coffee Roastery,Home Roaster,Home Roasting coffee,barista,interested about coffee,coffee lover,home barista,coffee knowledge,know more about coffee,coffee taster,cafe on..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

What will I learn through this course ?Fundamentals of Roasting Understanding in general roasting programRoasting cycle processing How your green coffee storage regarding to temperature and humidity Identify Roast Defect BeanUnderstanding of 1st crack and 2nd crackUnderstand Roasting level vs tasting note, into your final cupBasic understanding the relation of coffee processing to develop your roasting profile The idea of how you blend your coffeeSensory & Cupping guidelines How to store your roasted bean consistentlyWhen I am sharing my coffee knowledge, I was sharing my wh..
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Doelgroep: Created for baristas.,Hearing impaired coffee lovers.,Anyone wanting to know how to front- end service (level 1) and maintain industrial espresso coffee making equipment...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $69.99     Taal: Engels    

This is a general course without any entry qualification required. Created for baristas and anyone wanting to know how to front- end service (level 1) and maintain industrial espresso coffee making equipment.This course is not an advanced training course for dismantling espresso coffee machines and repairing their electrical circuits . However, there is training on replacing some parts within a coffee machine and coffee bean grinder.This course is not about theory. It's practical, logical and it's guaranteed to work when applied. Everything taught is tested and proven in the real world - it wo..
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Doelgroep: People who either own or run a coffee business, baristas, or people who are interested in becoming a barista.,All baristas, regardless of brand of coffee they are using but especially baristas using U..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

One of the most common and biggest issues with baristas and barista teams is a lack of consistency when making espresso and other specialty coffee drinks.  If a single barista is does not have a clear and proven method of producing a consistent and quality product, or just as bad, if the team only has one or two skilled baristas, then again quality and consistency in your coffee will be lacking. This certification course is designed for coffee business owners, managers, and/or their baristas and is intended to be a tool that can be used for new baristas or barista teams to become consiste..
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Doelgroep: Voor deze opleiding is geen specifieke vooropleiding vereist...

Bedrijf: NHA     Duur: 6 maanden     Richtprijs: €399,00     Taal: Nederlands    

Volg de Barista opleiding en word een echte koffiekenner De heerlijke aroma’s, mooie smaken, unieke variaties... koffie is een ontzettend veelzijdige drank die door velen geliefd is. Ben jij een koffieliefhebber, en zou je hier graag meer over willen weten of er je werk van willen maken? Met de Barista opleiding zet je een stap in de goede richting. Er wordt steeds meer koffie gedronken. België staat zelfs in de top 10 van landen met de hoogste koffieconsumptie. Wereldwijd worden er zelfs meer dan 2 miljard kopjes koffie per dag gedronken. Het perfecte kopje koffie maken hee..
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Doelgroep: This course is designed for anyone who wants to put up a coffee shop business especially those without formal training in entrepreneurship yet...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3.5 hours     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

This is a comprehensive course on coffee shop business.  It covers everything you need to know on how to put up and manage your own coffee shop business, from finding your capital, doing preliminary research, to forming your team, acquiring the facility you need, running your business and marketing your product to the right costumers.  This course is packed!  WHY THIS BUSINESS COURSE IS UNIQUE?This course is very effective because it provides students potent concepts and methods that they can apply readily to real business situations.  The..
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Doelgroep: Those with a desire to learn how to write a business plan to start and operate a Coffee Shop..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 44 mins     Richtprijs: $94.99     Taal: Engels    

The Coffee Shop business plan, startup and operating course, provides an extensive set of template, example and sample documents for starting and running a Coffee Shop business and contains lectures on how to customize them.  What you get in this course are: 1.) A full business plan template for a Coffee Shop business. The document covers executive summary, objectives, marketing strategies you can use to get customers, and much more. The lectures show you how to customize the business plan for your specific company. 2.) A complete financial mod..
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Doelgroep: Beginner espresso enthusiasts who own a machine or who are looking to buy,Experienced home baristas who need a refresher,Spouses, partners, and children of home baristas..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 40 mins     Richtprijs: $74.99     Taal: Engels    

Clive Coffee and Coffee School present Intro to Espresso. This one hour course will cover everything you need to know to make great espresso at home. With coffee basics, recipe building, and dialing in, you'll get a taste of everything that goes into pulling the perfect shot. Following the class, you'll get one-on-one time with our coffee experts to make sure you not only understand how to pull shots, but you feel confident in how to do it on your equipment at home.What you’ll learn:Espresso Theory: a deeper dive into what constitutes an espresso and how espresso machines work. We will under..
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Doelgroep: Beginner to intermediate experienced coffee enthusiasts!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 hours     Richtprijs: $94.99     Taal: Engels    

I teach you how to brew, taste, talk about/order coffee the way you always wanted to, and in a way that will impress your friends and family. You will actually be able to use these skills and apply them for the rest of your life. Covering all of the most popular filter brew methods, and over 3 hours of information, recipes, walkthroughs, and homework (don't worry its easy and you probably already do half of it!) It all starts here!  ..
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Doelgroep: Coffee lovers,Coffee professionals,Baristas,Coffee consultants,Food professionals..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 hours     Richtprijs: $149.99     Taal: Engels    

Geography and Terroir of CoffeeIn this unit we explore where coffee is grown and what are the suitable climate, soil, elevation and temperature conditions to grow coffee. You will gain a basic understanding of Coffea arabica varieties, and survey the main regions where Arabica coffee is grown.Botany of CoffeeDive deeper into the world of the coffee plant. Willem Boot will explain the path of the seed to a coffee plant, flower and finally the coffee cherry. In this unit we go deeper into differentiating coffee varieties and their specific properties when it comes to the quality of your coffee.C..
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