Vergelijk cursussen Bakken

Een cursus of opleiding in bakken biedt studenten de mogelijkheid om de vaardigheden en kennis te ontwikkelen die nodig zijn om verschillende bakproducten te maken. Hier zijn enkele belangrijke aspecten die vaak in een dergelijke cursus aan bod komen:

Basisbakvaardigheden: Studenten leren de basisprincipes van het bakken, waaronder het gebruik van de juiste meettechnieken, het begrijpen van recepten, het werken met deeg en beslag, en het correct hanteren en gebruiken van bakgereedschap en -apparatuur.

Gebak: Studenten verwerven kennis en vaardigheden op het gebied van het maken van verschillende soorten gebak, zoals taarten, cakejes, muffins, biscuits, brownies en koekjes. Ze leren technieken zoals rooming, glazuren, vullen en decoreren van gebak.

Brood: Studenten bestuderen de kunst van het broodbakken. Ze leren verschillende soorten brooddeeg te maken, te kneden en te vormen, evenals het proces van rijzen, bakken en afwerken van broden. Ze kunnen ook leren werken met zuurdesem en het maken van gevuld brood of zoete broodjes.

Patisserie: Studenten leren de fijne kneepjes van de patisserie, inclusief het maken van delicate en verfijnde gebakjes, zoals eclairs, tartelettes, mille-feuilles en macarons. Ze bestuderen technieken zoals het maken van crèmevullingen, het werken met bladerdeeg en het creëren van verschillende texturen en smaken.

Chocolade en suikerwerk: Studenten leren werken met chocolade en suiker om prachtige en smakelijke creaties te maken. Ze bestuderen het tempereren van chocolade, het maken van bonbons, truffels en chocoladedecoraties. Ze kunnen ook technieken leren zoals suiker trekken, blazen en gieten om suikerwerk en artistieke stukken te creëren.

Allergieën en dieetbeperkingen: Studenten kunnen leren omgaan met specifieke voedingsbehoeften en dieetbeperkingen, zoals glutenvrij, lactosevrij of veganistisch bakken. Ze bestuderen alternatieve ingrediënten en technieken om heerlijke en geschikte producten te maken voor mensen met specifieke voedingsbehoeften.

Presentatie en decoratie: Studenten leren over presentatie- en decoratietechnieken om hun bakproducten aantrekkelijk en professioneel te maken. Ze kunnen leren over het gebruik van glazuren, icing, botercrème, fondant, kleurstoffen, eetbare decoraties en andere creatieve elementen om hun creaties te verfraaien.

Voedselveiligheid en hygiëne: Studenten leren over voedselveiligheidsnormen en hygiënische praktijken in de bakindustrie. Ze bestuderen de juiste opslagmethoden, voedselbereidingstechnieken, persoonlijke hygiëne en het voorkomen van kruisbesmetting.

Het exacte curriculum en de duur van een bakcursus kunnen variëren, afhankelijk van de onderwijsinstelling en het specifieke programma. Na het afronden van de cursus kunnen afgestudeerden werken in bakkerijen, patisserieën, restaurants, cafés, horecagelegenheden of hun eigen bakbedrijf starten.

Leer bakken. Vergelijk cursussen over bakken bij verschillende aanbieders.

Wat is bakken ?

Er zijn aanwijzingen dat mensen meer dan 14.000 jaar geleden begonnen met het bakken van brood, maar de oudste ontdekte ovens zijn pas ongeveer 6500 jaar oud, dus werd het eerste brood zelfs gebakken? In feite komt het woord bakken oorspronkelijk van het woord bhõg in de prehistorische Indo-Europese taal. Het betekende 'iets uit de oven drogen'. En waren die mensen brood aan het bakken? Nee. Ze bakten stenen in die vroege ovens. Blijkbaar zouden de stenen die in de oven gekookt waren sneller klaar zijn en met betrouwbaardere resultaten dan die welke in de zon werden gedroogd. Betere bakstenen betekende efficiënter bouwen, wat meer huizen betekende voor een groeiende bevolking, wat uiteindelijk leidde tot dorpen en steden.

Je zou kunnen zeggen dat bakken de wereld heeft gebouwd.

Wanneer we voedsel bakken, spelen dezelfde wetenschappelijke principes van een gesloten ruimte, verwarmde lucht, verdampend vocht en vochtigheidscontrole nog steeds een rol. Het bakproces droogt uit en verandert het voedsel dat we willen eten, waardoor de structuur fundamenteel verandert.

Heb je ooit door het raam van je oven gekeken alsof er iets aan het bakken was? Kijken naar het moment waarop het brood begint te rijzen, het vullen van een taart begint te borrelen en de croissants beginnen te rijzen en gelijkmatig goudbruin worden, is het favoriete tijdverdrijf van de bakker. Als u weet wat er tijdens het bakken gebeurt - en hoe u de valkuilen kunt vermijden - kunt u een betere bakker worden.

Overzicht cursussen Bakken

Doelgroep: Beginner, hobbyist, bake lover..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

There is two types of persons: who loves croissants and who lies!In this course we are going to learn all the steps and secrets of the Croissant Dough, in the comfort of you own kitchen.We will see the difference in recipes, all the steps and processes behind these delicious treats. I won't use any fancy ingredients or impossible tool! I will share with you two of my personal recipes, for French Croissants and for Italian Croissants. In addition I also upload the full video process of making the super fancy double color croissant!..
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Doelgroep: For baking lovers, sweets lovers, Japanese food lovers...for everyone!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

What comes to  mind when you think of Japanese food? Sushi, Tempura, Ramen, ... But how about Japanese sweets? Japanese strawberry shortcake is the most popular cake in Japan,You can find it in all cake shops along the streets here.If you ask Japanese people, "Please draw any kind of cake", everyone would draw this cake. It’s made of soft and airy sponge cake layers, filled with freshly sliced strawberries in whipped cream. It’s so good and everyone likes it. It’s really simple, but it’s important to know some tips and techniques to create the perfect sponge cake and frost it..
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Doelgroep: The course is suitable for beginners!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

The course program: the theory and recipes for macarons.The introductory lesson You will know about the equipment and ingredients necessary for the course. And much more things.The theory of Macarons from A to Z.No unclear issues. We will analyze all possible mistakes and ways to avoid them!Garnish for shellsSome tips to make you macarons unique. Types of garnish that you can apply, how to cook and when to use.Classic, chocolate and hazelnut macarons shells How can you make perfect macarons? And the macaron shells of various flavors. What you can replace and what you can't, what you should use..
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Doelgroep: Foodie,Baking lover,Pastry lover,Cooking Enthusiast..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 43 mins     Richtprijs: $29.99     Taal: Engels    

The mighty Macaroon, they have thwarted many a confectioner, but no more. For baking enthusiasts, macarons are the ultimate show stopping dish to perfect. This is finally THE class that will teach you how to make these delicate confections, achieving perfect results every time. Their pretty colours and endless selection of fillings mean they not only look great, but will taste delicious too.If you’ve ever walked past the window of a French patisserie, you will have noticed the macarons. Bright and colourful, all neatly stacked up, it's a highly attractive display - and just so tempting. When..
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Doelgroep: Anyone with basic kitchen skills can bake pizza.,This course is for beginners through advanced bakers who want to learn to make an awesome pizza crust...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

Learn to bake up the best pizza crust ever! The pizza's crust is the foundation of a great pizza. How often have you eaten a pizza with a dense crust or a tough crust and just wished for the perfect pizza crust? Well your search is over! Join now and easily make this Neo-Neapolitan pizza to serve to your family and friends.  Learn the one thing that's absolutely necessary to make great pizza!Follow easy step by step directionsDownload the dough formula and print it out for easy reference. Make up a pizza today!Have a pizza party and invite your friends o..
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Doelgroep: Beginner to Intermediate bakers and cake decorators..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $44.99     Taal: Engels    

This course is designed for anyone who wants to perfect the taste and appearance of their cakes, whether you’re a complete beginner or you’ve been baking and decorating cakes for a while but want to improve the basic foundation of your cake. In 10 Modules, this course covers the absolute basics of how to mix, bake, assemble, frost, store, transport and serve a cake. You can watch the modules whenever you choose and download or print the included recipes and quick reference guides (handouts for each module with photos and descriptions of every step). Using clear explanations, extensive exam..
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Doelgroep: For baking lovers, sweets lovers, Japanese food lovers...for everyone!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $29.99     Taal: Engels    

Have you ever heard about Japanese cotton cheese cake?When I was living in Dubai, many friends asked me « Do you know how to make Japanese cotton cheesecake? ». Actually I didn’t know that the cotton cheesecake is a specialty of the Japanese. I thought it was just one of many kinds of cheesecake.Japanese cotton cheesecake is very different from the regular cheesecake. It offers the same iconic sweet and tangy flavor of cheesecake with a soft, light and airy, melt-in-your-mouth texture. The big difference between a regular cheesecake and Japanese cotton cheese cake is the addition of the me..
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Doelgroep: Panettone is a challenging bread to make, it is considered an art. A baker should have intermediate or advanced skills.,However, anyone will common sense and a desire to succeed can bake this lovely b..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $79.99     Taal: Engels    

Panettone, with it's rich soft buttery interior, studded with fruits, is one of the most loved holiday breads in the world. It was created around 500 years ago in Milan, Italy. Baking up Panettone is an art as well as a method. Some of the finest Panettone bakeries won't share their secrets.However, in this course, Beesham Soogrim will show you step by step how to make your own Panettone. Teresa L Greenway will be your guide (as well as filming and editing this course).  Beesham is a professional baker who travels the world giving baking workshops. This course was filmed (by Teresa) durin..
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Doelgroep: Novice Bakers,Anyone who would like to become more confident in baking,Anyone who likes cake!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

This Baking Basics course is designed to help those who are less confident in the kitchen to understand the terminology and ingredients used in the baking world,  and to confidently be able to create some wonderful cakes and bakes. This is our 1st full course which covers 6 classic baking recipes and their techniques.  The course is broken into 7 lessons which cover Tips and EquipmentHow to bake a Classic Victoria sponge cake How to bake Carrot cakeHow to bake Chocolate BrowniesHow to bake and ice Butter Biscuits How to bake French Me..
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Doelgroep: Home bakers and baking enthusiasts,Professional bakers,Lovers of Portuguese food..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $29.99     Taal: Engels    

Pastel de Nata is Portugal's most famous sweet treat. Known as Egg Tart (dàntǎ) in Asia and Custard Tarts in many parts of the world, these flaky pastry treats are filled with smooth custard, and it's hard to eat just one at a time. Following this course, you will understand what makes authentic Pastel de Nata different from variations of custard tarts or even egg tarts you might have tried outside Portugal.We will cover all the steps in an easy to follow way, and I will show you the tricks to make your pastries as professional as those you'd find in pastry shops all over my country. We..
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in a serious baking and cake decoration career,Beginner bakers who want to bake amazing Tarte Tatins using many kind of fruits,Intermediate bakers who want to learn a huge variety of..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $119.99     Taal: Engels    

Learn how to make amazing Tarte Tatins in any size, shape and flavor, using many kinds of fruits and spices. Explore how to adorn and decorate them using sugar decorations, Tuile cookies, puff pastry treats and fresh fruits. Developed by award-winning pastry chef Irit Ishai, this course is your ultimate step-by-step guide to creating tarts and desserts that never fail to impress. In the course you’ll learn how to make all of the recipes and decorations from scratch using inexpensive tools and fairly simple techniques. Master the art of making sophisticated sugar decorations using carame..
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Doelgroep: For Matcha lovers, baking lovers, sweets lovers, Japanese food lovers...for everyone!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

Have you heard of Matcha? Or are you already a matcha lover?Matcha, or Japanese green tea has become popular overseas in the past few years. You can now find green tea lattes and matcha flavored sweets available in stores around the world.It’s not only tasty, but it’s also good for your health.In this Matcha course, you will learn the differences of several green teas, and how to use matcha properly for drinks and baking.I’m going to show you not only the recipe, but also the reasons why we fail, the solutions, and helpful tips. Unlike when you just watch the average cooking video, you c..
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Doelgroep: If you want to bake like a chef and learn professional pastry skills,If you are a fan of French Pastry,If you simply love cooking and baking..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

INCLUDES FULL WRITTEN RECIPES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR EACH LESSON IN THE "RESOURCES TAB" Learn the basics of French Pastry through online culinary school. Build your skills and techniques step by step and start cooking like a professional chef. Taught by Chef Philippe Salomon, professor of 18 years at Top French Culinary School Ferrandi. Over 20 lessons including Pastry doughs such as Pâte Brisée, Pâte Sucrée, Crème pâtissière, and full recipes of classic French Tarts such as Tarte au Citron, Tarte Tatin, and Tarte aux Pommes.Certificate up..
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Doelgroep: Hobby bakers or bakery business owners needing to get a handle on their pricing and learn how to price for profit.,Bakers who want to make an income from their bakery business...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $194.99     Taal: Engels    

It is very common for bakers to undersell themselves, either out of uncertainty or fear. If you are a person who would like to sell their baked goods and actually generate real profit from your sales, you MUST learn about how pricing works and how to apply it to your business. This course will utilize special formulas to help you determine the perfect price point to:Cover your true costs AND pay yourselfStay competitive in your industry while making a profitAllow your business to have growth built right into the pricingWe will go over various steps needed to get yourself to a price point that ..
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Doelgroep: This cheesecake course is for anyone that has never made cheesecake before or made cheese that can be used in their next cheesecake,This is not for someone that already knows how to make cheesecake or..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 42 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

Making Your First Cheesecake Is Easier Than You Think…Over 350 Students!If you enjoy eating cheesecake at restaurants then you've probably thought about baking your own.I know I haveFind out how to amaze your friends, your loved ones, and most of all, YOURSELF by creating cheesecake from your own kitchen in as little as one weekend—even if you've never touched a pan before, have trouble following recipes or have never baked a day in your life.I promise after just one day with cheesecake making course you will be inspired and thrilled with how satisfying cheesecake making can be! And once y..
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Doelgroep: Homemakers, beginner cooks and bakers, food lovers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

Do you want to learn how to bake, but are worried about the expense or your own lack of experience?  Well then this is the course for you. The course is designed to help you become a confident home baker by guiding you through some quick, easy and inexpensive recipes.  Each lecture is supported with a downloadable recipe and video to guide you through the process, step-by-step.  Included (amongst others) are decadent brownies, cinnamon rolls, bread and lemon-meringue pie.  This is a great way to start your baking experience and start creating delicious baked goods..
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Doelgroep: Aspiring Bakers, Home Bakers, Professionals,Chefs..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $34.99     Taal: Engels    

Baking at home does that sound difficult. Look no further. This is the perfect course for you to learn and take your baking skills to the next levelThis course covers the essential techniques used in baking and a comprehensive detail about the ingredients we use in baking. Understanding these concepts will provide you with confidence to bake just about anything at homeThis is a complete Baking Course suitable for students just starting out in their baking adventure or have experience and want to improve their baking skills. In this course I have put together all aspects and steps in baking a R..
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Doelgroep: Aspiring Bakers, Home Bakers, Professionals,Chefs..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $34.99     Taal: Engels    

Tired of baking flat and unattractive looking and tasting croissants. Dreaming of baking your ultimate dream croissant with an amazing honey comb and beautiful flavor? Transform your baking Journey by enrolling in the "The Complete Guide to Making French Croissants" Class. This course comes with a bonus lesson on how to bake Chocolate Croissants and also a free PDF of recipes and a complete guide. This is a complete Croissant Course suitable for students just starting out in their baking adventure or have experience and want to improve their baking skills and mastering French Pastry. In this c..
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Doelgroep: Novice Bakers,Intermediate Bakers,Kid Bakers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $24.99     Taal: Engels    

Pastry Arts can be intimidating‍Are you a great home cook, but just haven’t taken the time to attempt desserts at home? Are you intimidated by baking recipes? Do you believe that baking is a science, and one wrong move will leave you with wasted time and ingredients?In this course, I’ll show you how to tackle a range of baking recipes to increase your confidence and demystify the Pastry Arts. From cookie dough to ganache, pie to cake, we’ll cover staple techniques that will improve your baking knowledge and make successful baking at home a reality.Dessert recipes can be misleadingThere..
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