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Leer kaastaart of cheesecake maken. 

Wat is cheesecake ?

Cheesecake is een zoet dessert dat uit één of meerdere lagen bestaat. De belangrijkste en dikste laag bestaat uit een mengsel van zachte, verse kaas (typisch kwark, roomkaas of ricotta), eieren en suiker. Als er een onderste laag is, bestaat deze vaak uit een korst of basis gemaakt van gemalen koekjes (of digestieve koekjes), crackers van Graham, gebak of soms biscuit. [1] Het kan gebakken of ongebakken zijn (meestal gekoeld).

Cheesecake wordt meestal gezoet met suiker en kan op veel verschillende manieren op smaak worden gebracht. Het kan op smaak worden gebracht door vanille, kruiden, citroen, chocolade, pompoen of andere smaken aan de kaaslaag toe te voegen. Extra smaken en visuele aantrekkingskracht kunnen worden toegevoegd door de afgewerkte taart te bedekken met fruit, slagroom, noten, koekjes, fruitsaus, chocoladesiroop of andere toppings.

Overzicht cursussen Kaastaart

Doelgroep: For baking lovers, sweets lovers, Japanese food lovers...for everyone!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: €29.99    

Have you ever heard about Japanese cotton cheese cake?When I was living in Dubai, many friends asked me « Do you know how to make Japanese cotton cheesecake? ». Actually I didn’t know that the cotton cheesecake is a specialty of the Japanese. I thought it was just one of many kinds of cheesecake.Japanese cotton che..
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Doelgroep: This cheesecake course is for anyone that has never made cheesecake before or made cheese that can be used in their next cheesecake,This is not for someone that already knows how to make cheesecake or..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 42 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: €24.99    

Making Your First Cheesecake Is Easier Than You Think…Over 350 Students!If you enjoy eating cheesecake at restaurants then you've probably thought about baking your own.I know I haveFind out how to amaze your friends, your loved ones, and most of all, YOURSELF by creating cheesecake from your own kitchen in as little..
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in a serious baking and cake decoration career,Anyone who wants to learn a huge variety of important recipes and sophisticated decoration skills,Beginner bakers and pastry chefs who..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2.5 hours     Richtprijs: €119.99    

Amaze your family, friends and clients with perfect stunning cheesecakes that never fail to impress. Follow award-winning pastry chef Irit Ishai in this comprehensive course, and create many kinds of cheesecakes, leveraging modern designs and unique presentations. Learn many exciting recipes including cream cheese fill..
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Doelgroep: Those who wish to master the cheesecake.,Complete beginners who feel that cheesecakes are \too complicated\ to make.,Anyone who has struggled with their cheesecakes in the past and wants to know what..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 hour     Richtprijs: €34.99    

Who doesn't LOVE cheesecake?  I don't know anybody in that category!Cheesecakes are probably the most popular dessert being featured on almost every restaurant menu.  Think about it.  Whenever you finish your meal and you go for the dessert menu, there is typically at least one cheesecake option with som..
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Doelgroep: The course is for everybody,Baking enthusiast,Pastry lover,Beginners..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 36 mins     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Cheesecakes are one of the most popular kinds of dessert, loved for their sweetness, soft consistency and crunchy base. Want to know the secret to the perfect cheesecake? You’re about to find out in this best-selling course!Not only will you learn all about cheesecake, but I also, the most important parts, my three f..
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Doelgroep: Beginners,Hobbies,Pastry chefs..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 38 mins     Richtprijs: €69.99    

Hello nice people in this class will make regular cheesecake and Oreo cheesecake I will do my best to give you all what you gonna need to make perfect cheesecake for you or for your family or at you pastry shop in my class I always like to be simple and clean this class is very important for you if you really love past..
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