Vergelijk cursussen Webinhoud

Webinhoud verwijst naar de tekstuele, auditieve of visuele inhoud die op een website wordt gepubliceerd. Inhoud betekent elk creatief element, bijvoorbeeld tekst, toepassingen, afbeeldingen, gearchiveerde e-mailberichten, gegevens, e-services, audio- en videobestanden, enzovoort.

Webinhoud is de sleutel achter het genereren van verkeer naar websites. Boeiende inhoud maken en deze in verschillende categorieën indelen voor gemakkelijke navigatie is het belangrijkste voor een succesvolle website. Ook is het belangrijk om de webinhoud voor zoekmachines te optimaliseren, zodat deze reageert op de trefwoorden die voor het zoeken worden gebruikt.

Er zijn twee basissoorten webinhoud

Tekst: tekst is eenvoudig. Het wordt op de webpagina toegevoegd als tekstblokken of in afbeeldingen. De best geschreven inhoud is unieke tekstuele webcontent die vrij is van plagiaat. Webinhoud die als tekst is toegevoegd, kan ook goede interne links bevatten die lezers helpen toegang te krijgen tot meer informatie.

Multimedia: een ander soort webinhoud is multimedia. Simpel gezegd verwijst multimedia naar alle inhoud die geen tekst is; enkele voorbeelden zijn:

  • Animaties: animaties kunnen worden toegevoegd met behulp van Flash, Ajax, GIF-afbeeldingen en andere animatietools.
  • Afbeeldingen: afbeeldingen worden beschouwd als de meest populaire optie om multimedia in websites op te nemen. Clip-art, foto's of zelfs tekeningen kunnen worden gemaakt met een scanner of een grafische editor. Het wordt aanbevolen om de afbeeldingen te optimaliseren, zodat de gebruikers ze snel kunnen downloaden.
  • Audio: verschillende soorten audiobestanden kunnen worden toegevoegd als onderdeel van de webcontent om de wenselijkheid van de website te vergroten.
  • Video: het is de meest populaire multimedia-inhoud; Bij het toevoegen van videobestanden moeten de uitgevers er echter voor zorgen dat deze efficiënt zijn in verschillende browsers.

Web content management (WCM) is essentieel om een ​​website succesvol te laten draaien. Om webinhoud te beheren, moeten uitgevers inhoud organiseren in overeenstemming met de vereisten van het publiek.
Dit omvat het gebruik van algemene inhoud, terminologie en positionering; consistente navigatie; link beheer; en tot slot metadata-applicatie. Er is een breed scala aan WCM-tools beschikbaar voor het effectief omgaan met webcontent.

Overzicht cursussen Webinhoud

Doelgroep: People who love coding and are excited to learn new things!..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 32 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about Wikipedia coding.During the lectures, you will be able to watch a video showing exactly what you will face while coding, and simultaniously listening to me explaining the steps one by one.Furthermore, series of the quize "Consolidate and Use" will help you learn everything in a a colourful, easy and efficient way. When the course is finished, you will be able to create a page totally by yourself and also learn how to add a website in a wikipedia article/pageThe course is divided in 3 sections in which you will see:-Section 1: In..
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Doelgroep: Freelance writers,People looking to change careers and become a copywriter,Copywriters looking to learn a new, highly profitable skill,Entrepreneurs looking to write their own website copy..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $69.99     Taal: Engels    

Whether you're just starting as a freelance writer, have decades of experience or otherwise, this free course is a great way to sharpen your skills on what's easily the quickest service profit from as a freelance writer.Writing website copy doesn't have to be tough - here's a step by step way to write the most amazing, converting and exciting website copy that you'll ever need. Join industry expert, Felicity Kay, as she takes you through her top-secret process for creating amazing copy - every time...
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Doelgroep: Small business owners, solopreneurs, and micro enterprises..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

Many times small business owners have to wear many hats and play many roles in running their businesses. This can include building their own website. If you have no skills or experience with web design, this can be an overwhelming task. This class is specifically designed for small business owners who have to be do-it-yourselfers when it comes to their websites. If you want to build a house, is the first step to go and get the bricks and lumber and start building? Of course not! You start with a plan, a blueprint, and decide what your needs are before you build anything. The same should b..
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Doelgroep: Students of Content Strategy,A Content Strategist,Owner, manager of a website,Content Creators,Anyone who wish to improve content quality of digital content..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $84.99     Taal: Engels    

Content Inventory and Content Audit has become an essential part of an evolving digital communication system. Content publishing is not a kid’s play these days and organizations of all shapes and sizes are struggling to publish content that is timely, relevant and useful to visitors of their website.Content needs to be checked whether it is meeting the organizations' business strategy or needs of its audience. Often these two aspects go in divergent paths and becomes tough for a content strategist to synchronize them together. A Content audit is a process that helps a content strategist to t..
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Doelgroep: Those who have an appetite to learn more about content creation and management..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: Free     Taal: Engels    

Content inventory is now an essential part of every content project. A content inventory is a detailed representation of all data contained in a website. A Content Inventory is required to assess the existing landscape of a website. Content inventories provide all data required for making a realistic estimation of a content project both in terms of money and resources. It helps a content marketer to identify  patterns of content structure of a website. Content inventories are of great help for migration tracking of a website from an existing one to a new design. This course will prov..
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Doelgroep: People who want to create a source of passive income using file sharing services..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: Free     Taal: Engels    

If you have been thinking about how to make money online. If you are wondering how to create a source of stable and passive income. If you are wondering how to get additional income in your free time from your main job. Then this course is for you!The main idea of ​​the course is very simple - I will teach you how to make money by simply distributing content using file-sharing services.You don't need any investment to get started. Only 2-3 hours a week and a desire to improve your financial condition.I made this course completely free because I want to help as many people as possible make ..
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Doelgroep: Business owners who want to make more of their website,Web executives who want to improve their web copywriting skills..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 34 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: Free     Taal: Engels    

Your website is your shop window to the world. A beautiful design will appeal to your visitors but if you want them to stay on your site and ultimately buy from you, the words you use are even more important. In this course you’ll learn everything you need to make sure the content of your website is the best possible reflection of your business and does the job you need it to do. ..
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Doelgroep: Copywriters, business owners, marketers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

Whether you're a copywriter or a marketer, when it comes to write sales copy, the fact is...You write to sell.And the more you sell; the more money YOU make.It figures, right?That’s why it is so important that your copywriting is as effective as it can be.It doesn’t matter if you’re writing copy for your own products, or you’re writing copy for somebody else’s...The more effective YOUR copy, the more YOU get paid.So inside this course , you're going to learn:- How to turn your offer into a “Magic Pill” that will drive your prospects into a “buying frenzy.”- The Most Powerful ..
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Doelgroep: Anyone that owns Web Content Studio should take this course.,Anyone that wants to get expert advice on any aspect of the software...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $19.99     Taal: Engels    

Web Content Studio is a sophisticated tool to help webmasters write high quality web content. It does have a learning curve that can put some webmasters off, but that is where this course comes in. Created by the creator of Web Content Studio, this course will take you through every aspect of the tool, showing you how to harness the power to create great content.Watch over my shoulderThis course allows you to watch "over-my-shoulder" as I use the software. You'll learn about the logical workflow as you create content, and watch each step as I carry them out in this course. You'll get to see me..
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Doelgroep: anyone who wants to create a website,anyone who wants to be online quickly,comparison to what the options are for having a website,top resources and tips for website creation..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $49.99     Taal: Engels    

Did you know that you can have your own website without coding, or perhaps you know some HTML and CSS and want to create your own. We demonstrate some quick alternatives to coding your own website from scratch as well as what it takes to create them from scratch.This course is designed to provide an overview of options that are available to get online and have your own website. It will showcase popular approaches to getting a website and getting online. Compare and see what it takes.Learn what it takes to get your own website, options, questions answered, best solutions, resources and lots of ..
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Doelgroep: Companies Looking to Create a Wikipedia Page For Them,Individuals Looking To Create A Wikipedia Page For Themselves,Digital Marketing Agencies Interested in Offering Wikipedia Pages as an add on for t..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $99.99     Taal: Engels    

Having a Wikipedia page is extremely beneficial for business. A presence on a third-party website enhances the reputation and credibility of a person or company. Also, as Wikipedia usually pops up with one of the top five spots on any search engine, it can significantly improve visibility.However, Wikipedia has specific criteria for what can be included. Any posts that do not meet these run the risk of being deleted.In this course, we will teach you how to create a professional Wikipedia page that follows all their guidelines. Included with this is information on improving notability, tips for..
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Doelgroep: Beginner Developers looking for a Main Web Browser to develop with.,Student looking to learn new Web Browser..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 36 minuten totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

SO, YOU’RE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU FIREFOX QUICKLY & IN A FUN MANNER?I’ve got just the course for you!LEARN FIREFOX BY DOING!Here’s what we’ll cover in the course:1. Download & Install Firefox2. Features3. Add-ons4. Options5. Customize6. Web Developer ToolsAfter you finish the course you will have basic knowledge of how to get around Mozilla Firefox...
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Doelgroep: For You,B2B, B2C, entrepreneurs, digital marketers, Facebook marketers, affiliate marketers, growth hackers, start-ups, marketers, influencers, Facebook admins, Facebook editors, content creators, cre..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 17,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

Upskill yourself and ensure you're never out of work or out of clients, with the CONTENT MARKETING & COPYWRITING COURSE 2021. Learn everything you need to know to become a Professional Content Creator, and start a new career online, or boost your local or e-commerce Business."This course is excellent at providing you loads of information on how to get started in your marketing career. You can follow along step by step and create your own website if you don't already have one. It's the perfect beginner course to help you on your way to an exciting career and Tomas keeps you motivated every ..
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Doelgroep: Anyone interested in ranking content on Google should take this course,Anyone that owns a website, and wants happier visitors should take this course.,Anyone that has lost rankings, or had sites penal..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4,5 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $94.99     Taal: Engels    

Actual reviews by students of this course:"After the historical introduction of SEO this has turned into a goldmine of information. I was basically stuck on new content ideas for my niche that I promote. But after seeing all of the components of new content ideas from the ranking websites, I no longer have headaches. I know where to go and this information is priceless for me.""This is a great course for bloggers and for people who are wantint to rank with great content published on their blog. It's difficult to find a course that describes the writing methods and tools so in depth like this o..
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Doelgroep: Beginners looking to sell more products online.,Affiliate Marketers looking for more scalable marketing strategies.,Business owners looking for ways to add content marketing to their marketing mix.,Se..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4 uur in totaal     Richtprijs: $199.99     Taal: Engels    

Attention: Anyone Who Things It's Too Hard, Too Confusing, Or Too Expensive To Create Web Content Online...Discover the Easiest Method For Creating Content That Sells Any Type Of ProductSo You Can Make Money Online with a Successful Blog, YouTube Channel, or Facebook Page!The New Web Content Avalanche Course makes it easy for anyone to Create Content, Publish Content, and Repurpose Content All Over The Internet... even if you're not a Content Marketing "Expert".There's big money to be made on the internet. And if you're like most people, you'd probably love to get your hands on some of it..
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