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Working With Python and CSV with Oracle Database - Udemy

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus
Duur: 6 colleges - 41 minuten
Richtprijs: € 19,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

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I knew it wouldn't take much code to do this, but there was still a little fiddling around and some odd errors along the way. Anyhow if you want to do this here is some helpful tips

Firstly download the latest stable version of Python. Next download and install the cx_Oracle extension, from Oracle official website. You will then need to download and install the Oracle Client ensuring you select the version specific to your installation ie. 10g or 11g etc. You can get the download from here Oracle software downloads.

Make sure that you have the ORACLE_HOME variable set and the bin is in your PATH variable, otherwise you will get cx_Oracle DLL load failure messages.

If you have a fairly, long complex SQL statement then encase the query within triple single quotes. It works a treat and takes care of new lines without need for you to do any formatting or

string manipulation. Lets Start

Note : This Course explicitly for working with CSV, Python and Oracle .

Good Luck !!!


Arun Ammasai

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