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Swift Programming: Build iOS & iPhone Apps! - Udemy

Doelgroep: Beginner
Duur: 42 colleges - 6 uur
Richtprijs: € 199,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

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Swift is the definitive language for Apple development today. It’s a vital part of any iOS and macOS developer’s skillset, helping them to build the most impressive and popular apps on the App Store—the sort of apps that are essential to iPhone and iPad users every day. If you want to write great, readable, and maintainable Swift code that’s in line with the industry’s best practices to develop stunning and beautiful apps, then go for this Learning Path.

This comprehensive 2-in-1 course is a perfect mix of concepts and practice that will help you to develop a variety of iOS and iPhone applications from scratch. With a firm grounding in the fundamentals of the Swift language, and knowledge of how to use the key frameworks, you will be able to build a number of interesting applications with iOS  and Swift and publish them on the App Store.

This training program includes 2 complete courses, carefully chosen to give you the most comprehensive training possible.

The first course, Introduction to Server-Side Swift, starts off with explaining Swift. You will then set up your own environment and hit the ground running by creating your first project with the Vapor framework. You'll also explore Swift Package Manager. Next, you will learn Swift by templating and creating web pages with leaf, managing RESTful APIs. You'll make a responsive web app with Bootstrap and delve more deeply into forms. Working with Vapor and Postgres will be fun as you set up Postgres with your Vapor application and work with fluent ORM. You'll be querying data using Fluent filters and create relationships. Finally, you will create APIs using Vapor and will deploy them on  Heroku.
In the second course, Full Stack Swift Development, you’ll start by installing Xcode to set up your iOS environment and creating your first project. You’ll embark further into the exciting world of Swift working with storyboards to build a UI with Auto Layout. You’ll get to know about iOS application lifecycle methods and connect your application to the internet using URLSession and parsing JSON. A small section of this course covers building models and downloading images. Delving deeper into the course, you’ll add authentication and learn to manage your current users by building sign-up and logging forms, handling JWT tokens, and using current user data. You’ll integrate your core data into your application and explore its relationship with core data. You’ll set up your project using CocoaPods and implement features using third-party frameworks. Finally you’ll write tests using XCTests, and test/mock your API calls.

By the end of this course, you will be able to design UI and write code using Swift and Xcode 10 to create and publish your own iOS and iPhone applications on the App store.

Meet Your Expert(s):

We have the best work of the following esteemed author(s) to ensure that your learning journey is smooth:

  • Johann Kerr is an experienced full stack developer and has been working with Swift since he started his career as an iOS developer. He specializes in the Swift and Vapor frameworks. Has his own channel where he gives video tutorials on various topics and aspects related to the Swift language.

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