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Learn to Create an iOS Messaging App - Udemy

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus
Duur: 16 colleges - 1,5 uur
Richtprijs: € 19,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

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Welcome to this course on building a Messaging App. This hands-on course covers the building of an iOS application that allows two types of extensions: messages and stickers. 

Messages extensions allow you to create apps or games that run within the iOS 10 Messages app. This course is designed to show you how to create a Message extension that's either a stand-alone application, or an appendage to a full app. We'll start with the basics of building Messages extensions, how they work, and their possibilities and limitations. We'll also discuss how to work with Auto Layout to present multiple view controllers, and how to make your apps' appearance most closely match what you see in Interface Builder.

From there, we'll create a collaborative note-taking app from scratch, where those using the application can edit the same note. We'll also discuss how to get data from your Messages application into your full application, if you choose to make your extension an add-on instead of a stand-alone app. Finally, we'll talk about stickers, how to make sticker packs, and how to put stickers in your Messages extension apps.

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