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Learn Node.js, Express and MongoDB + JWT - Udemy

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus
Duur: 12 colleges - 1 uur
Richtprijs: € 129,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

>> proefles

The purpose of this course is to give you a firm understanding of the modern technologies such as Node.js, and MongoDB. The content includes practical examples, which will help you to understand the basics and to feel comfortable when creating REST APIs with these modern technologies. Lectures are easy to follow, and simply opening the Visual Studio Code editor and typing what you see on the screen, will allow you to naturally connect otherwise diverse knowledge topics. You do not need additional computer to try the examples from the course, and I encourage you for best results to practice while following the lectures.

All this makes the content great even for absolute beginners. The course is created to have a steady learning curve, but if you do not understand something, please reach out and ask questions and don't be afraid to repeat the videos in order to fully understand the concepts.

Node.js offers a free and convenient way to start learning server-side JavaScript programming, while MongoDB is well-known representative of non-relational databases. In the course we will be using Atlas as a real-world remotely located fully functional access provider to MongoDB document collections, also known as Database as a Service. We will create API routes, access those routes, select, insert, update and delete DB documents inside of DB collections. Then we will use JWT (Jason Web Tokens) in order to protect the routes from unauthorized access.

The course will meet your expectations if you are not familiar with the MEAN (Mongodb-Express-Angular-Node) stack and would like to learn more through experimenting using external API probing tools such as POSTMAN. It is also a great place to start if you want to expand your career opportunities, because of the highly demanded technologies.

I am sure that this course will give you the knowledge you need to feel comfortable with the Node.js and MongoDB stack both at home and at work. Please feel free to message me whenever you have questions on the lecture's material.

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