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How to use javascript to stand out in competition - Udemy

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus
Duur: 178 colleges - 11 uur
Richtprijs: € 89,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

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Welcome to this dynamic course on Javascript full with illustrations, examples and interactiveness.

This course on javascript covers many topics like Statements,Objects, Classes and Modules, Pattern Matching, Regular Expression, Client side javascript. These concepts are explained very well covering all the theoretical concepts as well as the examples to help you analyse and program keep pace with real-world web development. Each and every section is explained well with interactiveness and elaborateness.

Some of the topics covered are as follows:

  • Expression Statements & Compound and Empty statements.

  • Conditional Loops such as LOOPS & WHILE., DO/WHILE & FOR

  • Object Literals & Creating objects with NEW.

  • Property Access Errors. And Deleting Properties.

  • The Extensible and Class Attribute.

  • Object Oriented Techniques in Javascript

  • Standard conversion methods

  • Subclasses: Constructor and Method Chaining

  • Pattern Matching with Regular Expressions

  • Literals characters and Repetition

  • Client side Javascript: The <script> element

  • Compatibility and Interoperability and many….

This course will definitely help you outshine in any project you involve. Perfectly designed for anyone and everyone, it will help you develop excellent understanding of the web development concepts and build a pattern for you to handle projects easily. Students will also be helped if searching for an internship in web development or training in the same field. This course is sure to last a good impact on you that the world would witness.

Enroll and be the part of changing world - The World of web development

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