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Angular for beginners - modern programming - Udemy

Doelgroep: Alle niveaus
Duur: 18 colleges - 1,5 uur
Richtprijs: € 199,99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

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"Angular for beginners - modern programming" is a follow up of my first Angular for Beginners course, now updated and improved based on users feedback. It is for people with beginners to intermediate JavaScript knowledge, who want to learn the essentials of Angular web projects.

The main goal this course is trying to accomplish is to save you time, because learning the basics of any framework, takes lots of time and persistence, and at certain point most of the people naturally give up. In order to circumvent this, in the course you can see most of the usual errors you might encounter and how easily you can figure them out. The lectures are based on Angular version 7, this way you can start learning based on the latest platform changes. The code is full of explanations on each and every step, leaving you not wondering on how and why the things happen.

Expect to learn how to :

  • structure an Angular application using best practices

  • create, use and style components, services and work with templates

  • build image upload service with the help of NodeJS and express

  • use the Visual Studio code

  • effectively use RxJS observables and operators

The course will also give you pretty good estimate if you are wondering whether you would like to continue working with the Angular or switch to another web-dev framework. In case you want to stay with Angular, you might browse for other courses in my profile such as working with Angular Material, in order to expand your knowledge further.

The course starts with installation of the Angular platform using NodeJS, setting up environment with Visual Studio Code and its TypeScript specific plugins.  During the course we will be using Angular command line interface (CLI) to easily create components and services.

The initial lectures are just for warm up, and to get you comfortable using Angular and TypeScript. We will go deep into good usage patterns of RxJS observables and how they can be convenient when dealing with asynchronous data. Then with the help of node package manager(NPM) we will install a JSON server for storing user text data, and an Express server for image upload data. You will then learn how to configure them both.We will also take a look on how to use routing to load up specific components and make server queries based on route parameters. Later we will reveal a way to pass through the cross-origin browser CORS restrictions to be able to run an Angular application and two servers on same development machine.

Wishing you a happy learning !

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