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Opleidingen - Administratieve freelancer

Wat is Administratieve freelancer ?


Steeds meer bedrijven kiezen ervoor om hun administratie uit te besteden aan freelancers. Het is namelijk de ideale oplossing voor kmo's en zelfstandigen waar het papierwerk soms blijft liggen. Zo moeten ze namelijk niet investeren in extra bureau's of pc's en lever jij hen als freelancer de nodige service op maat!

Als administratieve freelancer kan je een heleboel kanten uit. Je biedt bedrijven tijdelijke of permanente ondersteuning en je hebt bovendien een erg uitgebreid, gevarieerd en uitdagend takenpakket. Je stelt offertes op, behandelt klantenadministratie en verzorgt debiteurenbeheer. Ideaal voor wie graag op zelfstandige basis of van thuis uit werkt.

Ben je momenteel aan de slag in de administratie of doe je iets totaal anders maar ben je er van overtuigd dat administratie en secretariaatswerk helemaal jouw ding zijn? Wil je meer doen met je leven, een stap vooruit zetten en je capaciteiten, talenten en vaardigheden verder uitbouwen?

Overzicht cursussen Administratieve freelancer

Doelgroep: iedereen..

Bedrijf: Centrum voor Afstandsonderwijs     Duur: 6-9 mnd     Richtprijs: €249.00     

Steeds meer bedrijven kiezen ervoor om hun administratie uit te besteden aan freelancers. Het is namelijk de ideale oplossing voor kmo's en zelfstandigen waar het papierwerk soms blijft liggen. Zo moeten ze namelijk niet investeren in extra bureau's of pc's en lever jij hen als freelancer de nodige servi..
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Doelgroep: Current freelancers who want to build and differentiate their businesses,Anyone interested in becoming a professional freelancer,This is not a course for people who seek shortcuts, guaranteed resul..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 4.5 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Contents and Overview This course begins with an introduction into what it means to be a freelancer, regardless of what industry you work in. You'll realize that you have the opportunity to take control of your career, regardless of your previous experience, by seeing the world the way your clients do. ..
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Doelgroep: anyone interested in being an administrative professional,business professionals..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 37 mins     Richtprijs: €19.99    

Learn what it takes to become an Administrative Professional. Learn the skills and roles of an Administrative Professional.To be a successful Administrative Professional, you must possess skills to handle a wide variety of workplace tasks and scenarios. This course provides training across a variety of skills nece..
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Doelgroep: Everyone who wants to earn money online as a freelancer,Freelancers who look for new income streams,Employees that want to quit their 9-5 job and want to become financially independent,Remote workers..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 7 hours     Richtprijs: €199.99    

Would you like to earn money online as a freelancer and build a location-independent business? Then this course is for you.In this course, I would like to show you how you can earn money on freelancing platforms, through remote-jobs, service flipping, and building an agency. You will also receive step by step instructi..
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Doelgroep: This course is for developers and designers who want to build their own freelance businesses, including full time and part time work...

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 5.5 hours     Richtprijs: €94.99    

Are you ready to launch your own freelance development business but don't know where to start? I used to be the same way and I spent years refining my system in order to run a successful freelance business. My name is Jordan Hudgens and I'll be your instructor for this course. In addition to being an instructor I ..
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Doelgroep: Freelancer,Entrepreneur,Who love to work from Home,Who want to be his own boss..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 3 hours     Richtprijs: €19.99    

This Freelancer course is specially designed for those people who loved to work from home and want to be his own boss. I have more then 5 years of Freelancing experience working with different countries all over the world. Therefore, I am going to share all my experience in this course to guide you to get ultimate proj..
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Doelgroep: For Beginner \ Intermediate Freelancers,Newbie Who Want To Start Their Freelancing Careers,UI Designers, Graphic Designers Who Want To Start Side Income Source,Programmers, Front-end Developers, App D..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 2 hours     Richtprijs: €99.99    

Want to convert your skills into money? Or keep learning skills and start building your freelancing career in sideways? I am working as a freelancer for more than 6 years now, worked with thousand's of clients from USA, UK, Canada, Australia, UAE, India and all over the world. With this course, I will be sharing my kno..
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Doelgroep: Life Coaches,People who want to work from home,People who are just about to start a business,Consultants,Entrepreneurs..

Bedrijf: Udemy     Duur: 1.5 hours     Richtprijs: €49.99    

If you are just getting into freelancing/coaching/consulting this is perfect for you. Regardless of your current experience, you will be able to attract your first paying client or customer. Working directly with clients can lead to a high income with a lot of personal freedom. This course will work for you, whether..
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