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Edit videos FASTER and more EFFICIENT in Premiere Pro - Udemy

Doelgroep: YouTubers / content creaters,Freelance Filmmakers,People that already know how to work in Premiere Pro,People that are editing a lot of videos
Duur: 41 mins
Richtprijs: $19.99
Taal: Engels
Aanbieder: Udemy

>> proefles

If you're already know how to edit videos inside of Premiere Pro but you want to learn some TIPS and TRICKS to do this FASTER and more EFFICIENT? This is your course!

10 tips to edit your videos faster and more efficient inside Adobe Premiere Pro!

As a filmmaker editor but also YouTuber, I spend a lot of my time editing videos. With every video, I make there are a lot of things you do over and over again. In the last 9 years of editing videos, I learned a lot of valuable tricks to speed up this process. That's why I wanted to make this class for you.

This class will exist of 10 episodes where I'm trying to teach you the most valuable tricks and tips to edit faster in Adobe Premiere Pro. Be aware that there is a big chance that you already use some of the tips and tricks I share in this class.
Some are very simple and some are more in-depth. My goal with this class is that you leave this class with AT LEAST 1 valuable lesson for the future to speed up your editing process.

So I hope to see you inside!

>> Meer info
Joey Bettenbroek
Joey Bettenbroek

Ik maak video's sinds 2011, toen ik mijn eerste YouTube-kanaal begon. Door gekke komische sketches te maken op dit kanaal heb ik mijn passie gevonden om achter de camera te staan ​​en de video zelf te maken. Ik ging naar de filmschool, maar i

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